U.S. Constitution Test

How do you determine the number of electoral votes a state has?

add the number of senators (2) to the Number of representatives (based on population)

What is the beginning of the Constitution called?


When a new state becomes a state is it equal to all other states or does it have to wait a period of time?

It is equal from the beginning

What is the highest court in the United States?

Supreme Court

Where can a bill start?

A bill can start in either the House or the Senate but all revenue or tax bills must start in the House

Who has the power to declare war?


Usually the Supreme Court acts as what type of court?

an Appellate Court

Do states have to recognize legal acts and documents from other states?


What does the President get paid a year?


When are Presidential elections held?

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November every 4 years

Where would a court case involving the Constitution be heard?

a federal court

Who elects the President?

electoral college

Where are court cases involving treaties heard?

federal court

What court case established the right of the Supreme Court to judge if a law is constitutional or not?

Marbury v. Madison

When did women get the right to vote?

1920 with the passing of the 19th amendment

For a bill to be sent to the President and become law does it have to pass the House and the Senate in the same form?


Does Congress have to keep a journal or record of its meetings?


If two laws conflict one state and one federal what must a judge do?

the judge must throw out the state law

What is the minimum number of electoral votes a state can have?

three, because every state has two Senators and at least one Representative

When was the Constitution ratified?

June 21, 1788

A member of the House of Representatives serves a term of how long?

two years

The total number of Representatives in the House is how many?


If the President or other government officials are accused of wrongdoing they are what?


How many votes does a bill need in both the House and Senate to become a law if the President vetoes it?

two thirds

A bill must pass both the House and Senate by how many votes to become a law?


What determines the number of Representatives each state has?

the state's population

How long does a Supreme Court Justice serve?

for life

If the President is impeached who presides over the trial?

the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

What is Checks and Balances?

the idea that each branch of government can check the power of the other branches

What are the qualifications to become a U.S. Senator?

30 years old, citizen for 9 years, live in the state you represent

How long does a Senator's term in office last?

6 years

When a government official is impeached where does the trial take place?

the senate

There are how many branches of government?


What is Separation of Powers?

powers are divided between and given to different branches of government so one does not get too strong

A President's term in office is how long?

4 years

What are the qualifications to be President?

35 years old, natural born citizen, 14 years resident

Each state has how many Senators?

2 senators per state

What is the Elastic Clause?

this is the clause that allows Congress to pass additional laws to carry out its expressed powers, it has often been used to stretch the power of Congress

What is jurisdiction?

The authority of a court to hear a case

Who has the power to impeach government officials?

the House of Representatives

What is Federalism?

A sharing of power between states and national government

Every ten years what must be taken to count the population of the U.S.?

a census

What is a republic?

a form of government where people choose leaders to make decisions for them

What is an amendment?

A change to the Constitution

Who may admit new states to the Union?


What is the job of the judicial branch?

interpret laws

What is the Job of the executive branch?

Enforce or carry out laws

Who has the power to appoint Supreme Court justices?


What is the job of the legislative branch?

make laws

Who approves treaties?


What did the 13th Amendment do?

abolished slavery

The President of the United States today is who?

Donald Trump

What is a veto?

it is when the President refuses to sign a bill into law

The Vice-President of the United States today is who?

Mike Pence

For the constitution to go into effect how many states had to ratify it?


What is a quorum?

The smallest number necessary to do business

What are the qualifications to be a Representative in the House?

25 years old, citizen for 7 years, and live in the state and district you represent

Who may make treaties?


In order to amend the Constitution what margin of state legislature or state conventions must vote for it?


Which amendment gave 18 year olds the right to vote?

26th amendment

Who is the top officer in the House? (title)

speaker of the house

The Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces is Who?


There are how many amendments total?


What does the second amendment deal with?

Right to bear arms

What is Treason?

it is a crime against ones own country

Tax or revenue bills must start where?

the House

When there is a tie vote in the Senate who gets to vote to break the tie but is not allowed to vote at any other time?

The President of the Senate which is the Vice-President

What does the 4th amendment protect us from?

unreasonable searches and seizures

If you are accused of a crime which amendment assures you of a speedy public trial?

the sixth amendment

What does Article 5 of the Constitution do?

it provides a way to amend or change the Constitution

A solemn promise is also known as a what? (hint government officials take these before taking office)

an Oath

What does the first amendment protect?

Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, and petition

What is the Bill of Rights?

the first ten amendments to the Constitution that protect our rights as citizens of the U.S.

Women were given the right to vote by which amendment?

the 19th

What two parts make up Congress?

The House of Representatives and the Senate