US Govt. Chapter 10 Fill-Ins

Congress is divided into houses called the ________ and the ________.

Senate House of Representatives

One reason the Framers set up a ________ Congress is because they wanted to keep Congress from becoming too ________.

bicameral powerful

A ________ is a period of time each year when Congress meets to talk about laws. Each ________ of Congress has two sessions.

session term

There are ________ senators from each state.


The number of House members for each state is determined by __________.


The House of Representatives has ________ elected officials, each whom serve a ________-year term.

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States with more people send more ________ to Congress than states with fewer people.


Every 10 years after each ________, the Census Bureau decides on the number of House seats for each district.


Each member of the House of Reps is elected from a ________ in their state.


Gerrymandering is the unfair drawing of ________ ________ to favor one party over another.

congressional districts

Candidates for the House of Reps must be ________ years of age.


Candidates for the House must have been citizens for at least ________ years, and they must live in the state from which they are elected.


They are ________ senators serving in the Senate today.


A Senator's term in office is ________ years.


Senators must be at least ________ years old, citizens of the US for at least ________ years, and residents of the state they represent.

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Because all of its seats are never up for reelection at the same time, the Senate is known as a ________ ________.

continuous body

Most members of Congress were born in the ________ they represent.


Congressmen usually have many years of political ________.


Members of Congress cast their votes in one of four ways: as ________, ________, ________, or ________.

delegates trustees partisans politicos

Members of Congress receive many ________. Some inclue a tax deduction, travel allowances, medial care, and the ________ ________, which allows them to mail materials for free.

benefits franking privilege