Genetics: Practice Exam #1

Which of the following best describes the double-helix of DNA?
a) it has directionality
b) the strands are arranged in an anti-parallel arrangement
c) the strands are complimentary
d) all of the answers are correct

d) all the answers are correct

The difference between a prokaryote and a eukaryote is that a eukaryote has
a) a nucleoid
b) a nucleus
c) looped domains
d) cellular membrane

b) a nucleus

The best definition for quantitative genetics is
a) the study of nucleic acids and how they regulate cellular processes
b) how traits are passed from parent to offspring
c) the study of traits that are controlled by many different genes
d) the study of in

C) the study of traits that are controlled by many different genes

Which nucleotides are classified as purines?
a) A and G
b) A and T
c) T and C
d) G and C

a) A and G

Which of the following studies the effects of loss-of-function mutations?
a) population genetics
b) transmission genetics
c) molecular genetics

c) Molecular genetics

One difference between mitosis and meiosis is that in mitosis the cells found at the end of division
a) are haploid
b) have one half the number of chromosomes as the mother cell
c) fuse to form the zygote
d) have the same number of chromosomes as the moth

d) have the same number of chromosomes as the mother cell

The central dogma is...

DNA makes RNA makes protein

Which of the following best describes the mechanism of DNA replication in which both a parental strand and a daughter strand are combined following replication?
a) dispersive
b) conservative
c) semi-conservative
d) all answers are correct

c) semi-conservative

Compared to a deoxy nucleotide a dideoxy nucleotide lacks
a) 1' hydroxyl
b) 3' hydroxyl
c) 5' hydroxyl
d) 2' hydroxyl

b) 3' hydroxyl

The role of histones is to
a) compact DNA and control transcription
b) form loops
c) control compaction of DNA only
d) control transcription only

a) compact DNA and control transcription

The majority of non-repetitive genes in an organism are found in which of the following?
a) highly repetitive sequences
b) unique sequences
c) moderately repetitive sequences
d) none of the answers are correct

b) unique sequences

Heterochromatin represents
a) DNA that is only compacted during mitosis
b) DNA that is found in prokaryotes
c) DNA that is only compacted during meiosis
d) Highly compacted DNA

d) Highly compacted DNA

The best definition for transmission genetics is
a) how traits are passed from parent to offspring
b) how transcription occurs
c) the study of traits that are controlled by many different genes
d) the study of inheritance patterns for a single trait in a

a) How traits are passed from parent to offspring

If a linear piece of DNA is introduced into a eukaryotic cell what must it have to be maintained in the cell?
a) telomere and origin of replication
b) origin of replication and centromere
c) origin of replication, telomere, and centromere
d) telomere and

c) origin of replication, telomere, and centromere

During DNA sythesis what are gaps in the strands sealed with?
a) DNA primase
b) DNA ligase
c) DNA helicase
d) DNA polymerase

b) DNA ligase

Why do amphibians have so much more DNA than humans?
a) they are tetraploid
b) they are more complex than mammals
c) repetitive sequences
d) they have more genes

c) repetitive sequences

What is a structure of compaction of DNA that is shared by both prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
a) nucleosomes
b) 30nm fiber
c) loop domains
d) none of these answers are correct

c) loop domains

Compared to ribose, deoxyribose lacks
a) A hydroxyl group at the 3' position
b) a hydroxyl group at the 2' position
c) hydroxyl groups at both the 2' and 3' positions
d) a 5' carbon

b) a hydroxyl group at the 2' position

The best definition for molecular genetics is
a) the study of inheritance patterns for a single trait in a population
b) the study of nucleic acids and how they regulate cellular processes
c) how traits are passed from parent to offspring
d) the study of

b) the study of nucleic acids and how they regulate cellular processes

What term best fits the following description: one histone octect with DNA wrapped around it?
a) nucleosome
b) scaffold
c) selenoid
d) metaphase chromosome

a) nucleosome