Abnormal Psychology


How many people in whole population have disorder


How many cases occur during a given period

Chronic Course

Tends to last a very long time

Episodic Course

Likely to recover within a few months only to suffer a recurrence of the disorder at a later time

Time-limited Course

Improve without treatment in a relatively short period


What we feel


What we LOOK like we feel

Anxiety Disorders

an acute experience
the sympathetic nervous system reacts quickly
negative affect (person looks afraid)
future based
may lead to avoidance of situations likely to provoke fear
Anxiety and fear are normal emotional states, becomes a disorder

Event-Related Potential (ERP)

Any measured brain response to a specific internal or external stimulus, such as hearing a psychologically meaningful sound
ERP is measured using an electroencephalogram (EEG)

Electrodermal Responding

A measure of swear glad activity measured by the peripheral nervous system


Having more than one diagnosis at once

Panic Disorder

Is diagnosed if the person experiences panic attacks (One panic attack is all it takes)
Cognitive behavioral therapy is very effective

Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Excessive uncontrollable anxious apprehension and worry about multiple areas of life
Persists for 6 months or more
Different from person to person
Accompanied by associated symptoms: Muscle tension, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, concentration diffi

Specific Phobia

An extreme irrational fear of a specific object or situation
persons will go to great lengths to avoid objects
most recognize that fear is unreasonable
Markedly interferes with ones ability to function

Social Anxiety Disorder

Extreme fear or discomfort in social or performance situations

PTSD-Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

must have been exposed to a trauma
re-experiencing memories, nightmares, flashbacks
when you avoid the memory, trauma becomes stronger
exaggerated startle response
lose pleasure in things you love, difficulty paying attention
symptoms right after

PTSD Treatments

Cognitive Behavioral Therapies are highly effective:
Cognitive processing therapy
prolonged exposure
SSRI's take an edge of anxiety and help people sleep- helpful at start of the treatment

Adjustment Disorders

anxious or depressive reactions to life stress
milder than PTSD/acute stress disorder
occur in reaction to life stressors like moving, divorce ect.
clinically significant distress or impairment

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessions- intrusive and nonsensical thoughts
Compulsions- thoughts or actions to neutralize anxious thoughts (rituals)
Various cycle of obsessions and compulsions
cleaning/washing and checking rituals are common
OCD tendencies have to take up

Factitious Disorder

Making up symptoms or creates symptoms within themselves
"muchausen syndrome

Factitious Disorder imposed on another

Muchausen syndrome by proxy"
typically a caregiver induces symptoms in a dependent

Dissociative Disorder

Involve severe alterations or detachments from reality
affect identity, memory, or consciousness
depersonalization- distortion in perception of ones ow body or experience (feeling like your body isn't real)
Derealization- losing a sense of the ex

Dissociative Amnesia

includes several forms of psychogenic memory loss
generalized vs localized or selective type
may involve dissociative fuge
show rapid onset and dissipation
Cause: little it known
trauma and stress can serve as triggers
Most get better without treatment

Bipolar 2

Major depressive episodes alternate with hypomanic episodes rather than full manic episodes
hypomanic episodes- less severe

Bipolar 1

Same except individual experiences a full manic episode

Major Depressive Disorder

defined by the presence of at least one major depressive episode and the absence or manic or hypomanic episodes during or before the disorder

persistant depressive disorder

shares many of the symptoms of major but differs in its course. May be fewer symptoms but depression remains generally unchanged over long periods
Patient cannot be free of symptoms for more than 2 months at a time