Chapter 18: Assessing Adolescents

When does physical transformation generally begin to occur?

10 in Girls
11 in Boys

How long does puberty generally occur?

10-14 in Girls
11-16 in Boys

What is the average heart rate from age 10-14 years?

85 bpm (55-115)

What is the average heart rate from age 15 on?

60-100 bpm

An adolescent with persistent fever, tonsillar pharyngitis, and cervical lymphadenopathy may have?

Infectious mononucleosis

Benign Pulmonary flow murmur

Grade I-II/VI soft, non-harsh murmur with the timing characteristics of an ejection murmur

A pulmonary flow murmur accompanied by a fixed split second heart sound suggests right-heart volume load such as an?

Atrial septal defect

Are breast buds common in both girls and boys before puberty?


Is breast asymmetry common in adolescents?

Yes, particularly when adolescents are between Tanner stages 2 and 4. This is nearly always a benign condition

Is it uncommon for adolescent boys to have enlarged breast (gynecomastia)?

No, although it is usually slight, it can be embarrassing. It generally resolves in a few years.

Sex Maturity Rating in Girls: Breast and Pubic Hair

Sex Maturity Rating in Boys: Penis and Pubic Hair

What is the most common scoliosis presenting during childhood?

Idiopathic scoliosis (75% of cases)

Delayed puberty in an adolescent female below the third percentile in height may be from?

Turners syndrome

What are the two most common causes of delayed sexual development in an extremely thin adolescent girl?

Anorexia nervosa and chronic disease

Early onset of puberty in females can be associated with?
