US citizenship test

What is the supreme law of the land?

the Constitution

What does the Constitution do?

established America's national government and fundamental laws, and guaranteed certain basic rights for its citizens

The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words?

We the People

What is an amendment?

A change or addition to the Constitution

What do we call the first ten amendments to the Constitution?

bill of rights

What is one right or freedom from the first amendment?

freedom of speech

How many amendments does the Constitution have?

27 amendments

What did the Declaration of Independence do?

Declared our independence from Great Britain

What are two rights in the Declaration of independence

life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

What is the economic system in the United States?


What is the "rule of law"?

Everyone must follow the law and no one is above the law

Name one branch or part of the government.

Legislative branch

what stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful?

checks and balances

Who is in charge of the executive branch?

the president

who makes federal laws

Legislative Branch

what are the two parts of the US congress

Senate and House of Representatives

how many US senators are there

100 senators

We elect a U.S. Senator for how many years?

6 years

Who is one of your state's U.S. Senators now?

Bob Menendez

The House of Representatives has how many voting members?


We elect a U.S. Representative for how many years?

2 years

Name your US representative

Bill Pascrell

Who does a U.S. Senator represent?

a region of a state

Why do some states have more Representatives than other states?

Their Population

What is the name of the Vice President of the United States now?

Mike Pence

If both the President and the Vice President can no longer serve who becomes President?

Speaker of the House

Who is the Commander in Chief of the military?

The President

What does the President's Cabinet do?

advises the President

What are two Cabinet-level positions?

Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense

What does the judicial branch do?

Interprets the laws

How many justices are on the Supreme Court?


Who is the Chief Justice of the United States now?

John Roberts

Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the federal government. What is one power of the federal government?

power to coin money

Under our Constitution, some powers belong to the states. What is one power of the states?

power to establish marriage laws

What is the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives now?

Paul Ryan

What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?


When must all men register for the Selective Service?

18 years old

Why did the colonists fight the British?

because of high taxes

Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson

The federalists papers supported the passage of the US constitution Name one of the writers

Alexander Hamilton

Who was the first President?

George Washington

What territory did the United States buy from France in 1803?


Name one problem that led to the Civil War.


What did the Emancipation Proclamation do?

freed the slaves

Name one of the longest rivers in the United States.

Mississippi River

Name one state that borders Canada.


What is the name of the national anthem?

The Star-Spangled Banner

Name two national U.S. holidays.

Thanksgiving and Christmas day