Lesson 1/ CH.16

What is the average heart rate for a newborn?


At what age is a strong heart beat detectable?

fourth and fifth fetal months

Which of the following is related to cardiovascular structure and function?

stroke volume, maximum heart rate, blood pressure

Define: hemoglobin

the protein in blood that carries oxygen

When is the fetal period?

8 weeks to conception

Define: Teratogen

any drug or chemical agent that causes abnormal development in a fetus upon exposure

What is the most common test of flexibility?

Sit and reach test

List the average blood volumes for newborns, adult males and adult females.

The average newborn has 85 millimeters of blood per kilogram relative to body weight and progresses to 105????? millimeters shortly after birth. Then, throughout adolescence and adulthood the average is 75-77 millimeters. Adult males have a greater total

At what age do we first see pulsations of the heart?

As early as the third week after conception

When muscle and fat cells grow in number?


When muscle and fat cells grow in size?


What is the total energy available to meet the demands of prolonged activity?

aerobic power

Anaerobic power

is the rate at which a person's body can meet the demand for short-term, intense activity.

In general, who has a higher heart rate? Males or Females?


At what age do is blood circulating through the heart?



is the amount of energy needed to sustain the body's vital functions in the waking state.

Women can typically produce
of the force that men can exert, although most of these differences can be attributed to differences in arm and shoulder strength rather than in trunk or leg strength.


In general, research demonstrates that children with
motor proficiency are
