Surg test 2

What are the pulse sites

Femoral artery, dorsal pedal artery, facial and submandibular artery (LA), Digital, lingual artery

Define cyanosis

Blue MM

Define stridor

Loud breathing w/ out stethoscope - indicates upper airway disease

Define stertor

Opposite of stridor

Rapid/shallowed breathing pattern indicates:

Air or fluid in the pleural space

Labored on inspiration/expiration breathing pattern indicates:

Long parenchymal disease

Expiration distress with short inspiration breathing pattern indicates

Small airway obstruction

Icteric MM color could mean that the patient has:

Hepatic disorder, hemolysis

Brick red MM color could mean that the patient has:

Early septic shock, fever, inflammatory response

Brown MM color could mean that the patient has:

Acetaminophen toxicity

Petechia (bruising on the MM) could mean that the patient has:

DIC, platelet disorders, coagulation deficiencies

Normal canine HR

60-160 bpm

Normal feline HR

140-220 bpm

Normal equine HR

28-44 bpm

Normal canine RR

16-33 breaths per min

Normal feline RR

20-42 breaths per min

Normal equine RR

6-16 breaths per min

Normal canine and feline temp


Normal equine temp


To trim nails, you should use ______ or _______ nail trimmers

Resco; Whites

6 patient rights

Patient, route, drug, dose, time, documentation

How should you measure an orogastric tube

From the tip of the nose to the 13th rib

How should you measure a nasogastric tube

From nares to 10th rib

Define cerumen

Ear wax

Define cerumenolytic

Breaks up debris and cleanses

What is the most common cause of blindness in dogs?

Keratoconjunctivitis (dry eye)

What is normal schirmer test results?

15-20 mm/min

What is the second most common cause of blindness in dogs?


Normal urine production in dogs/cats


What is canine circulatingblood volume


What is feline circulating blood volume


What is equine circulating blood volume


What are the major intracellular electrolytes

Potassium, magnesium, phosphates

What are the major extracellular electrolytes

Sodium, chloride, bicarbonate

What electrolyte is responsible for osmotic pressure within the cell


What is normal pH of blood


What are the 3 systems that control pH in the body

Blood buffers, lungs, and kidneys

_______: high hydrogen ion (H+) concentration expressed as a low pH


_________: low hydrogen ions (H+) concentration expressed as a high pH


Animals experiencing a decrease in pH may become ________ due to potassium being driven out of the cells


Animals experiencing an increase in pH may become _______ due to potassium being driven into the cells


Do not give subQ to: _______, ________, and _______ patients

Dehydrated; hypothermic; hypotensive

What is normal fluid loss

40-60 ml/kg/day

What is sensible water loss

Loss of water, nutrients, and minerals thru urine

What is insensible water loss

Loss of water thru the respiratory tract (panting) and feces

What is the term for collapsed alveoli


How long should you withhold food before surgery

8-12 hr

How long should you withhold water before surgery

2 hr

Prior to sx you should correct: ________, ________, _______ __________, ________ __________, __________ _________ _______, ________ __________, and ______-______ __________.

Dehydration; anemia; cardiac arrhythmias; respiratory compromise; major organ failure; electrolyte imbalance; acid-base imbalance

What is the reversal for all opioids


What lowers the seizure threshold


What is kitty magic

Ket + butorphanol + dexdomitor

What is diazepam's, midazolam's, and zolazepam's reversal (antagonist)


What is xylazine's reversal

Yohimbine and tolazoline

What is dexmedetomidine's reversal


What is detomidine's reversal

Antipamezole and tolazoline

What class of drug does not give analgesia


Agents with a ______ (low or high?) MAC is more potent than one with a high MAC


What stage is skipped if ideal anesthesia induction is quick?

Stage II

What is the ideal stage of anesthesia

Stage III, subplane 2

What is the min acceptable HR for anesthetize large or med dogs

60 bpm

What is the min acceptable HR for anesthetize small dogs

70 bpm

What is the min acceptable HR for anesthetize cats

100 bpm

Blood pressure should not drop below _________ in anesthetized dogs and cats

100 mmHg

Normal anesthetized canine and feline blood pressure

Systolic: 90-160mmHg; diastolic: 60-100 mmHg

A 3x3 sponge can hold ____ - ____ ml of blood


How much blood loss can they withstand


Anything below _____ breaths/min should be brought to the vets attention during patient monitoring


What color are oxygen tanks


Tanks are changed at _____ - ______ psi

100-200 psi

What is the flow of the anesthesia machine

1. Tank, 2. Tank pressure gauge, 3. Pressure reducing valve, 4. Flow meter, 5. Oxygen flush valve, 6. Vaporizer, 7. Inhalation (flutter) valve, 8. Anesthetic tubing, 9. Exhalation (flutter) valve, 10. Carbon dioxide absorber (only in rebreathing), 11. Pre

How do you calculate to pick a reservoir bag

Total volume=10-15 ml/kg

What are straight bladed laryngoscopes called


What are curved bladed laryngoscopes called


Paralysis caused by inadvertant injection into the sciatic nerve can occur with IM injections into the ________________ muscles.


Which of the following is true of arterial blood gas samples?
A. They should be collected with the largest gauge needle possible
B. They will drip slowly into the collection syringe
C. They will be darker red than venous blood
D. They must remain anaerobi

D. They must remain anaerobic

Restoration of vascular volume occurs during the ______ phase of IV fluid administration.


Rapid administration of ___________ during IV fluid therapy can result in adverse cardiac effects.


Intraoperative updates should be recorded every ______________ on the anesthetic monitoring form.

5 min

Which of the following patients would be anatomically unable to receive urinary catheterization?
A. Female feline
B. Female canine
C. Male porcine
D. Male equine

C. Male porcine

The pre-anesthetic fasting recommendation for neonatal patients < 8 weeks of age is:

No fasting

A common phenothiazine tranquilizer that may cause side effects such as vasodilation, paradoxical aggression, and penile prolapse (in horses) is:


An anesthetic that results in normal to increased muscle tone, sensitivity to light/sound and increases in BP and HR would most likely be a:


A Cole-type endotracheal tube is most likely to be used for which of the following patients?
A. Avian
B. Canines
C. Equine
D. Porcine

A. Avian

Delivers oxygen at controlled rate; includes flowmeter, oxygen flush and pressure gauges

Carrier gas supply

Converts liquid anesthetic to gas and mixes with carrier gasses

Anesthetic vaporizor

Delivers anesthetic to patient via ET tube, mask or chamber

Breathing circuit

The pressure manometer indicates the pressure within the patient's lungs. It should never read more than _________________ in small animal patients.

20 cm H2O

Which of the following anesthetic stages is considered the Period of Surgical Anesthesia?

Stage II

The endotracheal tube length should extend from ___ to ____.

Tip of nose; thoracic inlet

The Doppler ultrasound monitor can be used to determine a patient's blood pressure when used with a ________.


An end-tidal CO2 monitor which measures the level of CO2 in inspired and expired air is called a:


Hyperventilation can cause decreased CO2 levels, which may result in _____ in anesthetized patients.


Which of the following might be caused by an occluded scavenging system, closed pop-off valve or too-high oxygen flow rate?
A. Overinflated reservoir bag
B. A patient that will not stay asleep
C. Excessive depth of anesthesia
D. Purple or brittle CO2 abso

A. Overinflated reservoir bag

Oxygen administration should be continued after inhalant anesthetic is turned off for a minimum of _______________ or until the animal swallows.

5 min

Hypoventilation, particularly in patients laying on one side, may cause ______________, which reduces the alveolar capacity for gas exchange and may result in hypoxemia.


During surgical depth anesthesia, which of the following is true?
A. Corneal reflex is present
B. Palpebral reflex is present
C. Muscle tone is flaccid
D. Swallowing reflex is present

A. Corneal reflex is present

Out of the following options in the flow of the anesthetic gas circuit, which area does the gas to through FIRST?
A. Flow meter
B. Vaporizer
C. The reservoir bag
D. Pop-off valve

A. Flow meter

Laryngospasm during endotracheal intubation can be minimized by applying ______ to the glottis prior to tube placement.


While monitoring your surgical patient, you note the following: weak pulses, pale mm and decreased HR and RR. The surgical procedure is still in progress. Which course of action do you choose?
A. Discontinue all anesthetic
B. Increase inhalant anesthetic

D. Decrease inhalant anesthetic

Nonrebreathing circuits have many different configurations, which are grouped using the ______________ system.


Which of the following is true as an advantage of the nonrebreathing system?
A. Easier manual ventilation
B. Greater moisture and heat conservation
C. Greater conservation of gases
D. Less resistance to air movement

D. Less resistance to air movement

A full oxygen cylinder will contain a pressure of approximately ________ psi.


A patient with anemia, moderate dehydration or compensated major organ disease would likely be given an ASA classification of _________.


Bradycardia and hypersalivation can be counteracted by which class of drugs?


Scavenging charcoal waste cannisters must be disposed of and replaced when:

They reach a weight gain of 50g

A normal anesthetized respiratory rate for dogs and cats would be:

8-20 breaths/min

_______ #__ vaporizer and the _________ are universal vaporizers

Ohio #8; stephens