
the appearance of multiple simultaneous psychological disorders in the same person

Diathesis-stress model

A theory holding that a vulnerability plus stress creates problems in behavior

Auditory Hallucinations

Hearing voices, noises, music, or sounds that are not actually real

Tactile Hallucinations

Feeling bodily sensations

Visual Hallucinations

Seeing objects, people, or things that do not actually exist

Olfactory Hallucinations

Smelling odors


A psychotic disorder involving distortions in thoughts, perceptions, and/or emotions.

schizoaffective disorder

Psychotic disorder featuring symptoms of both schizophrenia and major mood disorder.

Bipolar 1

At least one manic episode

Bipolar 2

Alternating periods of extremely depressed and mildly elevated moods

Manic episode

A mood disorder marked by a hyperactive, wildly optimistic state

Hypomanic episode

A milder form of a manic episode.

Major Depressive episode

most of the day, nearly every day for at least 2 weeks


disorder causing mental disruption and loss of contact with reality

Residual Schizophrenia

People who exhibited some of the symptoms previously but who are not currently exhibiting symptoms

Prodromal Schizophrenia

before schizophrenia is diagnosed.

separation anxiety disorder

severe distress about leaving home, being alone, or being separated from a parent

social anxiety disorder

intense fear of social situations, leading to avoidance of such

generalized anxiety disorder

a diffuse state of constant anxiety not associated with any specific object or event

Episodic disorder

A condition, such as major depressive disorder, whose symptoms dissipate but that tends to recur.

obsessive compulsive disorder

an anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts and/or actions

psychotic mood disorder

Symptoms include hallucinations, delusions, and disordered forms of thinking.

substance abuse disorder

an unhealthy dependence on alcohol or other drugs

adjustment disorder

reaction to a specific life event

personality disorder

a pattern of inflexible traits that disrupts social life or work and causes distress

delusions of control

believe their feelings, thoughts, and actions are being controlled by other people

delusions of grandeur

belief that a person has special power

differential diagnosis

a list of potential diagnoses compiled early in the assessment of the patient


(n.) - an abnormal fear of open or public places

Cyclothymic Disorder

mood disorder characterized by a chronic pattern of relatively mild mood swings

major depressive disorder

a mood disorder in which a person feels sad and hopeless for weeks or months

normal bereavement

The duration and expression of "normal" bereavement vary considerably among different cultural groups. The diagnosis of major depressive disorder is generally not given unless the symptoms are still present 2 months after the loss.

bipolar disorder

severe mood swings between major depressive episodes and manic episodes

rapid cycling

the occurrence of four or more mood episodes per year


inability to experience pleasure

post traumatic stress disorder

a reaction to stress such as wartime suffering or rape, arising after the event is over

acute stress disorder

similar to PTSD but its symptoms are present for a month or less


Deliberate faking of a physical or psychological disorder motivated by gain.

schizophreniform disorder

Psychotic disorder involving the symptoms of schizophrenia but lasting less than 6 months.

brief psychotic disorder

criteria for at least 1 day but less than 1 month


irresistible impulses to perform senseless acts


persistent ideas, thoughts, or impulses that are unwanted and inappropriate, causing marked distress

panic disorder

characterized by recurrent, unexpected panic attacks