CNA Cog and Death

Understand wandering and dementia. Is there a reason?

No reason

Why is pain worse at night?

pain seems worse when tired or restless
in the day your mind is active and you dont think about the pain, but at night you focus on the pain

The different types of anxiety disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder. ...
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) ...
Panic Disorder. ...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ...
Social Phobia (or Social Anxiety Disorder)

communication with alzhiemers patient

use the positive physical approach
pay attention to:
- how you speak
- what you say
go with the flow
dont argue
do not correct them
redirect them
distract them

What is a durable power of attorney?

patient designates a surrogate to make medical decisions in event he/she loses decision making capacity

What are hallucinations?

false sensory experiences, such as seeing something in the absence of an external visual stimulus

Tepa Stones Gems

Sapphire ~ True Blue ~ Optimal Cognition, Healthy Brain
True to self: personal preferences remain basically the sameCan be flexible in thinking and appreciate multiple perspectivesStress/pain/fatigue may trigger Diamond state: back

What Gem do caregivers represent?


S/S of anxiety

depend on the degree of anxiety

What to do with a wandering patient


Task segmentation

Guides the patient to complete ADL tasks with the verbal prompting of the therapist and also helps to train and refocus on the task at hand.
Temporal task segmentation. In order to analyze a given sequence of a set of sensory data of an entire task, we ha

Signs that death is imminent

movement, muscle tone, sensation are lost
gi functions slow down
body temp rises
pain decreases as person loses consciousness
temp spikes, patient sweats
arms/legs cold

How do dementia patients communicate pain when they can't communicate?


Most common permanent dementia


How long can a family visit a dying patient?

as long as they want

What is anxiety, what is border line personality disorder?

anxiety is a vague, uneasy feeling in response to stress
anxiety often occurs when needs are not met
some anxiety is normal (people with mental health disorders have higher level of anxiety)
person has prob

Who is responsible for post mortem care?

we are
CNAs are

What is delusion?

fixed false belief
an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.
"the delusion of being watched

Understand your role in the implementation of a behavior monitor. When are you supposed to
implement a care plan?


What kinds of care you're going to have to perform in the last stage of Alzheimers?

Doing everything. At that point they are bed bound and dependent. It's all on you.

Different defense mechanisms, how to identify

- rejection of thought or feeling
- seeing feelings in others that are your own
- transferring feelings to a safer situation
- make excuses / justify reasons
- blocking painful feelings/thoughts

DNR meaning

do not resuscitate

Degrees of dying (kubler ross)

1. Denial
2. anger
3. bargaining
4. depression
5. acceptance
Dying patients do not always pass through all five stages. Some move back and forth between stages.

What to do with dentures after someone dies?

they go with the body to funeral home in a tub

What does antisocial personality disorder entail?

chronic disorder in which the person's thinking and behaviors
show no regard for right and wrong
-person has poor judgement, lacks responsibility, they are hostile
- not loyal to any person or group
- morals and ethics are lacking
- rights of others do no

Hospice vs. Palliative Care

- mainly based on comfort care without intention of curing patient
- people are terminally ill or declared as dying within six months are eligible for hospice
- provided at person's home or nursing home
- targets on patient's comfort

what is depression? S/S

depression involves body, mood, thoughts
- symptoms affect work, study, sleep, eating, other activities
- person is very sad
- interest in daily activities is lost
- stressful events
-physical disorders
- hormonal factors in women

Definition of mental health/illness

Mental health:
a person's condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well-being
Mental illness, also called mental health disorders, refers to a wide range of mental health conditions � disorders that affect your mood, thinking an

What advance directive is

a written statement of a person's wishes regarding medical treatment, often including a living will, made to ensure those wishes are carried out should the person be unable to communicate them to a doctor

What is reality orientation?

Reality orientation is a program designed to improve cognitive and psychomotor function in persons who are confused or disoriented
It is when the patient is continuously reminded of their name, date and current events

How to gain a persons attention with Alzheimers

open palm near face and smile
approach from the front
move slowly
stand to side of person
shake hands
get on person's level to talk

Post mortem care, why is it done?

care of body after death
it is done to maintain a good appearance of the body

How to help a person with Loui body dementia when they are hallucinating?

going with the flow

Which of the 5 senses is the last to go when dying?


Types of things that can happen when patient dies?

movement, sounds, urination, defecation

What is PTSD? Why does it occur?

post-traumatic stress disorder
happens after being involved with or witnessing a harmful/traumatic event
PTSD gives flashbacks

#1 cause of death in dementia patient?


S/S of schizophrenia

delusion of grandeur
delusion of persecution

Most accurate indicator of pain in a patient?

Ask them

Classic first sign of Alzheimers?

Loss of short term memory

Greatest fear of dying for the elderly?

dying alone

Definition of dementia

the loss of cognitive function that interferes with routine personal social and occupational activities
a set of disorders occurring almost entirely in old age in which many aspects of thought and behavior are so impaired that everyday activities are disr

What to do if patient talks about suicide?

tell a nurse

What is sundowning?

Sundowning is a specific type of agitation Alzheimer's patients can experience
Patient becomes more confused and agitated in late afternoon or evening.
Cause is unclear.
To manage it:
Create a quiet, calm environment.
Maximize exposure to daylight.

Functions and abilities dementia patients lose

memory loss
problems with common tasks
problems with language
getting lost in familiar places
misplacing things
personality changes
poor judgement
loss of interest in life

What is bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder with recurrent episodes of depression and mania.

What causes Alzheimer's?

we dont know