Wellness Final (Ritchie)


The biggest impediment to academic success.


Negative stress

The general adaptation syndrome

describes how the body responds to stress when homeostasis is disrupted.

The fight of flight response

the physiological reaction induced by nervous and hormonal signals that readies the heart, muscle and other organs and systems in ways that promote survival.


The simultaneous changes that occur in the body to maintain homeostasis.


The primary function is to release glucose.


Causes cancer by weakening the immune system.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

An individual's response to stress in severe cases.


A state of stress-induced physical and mental exhaustion.

Progressive muscle relaxation

A stress management technique that identifies muscular tension and releases it one muscle group at a time.


Involves monitoring physical stress response.


The second leading cause of death in the United States


Non-cancerous tumor.


Tumor needs oxygen and nutrients to grow.

Hodgkins and Non-Hodgkins

Two main types of lymphomas


Cause an increase in white blood cells.


The fastest growing chronic disease.

Type 2

The majority of Americans with diabetes have

Type 2 diabetes

The cells become resistant to insulin.

Refined carbohydrates

reduce your cell's sensitivity to insulin

Post-menopausal women

greatest risk for osteoporosis


A group of joint diseases

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Causes the body's immune system to attack the joints.

Cardiovascular disesase

The leading cause of death in the United States

Coronary heart disease

the type of cardiovascular disease that causes most deaths

Blood pressure

represented by systolic over diastolic (120/80)

HDL cholesterol

removes plaque from the artery walls

Moderate exercise

The risk for cardiovascular disease is lowered by


the measure of the amount of chemical energy that a food provides


Of the 20 amino acids, ______ are considered essential

Protein from plant sources

can be combined to obtain complementary proteins

Simple carbohydrates

primarily provide energy

The glycemic index

A measure of the rate at which foods raise blood sugar levels

Trans fats

produced by adding hydrogen atoms to unsaturated oil


disease associated with low calcium intake

Negative caloric balance

In order to lose weight, an individual should strive to a achieve


Women need ______ essential fat for reproductive system related fat deposits

Body composition

defined as the relative amounts of lean and fat tissue in the body.


The method of body composition assessment using low-dose beams of x-ray energy to measure total fat mass, fat distribution pattern, and bone density.

Bioelectrical impedance

based on the principle that lean tissue is a better conductor than fat.

Essential fat

the minimal amount of fat needed for normal physiological function

3500 calories

A pound of fat is comprised of

Static stretching

the simplest method of stretching for those just starting a stretching program.

Ballistic Stretching

stretching with a jerking of bouncing movement.

Muscular strength

measured by determining the maximum weight a person can lift at one time

Skeletal muscles

under voluntary control

Fast twitch fibers

Athletes with ______________ are more suited for sports requiring quick or short actions (like sprints or weight lifting)

Muscular endurance

best developed by weight work with lower resistance and higher repetitions.

Cardiorespiratory fitness

the ability of the cardiovascular respiratory systems to provide oxygen to the muscles.


the most popular cardiorespiratory activity in the United States


two upper chambers of the heart


two lower chambers of the heart

Blood pressure

The pressure exerted on the wall of the blood vessels.

Best exercise

for cardiorespiratory endurance is one that increases heart rate the most over time

Prochaska's stages of change

pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance and termination

Physical fitness

set of attributes that relate to your ability to perform moderate to vigorous physical activity without undue fatigue.

Overload Principle

To train at a level that is greater than what your body is accustomed to.

Training effect

A change in the body that occurs as a result of exercise training

Dose response

states that the amount of adaptation you can expect from exercise directly relates to the amount of overload incorporated into the program

FITT formula

Frequency, intensity, time and type


a change in a body system as a result of training


the optimal soundness of body and mind

Hypokinetic diseases

diseases caused by inactivity


6 dimensions of wellness are _________________


Increased levels of body fat put an individual at risk for

enjoyable activity

Choosing an _________________ increases the likelihood a person will continue to exercise


muscle fibers tend to fatigue slowly


As muscle temperature increases, so does


incorporates height and weight to estimate weight classification

whole grains

Most college students do not consume enough ____.

Body fat percentage

This is more important than body weight