stress, anxiety, and coping

what are some anxiety disorders

panic disorder, phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder

what are some physiological responses to anxiety

the body goes into fight or flight mode which turns on the autonomic sympathetic nervous system. it is the Primitive reflex and response. some noticeable effects will include:
pupils dilate, mouth goes dry, neck and shoulder muscles tense, heart pumps, ch

how should the nurse work with a client who is experiencing moderate anxiety

moderate anxiety can cause clients attention to wonder. The nurse must redirect client back to topic and validate client has heard and understood

how should the nurse work with a client who is experiencing severe anxiety

severe anxiety causes impairment of many abilities. They cannot learn or problem-solve. The nurse must call him client and focus on lowering anxiety. the patient could hyperventilate and they may need meds to help their anxiety.

anxiety disorders are more common in what type of people?

women, divorced or separated people, persons of lower socioeconomic status

what are some psychological effects of anxiety

poor communication, aggression, poor focus and retention

what are the three stages the body goes through in response to general anxiety disorder as identified by Selye

1. Alarm reaction - stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system
2. resistance - different systems being stimulated
3. exhaustion - the body needs to go

etiology behind anxiety

biological theories anxiety may have an inherited component.
Neurotransmitters may be dysfunctional and persons with anxiety disorders.
Psychodynamic theories: overuse of defense mechanisms, results from problems and interpersonal relationships, as learne

functions of the dopamine pathways

reward or motivation, pleasure, euphoria, motor function including fine-tuning, compulsion, and perservation

functions of the serotonin pathways

mood, memory processing, sleep, and cognition

usual treatment of anxiety

usually involves a combination of medication(anxiolytics and antidepressants) and therapy

cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety includes?

positive reframing and decatastrophizing.
positive reframing is turning a negative message into a positive one.
Decatastrophizing is making a more realistic appraisal of the situation
Crisis Intervention focuses on the person's coping ability
helps the cl

what is assertiveness training

helps the client learn to negotiate interpersonal situations smart successfully. If the person can assert themselves they can help prevent aggression

what is Obsession in regards to obsessive compulsive disorder

recurrent, persistent, unwanted thoughts, images or impulses they cause marked anxiety and interfere with social or occupational function. thoughts may be trivial, ridiculous, morbid, fearful or have to do with violence or contamination

what is compulsion

ritualistic repetitive Behavior or mental acts a person feels they must do to relieve anxiety. they are relying on an action that will reduce the thoughts that they are having

what are some common compulsions someone might do with OCD

counting rituals, checking rituals, washing and scrubbing, praying and chanting, touching, rubbing, tapping, hoarding, arranging and rearranging, rigid performance as in getting dressed in the same order

the client with OCD will experience what if they are not able to perform their compulsions

they become very anxious and lose control if they're not able to perform compulsions. They usually are fearful that they will harm someone or something

onset of OCD may occur as early as? Especially in female or male children?

early as childhood especially in male children

what is PANDAS

pediatric autoimmune Neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections
it is a syndrome where OCD behavior and ticks are seen in children following streptococcal infections. Symptoms usually subside but may occur with future strep infect

moderate symptoms of OCD

the person may be productive in society. They are extremely organized, always follow rules and regulations and get things done

severe symptoms of OCD

this can lead to a loss of function. The person spends too much time organizing and paying attention to detail. No Time Left to actually get the project done. Cannot function in society. The impulsion relieves anxiety but doesn't last

what 8 antidepressants are effective in treating OCD

tricyclic antidepressant:

how do tricyclic antidepressants work

they block the reuptake of Serotonin and norepinephrine making them more available to the brain

education for the family of the OCD

interact I completion of performed ritual. Anxiety is lowest at this time.
do not interfere with compulsive Acts. As long as it's not harmful . interference increases anxiety. listen to obsessive themes. Acknowledge effects compulsions pass on the client.

it is shown that people with OCD have changes in what part of their brain

changes in the amygdala of the brain have been noted in people with OCD. It is the limbic system primitive part of the brain. it is a site that controls fear responses

what are some OCD nursing interventions that might help the client

emphasize medication compliance. Teach relaxation techniques to decrease anxiety. Provide resources for family support

what is a panic disorder

it involves a 15 to 30 minute episode of intense, escalating anxiety with emotional fear and physiologic discomfort. It is important that a client learn coping strategies when there is an impending panic disorder.

what is the patient feeling when going through a panic disorder

patient feels unreal and detached from self during the attack. fears losing control or going insane . has temporarily disorganized thought process, feels he or she is dying. Judgment is poor during an attack

what are some nursing outcomes for the client with anxiety panic disorder

the client will be free from injury, verbalize feelings, is effective coping techniques, manage own anxiety response, verbalize sense of personal control, sleep at least 6 hours per night

what are some nursing interventions for the client with anxiety panic disorder

promoting safety and comfort, using therapeutic communication, managing anxiety, client and family teaching

what is a phobia

a phobia is an illogical, intense, persistent fear of a specific object or social situation that causes extreme to stress and interferes with normal life functioning. a specific phobia is irrational fear of an object or situation, such as storms, Heights,

the first step in treating a client with phobia is?

figuring out with a phobia is

what is a social phobia

social phobia involves severe anxiety, even panic, when confronting with situations involving people, eating in public, using public bathrooms, or being the center of attention

etiology of phobia

what is biologic, phobias run in families. it has to do with hormonal functions or neurotransmitter activities. It is also psychodynamic and that the person feels like they have faulty thinking, believes one doesn't control the environment, or has learned

treatment for phobias

psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy
psychopharmacology including anxiolytics, SSRI antidepressants, beta-blockers to slow heart rate and lower blood pressure
Psychotherapy including behavioral therapies which focus on systematic desensitization and flood

what is generalized anxiety disorder

excessive worry and anxiety that is unwarranted more days than not. the person cannot pinpoint what they have the anxiety about

treatment for generalized anxiety disorder

drugs are only half of the solution but can be treated with SSRI antidepressants and buspirone.
there are Community Mental Health Centers which focus on rehab medical management of symptoms, education, vocational needs, and support groups

With the person with an anxiety disorder what are some factors that may affect their stress response

culture, developmental stage, family Dynamics, personality, and past experiences

Crisis Intervention for the client with an anxiety disorder helps with? allows for? AIDS in learning? And provides the client with?

helps the client with resolution of immediate problem. allows for expression of events and factors that surround the crisis event. AIDS and learning and trying new effective coping skills. Provides client with empathetic listener, counseling and referral

what are some results of unresolved stress for the client experiencing an anxiety disorder crisis

their usual coping mechanisms did not work. mixed and conflicting emotions. increase frustration and anxiety period more negative use of coping mechanisms. May lead to abuse of others ourselves as in suicide. safety is the number one priority with a stres

what are some causes of post-traumatic stress disorder

individual trauma / stress such as abuse, criminal victimization common multiple stressors and Rapid succession like deaths illnesses and Trauma.
group trauma / stress such as War, terrorism common natural disasters, Community loss

what are some Disturbed patterns of behavior with post-traumatic stress disorder

intense memories of the trauma. Dreams / nightmares, trouble sleeping. Flashbacks. intense, recurrent, intrusive thoughts. Emotional numbing or feeling detached from others period increased irritability, bouts of anger or rage. Hyperarousal, jumpiness, ea

acute stress disorder occurs in what time period in relation to the trauma. post trauma stress disorder occurs in what time period in relation to the trauma.

acute stress disorder occurs Within three months of the trauma. Post trauma stress disorder occurs after 3 months of the trauma. post-traumatic stress disorder is chronic in nature with periods of exasperation during increased times of stress.

post-traumatic stress disorder can lead to other psychiatric disorders such as

depression, anxiety, and substance abuse

risk factors for post-traumatic stress disorder

if the person is directly involved in the traumatic event. Experiences of a physical injury. loss of a loved one. Lack of social support system to assist with processing event. previous psychiatric history or personality disorder. adolescents are at a hig

adolescents suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder have an increased risk for?

suicide, substance abuse, antisocial Behavior such as rebelliousness, problems in school, health concerns

what are some post-traumatic stress disorder treatment options

Psychotherapy either individual or group. medication such as antidepressants, anxiolytics, and sleep aids. Self-help groups period exposure therapy period relaxation techniques. Adaptive disclosure. Cognitive processing therapy. Mental health promotion

what is acting out

not coping and giving in to the pressure to misbehave

what is aim inhibition

lowering sites to what seems more achievable

what is attack

trying to beat down that which is threatening you

what is avoidance

mentally or physically avoiding something that causes distress

what is compartmentalization

separating conflicting thoughts into separated compartments

what is compensation

making up for weakness in one area by gaining strength in another

what is conversion

subconscious conversion of stress into physical symptoms

what is denial

refusing to acknowledge that an event has occurred

what is displacement

shifting of intended action to a safer Target such as kick the dog syndrome

what is disassociation

separating oneself from parts of your life

what is fantasy

escaping reality into a world of possibility

what is idealization

playing up the good points and ignoring limitations of things desired

what is identification

copying others to take on their characteristics

what is intellectualization

avoiding Emotion by focusing on facts and logic

what is introjection

bringing things from the outer world into the inner world

what is passive aggression

avoiding refusal by passive avoidance

what is projection


what is rationalization

creating logical reasons for bad behavior

what is reaction formation

avoiding something by taking a polar opposite position

what is regression

returning to a child state to avoid

what is repression

subconsciously hiding uncomfortable thoughts

what is somatization

psychological problems turned into physical symptoms

what is sublimation

channeling psychic energy into acceptable activities

what is suppression

consciously holding back unwanted urges

what is symbolization

turning unwanted thoughts into metaphoric symbols

what is trivializing

making small of what is really big

what is undoing

actions that psychologically undo wrongdoings for the wrongdoer

