Abnormal Psychology


Book: Scientific study of mental illness Lecture: the suffering of the soul


What causes mental illness?


How do we classify mental disorders?


How do we help someone with mental illness?

Mental Disorder/Illness

variety of health concerns related to mood, cognition, and behavior- there is no one definition of mental illness- In medicine a disorder is a functional abnormality or disturbance

The 3 D's

Deviance: Deviation from what is acceptable or common in society.
Distress: Suffering, anguish, or pain.
Dysfunction: Impairment in functioning- DANGER is not required

The Psychoanalytic Perspective

General Beliefs:
Drives and desires (ID) are in conflict with values and beliefs(SUPEREGO)
major drives: eros and thanatos
people develop defense mechanisms
Repression: would be associated with related stress and trauma

The Biological Perspective

focus of the brain and nervous system- How would a physician handle the situation?
Brain chemistry!!!!
biological abnormalities, brain regions and chemistry
therapeutic process/treatment
medication, electroconvulsive therapy, surgery

Sociocultural Perspective

General Beliefs:
social relations and cultre shape our experience
we exist within systems of privilege and oppression, and social labels and roles
-maladaptive social labels/roles
oppressive social system
maladaptive labels/roles
unhealthy fami

Humanistic Perspective

Carl Rogers- as children we look to our parents and others for love and self-worth
Beliefs: from childhood we look up to self-worth and expectations of others
pathology: conditional parenting
incongruence between the real self and ideal self
therapeutic p

cognitive perspective

Aaron Beck- psychology suffering it due to our thoughts
beliefs: organizing data in different cognitive schemas-ways of viewing the world by seeking confirmation bias
1. distorted thinking
2. automatic thoughts
3. assumptions
4. core beliefs

Behavioral Persepctive

Joseph Wolpe
Beliefs: classical and operant conditioning.
Pathology: learned anxiety response to a stimulus- classical
behavior that is rewarded- operant
Therapeutic Process:
Systematic desensitization- relaxation- exposure over time, slowly step by step,

David Rosenhan

sane vs insane experiment, there is no difference

Social Labeling

labels society puts on people that puts them in a box

Systematic Desensitization

Pairing relaxation with the stimuli that arouse anxiety.
Become relaxed during time of anxiety

Exposure Treatment

Repeatedly introducing people to the things they fear and avoid.
Face anxiety over and over again until they stop

Issues with diagnosing Mental Illness

1. Diagnostic criteria is often vague and subjective
2. Susceptible to bias
3. Different definitions- DSM-5 and ICD
1. Diagnosis ENHANCES the possibility of stigma and discrimination.
2. Because of bias as we put people in boxes

Acute vs Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Common symptoms:
1. Intrusion- nightmares- FLASHBACK- re-experiencing the trauma
2. Avoidance-refusing to do something you would originally do
3. Negative Mood- irritability
4. Arousal -hypervigilance- being jumpy
These symptoms can be present in

Diathesis- Stress Model

Diathesis - DISPOSITION or vulnerability what we are born with
Stress - adverse EXPERIENCES leading to mental strain.
Stress Response: response or INTERPRETATION of adverse experience-stress is interpreted as challenging or overwhelming
Psychological diso


complete lost of reality


detachment from reality
Disconnection between thoughts, emotions, identity, consciousness, and memory.
Intact reality testing

Dissociative Amnesia

inability to recall autobiographical information that is inconsistent with normal forgetting
no physical cause
usually unaware- people can recover without treatment!!

Dissociative Identity Disorder

1. Presence of two or more distinct personality states
2. Recurrent episodes of dissociative amnesia.
loss of control
treatment: Integrate fragmented spects of identity
more education
treatment: EMDR, DBT, Medication

Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder

Depersonalization: extreme detachment from self.
Derealization: extreme detachment from world.
Ongoing experiences
Causes: Defense Mechanism (Repression), Reinforcement (Operant Conditioning), Social Enactment
treatment: EMDR, DBT, Medication


Treating the trauma

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Treating the symptoms

Cognitive Processing Therapy

helpful ways to think about trauma, and deal with it

Prolonged Exposure

re-experiencing the traumatic event through remembering it and engaging with, rather than avoiding, reminders of the trauma (triggers).


the presentation or experience of mental phenomena as physical (somatic) symptoms.

Illness Anxiety Disorder

1. Chronic preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness.
-At least 6 months of preoccupation.
-Specific illness that is feared may change.
2. Excessive health-related behaviors (you are scared what they are going to tell you) or maladaptive av

Somatic Symptom Disorder

1. Presence of chronic somatic symptoms that are highly distressing or significantly disrupting daily life.
-Symptoms are persistent
2. Presence of excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to the somatic symptoms

Conversion Disorder

1. Somatic symptoms manifest themselves in an apparent neurological-like condition.
Examples may include seizures, paralysis, anesthesia, or blindness, deafness- must ensure the doctors clear them first
2. Incompatibility between the symptom and recognize

Fictitious Disorder

1. Falsification of physical or psychological signs or symptoms, or induction of injury or disease, associated with identified deception.
2. The individual presents as ill, impaired, or injured.
3. The deceptive behavior is evident ev


Patient is intentionally producing symptoms motivated by external incentives.
External incentives would include avoiding military duty, obtain financial compensation, obtain drugs, or avoid a jail sentence.
external incentive

Cluster A

ODD"- schizophrenia
1. Paranoid Personality Disorder
2. Schizoid Personality Disorder
3. Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Cluster B

DRAMATIC"- genetic predisposition in combination with dysfunctional early environments.
1. Antisocial Personality Disorder
2. Borderline Personality Disorder
3.Histrionic Personality Disorder
4. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Cluster C

1. Avoidant Personality Disorder
2. Dependent Personality Disorder
3. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Personality Disorders

Enduring, persistent, inflexible, rigid, wide ranging maladaptive patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting that are outside of one's culture.

Benefit of Mental Illness

1. Research: Allows for comprehensive research on prognosis and etiology. Brain scans, begin to understand what is going on with that person
2. Treatment: Allows for tailored treatment approaches and improved patient care.
3. Support: Provides o

What personality disorders treatment with psychodynamic/psychodynamic

Histrionic Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

biological perspective career

physician, nurse, neurologist

brain area smaller with individuals with PTSD


2 major influences on people from sociocultural society?

culture and social relations

how would someone from sociocultural treat with somatic symptoms disorder?

there is a difference in language for different symptoms

Rogers proposed: common factors across helping professions that are associated with positive treatment

1. genuineness
2. empathy
3. unconditional positive regard

what personality disorders are often treated through a cognitive or CBT approach


behavior therapy that has been shown in the research to be effective treatment for PTSD trauma

prolonged exposure treatment

behavior therapy that has been shown to help with borderline personality disorder


what disorders have a strong genetic component?

Cluster A disorder
Borderline persoanlity
anti-social disorder
Acute SD

Factors increase developing PTSD and ASD

how serve the trauma is
limited social support
pre-existing anxiety
previous history of trauma

somatic symptoms

headache, nausea, fatigue, muscle soreness

Paranoid Personality Disorder "Acusatory

Extreme mistrust and suspicious of others.
dx: A pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motivates are interpreted as malevolent, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts

avoidant vs schizoid

avoidant: desire for relationship
schizoid: no desire for relationship- limited emotional expression

Schizoid Personality Disorder "Aloof

Extreme avoidance of social relationships because of lack of interest in social connection.
Tend to have limited emotional expression.
NO emotional expression at all, with NO interest in social relationship

Schizotypal Personality Disorder "Awkward

Difficulty maintaining relationship due to eccentricities in behavior and thinking.
Tends to engage in magical thinking where they think that two random events are causally linked.-I saw a butterfly on my way to class today therefore I will get an A on my

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Pervasive pattern of disregard for moral values and societal norms.
Tend to have less empathy and diminished impulse control.
Generally have little (if any) remorse or guilt about harming others
They can fake it and cry, to make others feel bad

Histrionic Personality Disorder

1. attention seeking and excessive emotionality.
ANY attention
psychodynamic therapy

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

1. grandiose self-image
2. lack empathy
3. desire for admiration
POSITIVE attention

Borderline Personality Disorder

1. extreme emotional instability
2. unstable interpersonal relationships
3. terrified of abandonment
either "all good" or "all bad".
Difficulty regulating emotions=difficulty with personal relationships


ODC: they know they have irrational thoughts-ego-dystonic,
OCPD:they don't know they have irrational thoughts- ego-sintonic

avoidant vs dependent

both fear abandonment and seek closeness
a: great emotional instability- can love and hate
d: emotional stability- never hate

Avoidant Personality Disorder

1. social inhibition and feelings of inadequacy.
2.. hypersensitive to criticism
3. desire close relationships
4. Avoid almost all social situations
harsh criticism and rejection in early childhood

Dependent Personality Disorder

1. need to be taken care of by others.
2. Often submissive and "clingy".
3. intense fear of separation
move from one romantic relationship to another
overprotective parenting style

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

1. preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and complete control.
2. inefficient and inflexible
overly harsh parenting


Book: Scientific study of mental illness Lecture: the suffering of the soul


What causes mental illness?


How do we classify mental disorders?


How do we help someone with mental illness?

Mental Disorder/Illness

variety of health concerns related to mood, cognition, and behavior- there is no one definition of mental illness- In medicine a disorder is a functional abnormality or disturbance

The 3 D's

Deviance: Deviation from what is acceptable or common in society.
Distress: Suffering, anguish, or pain.
Dysfunction: Impairment in functioning- DANGER is not required

The Psychoanalytic Perspective

General Beliefs:
Drives and desires (ID) are in conflict with values and beliefs(SUPEREGO)
major drives: eros and thanatos
people develop defense mechanisms
Repression: would be associated with related stress and trauma

The Biological Perspective

focus of the brain and nervous system- How would a physician handle the situation?
Brain chemistry!!!!
biological abnormalities, brain regions and chemistry
therapeutic process/treatment
medication, electroconvulsive therapy, surgery

Sociocultural Perspective

General Beliefs:
social relations and cultre shape our experience
we exist within systems of privilege and oppression, and social labels and roles
-maladaptive social labels/roles
oppressive social system
maladaptive labels/roles
unhealthy fami

Humanistic Perspective

Carl Rogers- as children we look to our parents and others for love and self-worth
Beliefs: from childhood we look up to self-worth and expectations of others
pathology: conditional parenting
incongruence between the real self and ideal self
therapeutic p

cognitive perspective

Aaron Beck- psychology suffering it due to our thoughts
beliefs: organizing data in different cognitive schemas-ways of viewing the world by seeking confirmation bias
1. distorted thinking
2. automatic thoughts
3. assumptions
4. core beliefs

Behavioral Persepctive

Joseph Wolpe
Beliefs: classical and operant conditioning.
Pathology: learned anxiety response to a stimulus- classical
behavior that is rewarded- operant
Therapeutic Process:
Systematic desensitization- relaxation- exposure over time, slowly step by step,

David Rosenhan

sane vs insane experiment, there is no difference

Social Labeling

labels society puts on people that puts them in a box

Systematic Desensitization

Pairing relaxation with the stimuli that arouse anxiety.
Become relaxed during time of anxiety

Exposure Treatment

Repeatedly introducing people to the things they fear and avoid.
Face anxiety over and over again until they stop

Issues with diagnosing Mental Illness

1. Diagnostic criteria is often vague and subjective
2. Susceptible to bias
3. Different definitions- DSM-5 and ICD
1. Diagnosis ENHANCES the possibility of stigma and discrimination.
2. Because of bias as we put people in boxes

Acute vs Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Common symptoms:
1. Intrusion- nightmares- FLASHBACK- re-experiencing the trauma
2. Avoidance-refusing to do something you would originally do
3. Negative Mood- irritability
4. Arousal -hypervigilance- being jumpy
These symptoms can be present in

Diathesis- Stress Model

Diathesis - DISPOSITION or vulnerability what we are born with
Stress - adverse EXPERIENCES leading to mental strain.
Stress Response: response or INTERPRETATION of adverse experience-stress is interpreted as challenging or overwhelming
Psychological diso


complete lost of reality


detachment from reality
Disconnection between thoughts, emotions, identity, consciousness, and memory.
Intact reality testing

Dissociative Amnesia

inability to recall autobiographical information that is inconsistent with normal forgetting
no physical cause
usually unaware- people can recover without treatment!!

Dissociative Identity Disorder

1. Presence of two or more distinct personality states
2. Recurrent episodes of dissociative amnesia.
loss of control
treatment: Integrate fragmented spects of identity
more education
treatment: EMDR, DBT, Medication

Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder

Depersonalization: extreme detachment from self.
Derealization: extreme detachment from world.
Ongoing experiences
Causes: Defense Mechanism (Repression), Reinforcement (Operant Conditioning), Social Enactment
treatment: EMDR, DBT, Medication


Treating the trauma

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Treating the symptoms

Cognitive Processing Therapy

helpful ways to think about trauma, and deal with it

Prolonged Exposure

re-experiencing the traumatic event through remembering it and engaging with, rather than avoiding, reminders of the trauma (triggers).


the presentation or experience of mental phenomena as physical (somatic) symptoms.

Illness Anxiety Disorder

1. Chronic preoccupation with having or acquiring a serious illness.
-At least 6 months of preoccupation.
-Specific illness that is feared may change.
2. Excessive health-related behaviors (you are scared what they are going to tell you) or maladaptive av

Somatic Symptom Disorder

1. Presence of chronic somatic symptoms that are highly distressing or significantly disrupting daily life.
-Symptoms are persistent
2. Presence of excessive thoughts, feelings, or behaviors related to the somatic symptoms

Conversion Disorder

1. Somatic symptoms manifest themselves in an apparent neurological-like condition.
Examples may include seizures, paralysis, anesthesia, or blindness, deafness- must ensure the doctors clear them first
2. Incompatibility between the symptom and recognize

Fictitious Disorder

1. Falsification of physical or psychological signs or symptoms, or induction of injury or disease, associated with identified deception.
2. The individual presents as ill, impaired, or injured.
3. The deceptive behavior is evident ev


Patient is intentionally producing symptoms motivated by external incentives.
External incentives would include avoiding military duty, obtain financial compensation, obtain drugs, or avoid a jail sentence.
external incentive

Cluster A

ODD"- schizophrenia
1. Paranoid Personality Disorder
2. Schizoid Personality Disorder
3. Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Cluster B

DRAMATIC"- genetic predisposition in combination with dysfunctional early environments.
1. Antisocial Personality Disorder
2. Borderline Personality Disorder
3.Histrionic Personality Disorder
4. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Cluster C

1. Avoidant Personality Disorder
2. Dependent Personality Disorder
3. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Personality Disorders

Enduring, persistent, inflexible, rigid, wide ranging maladaptive patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting that are outside of one's culture.

Benefit of Mental Illness

1. Research: Allows for comprehensive research on prognosis and etiology. Brain scans, begin to understand what is going on with that person
2. Treatment: Allows for tailored treatment approaches and improved patient care.
3. Support: Provides o

What personality disorders treatment with psychodynamic/psychodynamic

Histrionic Personality Disorder
Dependent Personality Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

biological perspective career

physician, nurse, neurologist

brain area smaller with individuals with PTSD


2 major influences on people from sociocultural society?

culture and social relations

how would someone from sociocultural treat with somatic symptoms disorder?

there is a difference in language for different symptoms

Rogers proposed: common factors across helping professions that are associated with positive treatment

1. genuineness
2. empathy
3. unconditional positive regard

what personality disorders are often treated through a cognitive or CBT approach


behavior therapy that has been shown in the research to be effective treatment for PTSD trauma

prolonged exposure treatment

behavior therapy that has been shown to help with borderline personality disorder


what disorders have a strong genetic component?

Cluster A disorder
Borderline persoanlity
anti-social disorder
Acute SD

Factors increase developing PTSD and ASD

how serve the trauma is
limited social support
pre-existing anxiety
previous history of trauma

somatic symptoms

headache, nausea, fatigue, muscle soreness

Paranoid Personality Disorder "Acusatory

Extreme mistrust and suspicious of others.
dx: A pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motivates are interpreted as malevolent, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts

avoidant vs schizoid

avoidant: desire for relationship
schizoid: no desire for relationship- limited emotional expression

Schizoid Personality Disorder "Aloof

Extreme avoidance of social relationships because of lack of interest in social connection.
Tend to have limited emotional expression.
NO emotional expression at all, with NO interest in social relationship

Schizotypal Personality Disorder "Awkward

Difficulty maintaining relationship due to eccentricities in behavior and thinking.
Tends to engage in magical thinking where they think that two random events are causally linked.-I saw a butterfly on my way to class today therefore I will get an A on my

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Pervasive pattern of disregard for moral values and societal norms.
Tend to have less empathy and diminished impulse control.
Generally have little (if any) remorse or guilt about harming others
They can fake it and cry, to make others feel bad

Histrionic Personality Disorder

1. attention seeking and excessive emotionality.
ANY attention
psychodynamic therapy

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

1. grandiose self-image
2. lack empathy
3. desire for admiration
POSITIVE attention

Borderline Personality Disorder

1. extreme emotional instability
2. unstable interpersonal relationships
3. terrified of abandonment
either "all good" or "all bad".
Difficulty regulating emotions=difficulty with personal relationships


ODC: they know they have irrational thoughts-ego-dystonic,
OCPD:they don't know they have irrational thoughts- ego-sintonic

avoidant vs dependent

both fear abandonment and seek closeness
a: great emotional instability- can love and hate
d: emotional stability- never hate

Avoidant Personality Disorder

1. social inhibition and feelings of inadequacy.
2.. hypersensitive to criticism
3. desire close relationships
4. Avoid almost all social situations
harsh criticism and rejection in early childhood

Dependent Personality Disorder

1. need to be taken care of by others.
2. Often submissive and "clingy".
3. intense fear of separation
move from one romantic relationship to another
overprotective parenting style

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

1. preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and complete control.
2. inefficient and inflexible
overly harsh parenting