Final for PoW

According to a study of African-American college students conducted by Watson et al. (2013), who among the following were most able to resist the negative effects of the portrayals of women in media on their body image?

those with a multiculturally inclusive outlook

Which of the following is a quality of successful, high-achieving women?

being persistent despite setbacks
setting high standards for themselves
a desire to be financially independent

Which type of touch is a lower-status individual most likely to initiate?


The most common situation or context in which rape occurs is in societies

that approve or condone the use of violence.

Which of the following statements about sexual scripts is NOT correct?

There are no differences between the scripts of women and men.

The psychology of women is particularly linked to women's

place in society and culture.

In the context of greater male power in marriage, which of the following statements is true of the social exchange theory?

It proposes that the partner who has less to offer in terms of status, money, or knowledge should take a back seat.

When girls and women learn to "internalize an observer's perspective as a primary view of their physical selves," they are most likely _____.

engaging in self-objectification

In the context of sexual harassment, men who score high on a scale indicating the likelihood of sexually harassing tend to

hold adversarial beliefs about sexual relationships.

Which type of touch is a higher-status individual most likely to initiate?

touching of the arm or shoulder

Which of the following is a procedure that allows psychologists to systematically manipulate one or more variables to determine whether there is a causal relationship among them?


Which of the following statements is true of the Intersex Society of North America?

It is a nonprofit organization.
It is dedicated to ending shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries on people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female.
It was founded by Cheryl Chase in 1993.

The range or spread of scores is defined as


When girls and women learn to "internalize an observer's perspective as a primary view of their physical selves," they are most likely _____.

engaging in self-objectification

The core beliefs uniting feminist psychologists include all of the following EXCEPT the belief that

universal laws of behavior are necessary.

The Supreme Court recently gave more power to individual states to set abortion regulations. Many states have responded by

making abortion laws more restrictive.

Postnatal depression _____ in countries such as India, China, Mexico, and Kenya.

is virtually unknown

Numerous experiments that have exposed women to images of attractive models and then measured their self-esteem, perceptions of their own attractiveness, and mood have found significant negative effects. Which of the following factors is most likely to ca

the social comparison process

Fredrickson and Roberts (1997) explain that women perceive themselves as objects that exist to be evaluated by others; they call it

objectification theory.

Klinefelter's syndrome causes men to

have a less masculine physique and appearance.

Which of the following statements is true about slang referring to women?

They are likely to have sexual meaning.

Which of the following is a symptom of depression?

appetite changes
sleep disruption

Which of the following is NOT a gender stereotype?

Men tend to be inherently bigger than women physically.

In the context of mothering, which of the following is an ideology that assumes that having children is a natural human instinct and a normal part of heterosexual adulthood?


Recent studies on gender and depression indicate that

girls and women may respond to negative life events with thinking patterns that contribute to low mood.

Which of the following is true of a number of women with eating disorders?

They also have depression.
They also have anxiety.
They are socially rewarded for their low weight.

In a three-generational study of college students, their mothers, and their grandmothers, Morgan (1998) found that a majority _____.

reported that they still liked active, adventurous play

Identify a true statement about cohabiting couples.

They are more sexually active and sexually experienced than married couples.

Selective abortion of female fetuses

is consistent with societies that permit female infanticide.

The pervasive phenomenon of women being blocked in career advancement by invisible barriers has been called the

glass ceiling.

The logic of experimental design and hypothesis testing leads psychologists to put more weight on findings of


In the context of abortions, identify a true statement about the Hyde Amendment.

It prohibited the use of federal Medicaid money for abortions except in cases of incest, rape, and when the mother's life is medically endangered.

Gender as an influence on evaluation was studied, finding that

regardless of the occupation, men's articles were evaluated more positively.

A feminist who emphasizes male control and domination of women is most likely a

radical feminist.

In the United States, the median age of a first-time bride

has increased in recent years.

_____ occurs when men tend to hold positions that have higher status and better pay than the jobs women hold within an organization or occupation.

NOT Horizontal occupational segregation
TRY Vertical occupational segregation

Identify a true statement about gendering cognition when measuring math ability and achievement.

NOT Most of the time, girls outperform boys on math tests in high school.
TRY Today, college-bound high school girls are just as likely as college-bound boys to take four years of math.

Adrienne sees the salesclerk in a store wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. She cannot decide whether the clerk is a man or a woman, so she searches for _____ such as makeup.

gender cues

A national study of over 3,000 women found that harassment can result in

post-traumatic stress disorder.

When women dress up in short skirts, wear makeup, and do their hair before going out to a club, they are _____.

doing gender

Kenisha is the only woman in her office. It is likely that she

feels more performance pressure than her coworkers and worries about being too successful.

Today, women earn _____ higher degrees in psychology.

the majority of

Studies show most women in abusive relationships

do manage to leave them, but usually after returning to the abuser several times.

Which of the following is a limitation of stereotyping?

Although most people know the stereotypes, not everyone believes them.

Which of the following statements is true of collectivist cultures?

NOT Females are assigned the task of compensating for the emotional deficits of males.
TRY Both women and men are allowed to feel and express emotion.

Once children know that they are, and always will be, one sex or the other, they try to _____ the societal expectations for people of their sex.


Which of the following common conditions produces a sexually ambiguous body and is best described as a genetically inherited malfunction of one or more of the enzymes needed to make the steroid hormone cortisol?

congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

Researchers who studied sexual behaviors cross-culturally found that

there was substantial diversity in human sexual experiences cross-culturally.

Marriages in which the partners have moved beyond gender to define their roles are referred to as

post gender relationships.

A person who believes women and men should be treated equally, supports the means to achieve this, and emphasizes the similarities between the sexes is a

liberal feminist.

On afternoon talk shows, which of the following best describes working-class women?

out of control
victims of dysfunctional families

In an ethnically diverse sample of nearly 500 college students, psychologist Kristin Anderson and her colleagues (2009) found that feminists

had significantly less hostility toward men than non-feminists.

The United States has the highest divorce rate of any industrialized nation. More recently, the divorce rate in the United States

leveled off

When people become gender-typed, they

ascribe to themselves cultural traits, behaviors, and roles normative for people of their sex.

Which of the following is a factor contributing to the trafficking of children?

extreme poverty
gender inequality
limited choices

_____ conceives of gender typing as a readiness to organize the world in terms of gender and to process information in terms of gender associations.

Gender schema theory

In the context of constructing gender in interaction, identify a true statement about conversational interruption.

If a woman does interrupt another speaker, she risks social disapproval�especially if she interrupts a man.

Ashley is a token woman in her law firm. Her performance has been more impressive than many of her coworkers' performances. It is likely that

she will be perceived as "a workaholic" or "too aggressive.

The contemporary ideal is characterized by extreme _____ many current models meet the weight criteria for _____.

thinness; anorexia

According to media critics, which of the following statements is true of TV shows?

Working-class and poor women in particular are singled out for disdain or, at best, pity in the media.

In the context of anxiety disorders, which of the following is defined as a fear of being in places from which it could be difficult or embarrassing to escape?


Research on masculine generics has shown that

the masculine terms are not truly generic.

Which of the following statements most accurately describes a schema?

It is a mental framework that guides people as they experience the world around them.

Which of the following is a routine feature of the U.S.'s medical model of childbirth?

Women are drugged.

Caesarean births in the United States

have risen from about 4 percent to nearly 33 percent, possibly because of profitability to physicians.

Who do wives and husbands most often turn to when confiding their deepest secrets?

Wives turn to female relatives or friends; husbands turn to wives.

Which of the following is a characteristic of egalitarian marriages?

equivalent power and authority between husband and wife

Traditionally, masturbation was thought to

cause insanity.

Which of the following leads to selective attention and selective memory?

gender schemas

Women-headed households are over-represented among the poor for what reason?

Women are expected both to work outside the home and to take care of their children.

Which of the following is the most problematic aspect of violence in children's television and video games?

Violence is portrayed as trivial.
Violence is portrayed as justified.
Violence is portrayed as funny.

Which of the following is true about articles on female politicians, athletes, and authors that prioritize women's appearances?

The articles objectify these females.

When Shere Hite asked women questions about their orgasms, she found that

many women were unsure if they ever had an orgasm.

___can be defined as biological differences in genetic composition and reproductive anatomy and function.


Which of the following is a characteristic of abusive families?

They are patriarchal.
They are emotionally distant and unaffectionate.
They are conflictual.

Which of the following statements indicates the result of a comparison of Asian and non-Asian students in a Canadian university?

Asian students had fewer partners if sexually active than non-Asian students.

In a longitudinal study that followed 587 White and Latina girls from the ages of 13 to 18, Impett et al. (2011) found that during the high school years, _____.

body objectification dropped

Asja is proud to be the first woman in her family to get a graduate degree. When she considers taking time off from her career to have a child, her colleagues warn her; she will be throwing away the gains she has made in the corporate world. Meanwhile, As

in a double bind

Which of the following results in less severe cases and lower rates of sexual harassment?

when workplaces have clear, well-publicized policies on sexual harassment
when supervisors support sexual harassment policies
when supervisors punish harassers

Which of the following is included in the feminist concept of reproductive freedom?

the belief that having children is an individual choice
the right to comprehensive and unbiased sex education
access to safe and legal abortion

Women seem to adjust better to divorce than men because

they focus on building and maintaining networks of supportive friends and family.

Identify a true statement about the medical model of birth adopted by the United States.

Physicians and pregnant women are encouraged to focus on possible complications that can arise.idea

Which of the following methods suggests a preference for sons over daughters around the world?

neglect of baby girls
sex-selective abortion
female infanticide

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative methods of research in psychology?

They involve measuring behavior, averaging it over a group of people, and comparing groups with statistical tests.

The safe, effective, nonsurgical abortion procedure using mifepristone (formerly RU-486) has only recently become available in the United States because

antiabortion groups prevented legalization as they were afraid the procedure would make abortions more private and easy to obtain and therefore less vulnerable to political pressure.

The self-fulfilling prophecy is comprised of which of the following social mechanisms? Which of the following social mechanisms constitutes a self-fulfilling prophecy?

People acting to confirm beliefs that others have about them

Which of the following statements is true about using gender as a social characteristic to classify and evaluate other people?

Both femininity and masculinity are performances to some extent, but a feminine appearance is more of a put-on than a masculine appearance.

People with any of the specific variations on the theme of biological sex are referred to as

intersex individuals.

_____ is sexually themed material including violence, dehumanization, degradation, or abuse toward women.


Dr. Foster is a clinical psychologist who accepts stereotyped-based explanations that women are more predisposed to particular psychological disorders than men. Dr. Foster would probably agree with which of the following?

Women's biology is the cause of many psychological disorders.

Which of the following is a characteristic of modern marriages?

The wife's job is less important than the husband's job by mutual agreement.

Idealized images of feminine beauty have changed with the fashions, but what hasn't changed is the fact that

all require substantial modification of women's natural appearance.

Identify a true statement about autosomes.

Autosomes are similar in size to the X chromosome.