Health Online - Emotional Health


emotional state of high energy that triggers the stress response


emotional response to a major loss, such as the death of a loved one


feeling of being inherently unworthy


normal feeling that arises from the conscience when a person acts against his/her values

obsessive compulsive disorder

uncontrollable fixation on specific thoughts or behaviors

post traumatic stress disorder

serious stress reaction to a terrifying event


persistent feeling of apathy, hopelessness, or despair


severe mental disorder that causes people to lose touch with reality

What are some signs that a suicide attempt might be approaching?

- Abrupt changes in personality, aggressive, violent, or impulsive behavior
- Giving away valued possessions or making final arrangements
- References to "going away" or "I won't be around much longer..."
- Sudden lifting of depression after deciding suic

If someone I know is considering suicide, I could:

- Contact a teacher/SAP/guidance as soon as possible
- Never leave the student alone
- Take them seriously
- Try to express their importance to you
(All of the above)

Benefits of a family include:

- Affection
- Food and clothing
- Safety and security
- Shelter
(All of the above)

Hot flashes are sudden waves of feeling hot all over, which is common during transition to menopause


Senility is a general term meaning weakness of mind and body occurring in old age


Alzheimer's disease is a brain disease of older people that brings mental confusion, inability to function and the final stage is death


A living will declares a person's wishes regarding treatment should that person become unable to make decisions


Co-dependence is when someone is focused on the needs of others to the extent that their own needs are neglected


Physical activity can relieve anxiety and bring temporary relief of stress


Adrenalin is a stress hormone that causes physical signs of stress/alarm


A peer group is a group of friends similar to yourself in age and stage of life


Values are what a person thinks of as right or wrong
