Political Science Final

President has responsibility of ____________ to the federal bench, senate confirms the nominee.

Nominating Judges

When a court interprets and overturns actions of the executive and legislative branches it engages in the action of __________

Judicial Review

Federal Judges are appointed to _______ terms


Courts hearing cases for the first time are exercising _____________ Jurisdiction


An ____________ brief is submitted by someone who is not a party to the case

Amicus Curiae

The ________ Courts trial the vast majority of all cases in the United States


In 1987 the Senate refused to confirm the nomination of _________ to the Supreme Court

Robert Bork

According to the Supreme Court the money spent in a campaign is the equivalent of _____________

Political Speech (Free Speech)

The right to ________ is not explicitly mentioned in any of the amendments to the US Constitution


In 1969 the Supreme Court overturned the conviction of a KKK member by ruling the government could only limit speech that __________________________________________________

Advocates imminent lawless action.

A law prohibiting a newspaper from publishing a story exposing military secrets is an example of _______________

Prior Restraint Law

A Government decree that a person is guilty of a crime rendered without benefit of a trial is known as ___________

Bill of Attainder

The________________ prohibits the use of evidence that was a product of an illegal search during trial.

Exclusionary Rule

______________ Discrimination is discrimination based in practice

De Facto

Why might some people be worried about Voter ID laws that require government issued IDs for citizens to vote?

They would have inadvertent effects of keeping African American and Hispanic Voters from voting

Filibusters happen in ________ and are meant too _________

The senate
Stop legislation from moving to next stage in the process

What motion requires 60 senators that has the ability to end a filibuster?


The ______________ gives Congress implied powers not otherwise enumerated in the Constitution

Necessary and Proper Clause (Article 1 Section 8)

What is the incumbency advantage and its three institutional factors?

1) Advantage of contacting constituents through mail via taxpayer expense
2) More likely to receive donations from interest groups
3) Redistricting

The Rules Committee is only in the __________and determines ______________

1) House of Representatives
2) How long a bill can be debated on the floor and if amendments can be proposed on the floor.

The purpose of taking testimony in Congressional hearings is to __________________

Collect information and send messages to the executive branch bureaucracy

There are __________ members in the House of Representatives


If the Rules Committee applies ____________ to a bill, no amendments are allowed to the bill.

Closed rule

___________ creates gridlock

Divided Government

Presidents most often use the tool of an ______________
to control the ____________ bureaucracy

1) Executive Order
2) Federal

1) Offensive war is when ______ and is controlled by ________
2) Defensive war is when ______ and is controlled by ______

1) - United states attacks someone else
- Congress
2) - United States is attacked by someone else
- The President

The last time Congress declared war EXCLUDING the Iraq war was ______________


The shared powers between Congress and the President are __________ and __________. BUT NOT the power of _____________

1) Make treaties
2) Appoint ambassadors, judges, and high officials.
3) Recognizing other governments

When the President wants to talk about his legislative agenda he will do it through _______________

State of the Union Addresses

Presidents prefer to make appointments that have to go through the senate when their is _____________________

United Government

Congress can control the bureaucracy by ______________

Withholding money or giving funding.

The original purpose of majority/minority districts was to create ________

Congressional districts where minority candidates have a better chance of representation in Congress.

Descriptive representation is based on _______ vs substantive representation on _____________ both relate to _______________ districts

1) Appearance
2) Actions
3) Minority/Majority

Trustee Style representatives _____________ vs Delegate style representatives ________________ .

1) Make decisions based on their own instincts and what they believe to be best for their people.
2) Follow the exact orders of their people.

Incumbents have an advantage when ____________

Running for reelection

Process of a bill leaving the House of Representatives is:
First _____ , Then _____ , Then ______ , Then ______ , _____ , _______

1) The bill is introduced.
2) It is referred to committee.
3) The committee refers it to a subcommittee,
4) It is referred to the committee for committee
5) It is sent to the rules committee,
6) It is referred to the floor.

In the House of Representatives before bills can go to the floor for debate they must first go through the ______________________

Rules Committee

The Constitution doesn't mention a lot about the _________________.

Powers and roles of the presidency

Citizens could become concerned about an expansion of presidential power when _____________

The policies are negative and directed at those individuals

Presidents have legislative power not written in the constitution and can influence the process through _____________

bully pulpit"
(Easy access to the media and high levels of power through fame)

How do modern presidents differ from the original intentions that framers had?

Tend to express "overreach

Congress would allow a great deal of administrative discretion in the implementation of a law when _____________

Executive branch officials are more educated on a certain policy area

The spoils system was ultimately discontinued due to growing concerns about __________

unqualified appointees creating a poorly functioning federal bureaucracy

Privatization occurs when ________

the government contracts a service to privately-owned businesses to complete

The drawback to privatization is the private sector is ______________

not as accountable to the public as the government is.

The government purchasing weapons from private company's is an example of ____________


Implementation of laws between President and Congress becomes difficult when ___________

it is unclear what the law means (vaguely written)

Bureaucrats' are most likely to exercise discretion when _____________

laws are vaguely written or have unclear meanings

An example of the Supreme Court monitoring other branches activities is the action of ___________

Judicial Review

The Supreme Court exercises ___________ jurisdiction when agreeing to review a case from an appeals court


Under the Constitution, ___________ has the power to create inferior federal courts


Courts can have _______ jurisdiction and ________ jurisdiction

1) Original
2) Appellate

Advocates of _____________ believe that the court must be guided by the meaning of the framers and the exact words of the constitution

Originalist/Original intent