PSB Quiz

The most striking impairment suffered by Henry Molaison (patient H.M.) was

anterograde amnesia

Patient K.C.

could not access memories of his own past

Episodic memory concerns

nondeclarative information

______ amnesia is a loss of memories that formed prior to a brain damaging event.


The delayed non-matching-to sample test assesses _______ memory in _______.

declarative; monkeys

Which of type of brain damage has been associated with an inability to form declarative memories?

Damage to the dorsomedial thalamus and the mammillary bodies

People with Korsakoff's syndrome often show damage in parts of limbic system, especially the

fornix and hippocampus.

Declarative memory is said to deal with _______ questions.


In the delayed non-matching-to-sample task in monkeys, the subject

identifies an unfamiliar object in a pair of objects.

The main cause of Korsakoff's syndrome is

lack of thiamine.

Patients with Korsakoff's syndrome may _______ in an attempt to conceal gaps in their memory.


Henry Molaison's (patient H.M.) surgery involved removal of the hippocampus and the


The mirror-tracing task is classified as a _______ skill, whereas learning to read mirror-reversed text is an example of a _______ skill.


A change in the processing of a stimulus on the basis of prior exposure to the same or similar stimuli is referred to as

sensorimotor; perceptual

Imaging studies indicate that the learning of sensorimotor skills, perceptual skills, and cognitive skills are all affected by damage specifically to the

basal ganglia.

Which type of nondeclarative memory is not affected by damage to the basal ganglia?


Place cells, which are located in the _______, become active when moving through an animal's spatial environment.


In rats, hippocampal _______ cells change their firing patterns when the animal is in


People with damage to the _______ have trouble with tasks involving skill learning, such as the Tower of Hanoi problem.

basal ganglia

You routinely order pizza from the same company, which is delivered in a red car with white stripes. After ordering pizza for a couple of years, you notice that any time you see any red car with white stripes you feel hungry. For you, pizza delivery car h

conditioned stimulus.

In instrumental conditioning, an association is formed between an organism's

its consequences.

As related to memory, which term does not belong with the others?


The amygdala is directly involved in

fear conditioning.

You are riding on bus and catch a very brief glimpse of a ravine with rushing water as you pass over a bridge. The sensory impression you have of the view is called an iconic memory, or

sensory buffer.

Which memory store holds the largest number of items?

Long-term memory

Which of the following is not a basic process in learning?


It has been proposed that post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be reduced or eliminated by the administration of drugs that

block the effects of emotional stress on memory.

In posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), when a traumatic memory is reactivated it returns to a labile state; it becomes even stronger when reconsolidated in the presence of

stress hormones.

The three successive systems that are necessary for recall of a past event are encoding, ________, and retrieval.


If the process of encoding were prevented during learning, then _______ and _______ would also be disrupted.

consolidation; retrieval

Which statement about plastic changes at the level of the synapse is false?

Synapses of less active neural pathways start competing for neurotransmitter by engulfing neighboring synapses.

Adult rats living in enriched conditions produce new neurons in the


The increase of cortical thickness with enriched experience is probably mainly due to the increased

branching of dendrites.

Research shows that rats living in enriched conditions have more dendritic branches on cortical neurons and enhanced activity of _______ neurons throughout the cortex.


Information about corneal stimulation is transmitted to an area of cerebellar neurons via

climbing fibers.

Which structure is not required for the conditioned eye-blink response in the rabbit?


Eye-blink conditioning depends on the _______ circuit.


In the simplest form of nonassociative learning,

an organism becomes less responsive following repeated presentation of a stimulus.

Which form of habituation represents a faster and faster habituation response across days, eventually leading to no response at all?

Long-term habituation

Under resting conditions, NMDA receptors are unable to respond due to the presence of _______ in their central channels.

Mg2+ ions

Which statement about long-term potentiation (LTP) is false?

NMDA receptors are fully active only when "gated" by a strong depolarization (via AMPA receptors) and the ligand calcium.

The natural ligand for the AMPA receptor is


NMDA receptors are gated by

the ligand glutamate and a strong depolarization of the membrane.

LTP in the hippocampal formation depends on the excitatory neurotransmitter


_____ LTP refers to the induction of LTP through training of an animal in a memory task.


In LTP formation, nitric oxide may serve as a(n)

retrograde transmitter.

The most convincing evidence for a link between LTP and learning comes from

behavioral LTP.

The adage "cells that fire together, wire together" refers to a hypothesis proposed by

Donald Hebb.

In human embryonic development, the beginning of the brain is evident in the anterior portion of the neural tube by day


In human embryonic development, the crests of the neural groove come together to form the

neural tube.

The interior of the neural tube eventually develops into the _______ system.


Which process occurs to only a limited extent after birth?


In the adult brain, neurogenesis is evident in the


The particular fate of an undifferentiated cell depends partially upon which factor?

Cell-cell interactions

Which component is necessary for apoptosis?

Death genes

Which component protects neurons from apoptosis?

Neurotrophic factors

In the human cerebral cortex, the pruning of dendrites and axon terminals occurs last in _______ cortex.


Teenagers with the highest IQ show

an especially long period of cortical thinning.

The mitotic division of undifferentiated cells to produce neurons is called


Undifferentiated _______ cells, if gathered from embryonic tissue and transplanted into the brain, will differentiate and integrate properly.


Which feature does not normally change during the life span?


In the context of genetics, the term "expression" refers to

the way a cell makes an mRNA transcript of a gene.

Children who have inherited PKU can be helped by

dietary manipulation.

Methylation _______ gene expression through _______.

inhibits; DNA modification

Which statement provides an example of epigenetics

Mothering style affecting the developing brain

The physical characteristics that make up an individual are called the individual's


Neurofibrillary tangles are

abnormal tangles of neurofilaments.

Which observation led scientists to conclude that Alzheimer's disease is not simply the result of "wear-and-tear"?

People who reach 85 or 90 years of age without developing Alzheimer's become less and less likely to do so.

Patients with Alzheimer's disease gradually lose many of the basal forebrain neurons that produce the transmitter


In people with Alzheimer's disease, amyloid plaques are found in the _______, the cortex, and associated limbic system sites.


At present, the only way to identify Alzheimer's disease with confidence is through

postmortem examination.

Which of the following can postpone the appearance of Alzheimer's disease?

Adequate amounts of sleep

The use of _______ to identify amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles means a formal diagnosis of Alzheimer's can now occur prior to death.

Pittsburgh Blue dye (PiB)