Genetics HW

During which stage can cells either exit the cell cycle or become committed to completing the cell cycle?


What is the longest and shortest phase of interphase?

Longest --> S
Shortest --> G2

What condition is evaluated at the G2/M checkpoint?

Precise replication of DNA

Which list of steps in the eukaryotic cell cycle is given in the correct order?

G1, S, G2, M, G1

Do haploid cells undergo mitosis?

Yes and so do diploid cells

Each of the following events occur during mitosis except

polar microtubules contract, pulling attached chromosomes toward the poles

Cell Cycle consists of two phases

Mitosis is the shorter phase

What structure is not found in all mitotic cells?


What is the arrangement of chromosomes during metaphase?

Sister chromatids are aligned along the equatorial plane of the cell

Separation of sister chromatids occur

at anaphase in mitosis and anaphase II at meiosis

The end result of meiosis is four haploid cells


Novel combinations of genes can arise from:

reciprocal exchange of DNA between homologs during prophase I

What is a dyad?

A dyad is composed of two sister chromatids joined at a common centromere

A cell has 16 chromosomes. How many chromosomes would its daughter cells have after meiosis?

Meiosis reduced the number of chromosomes passed on to daughter cells by one-half so 8

Which of the following statements about meiosis is true?

The second meiotic division is also call an equational division and involves the separation of sister chromatids, similar to what occurs in mitosis

During what phase of prophase 1 does crossing over take place?


Is a tetrad composed of one pair of homologous chromosomes at synapsis of prophase 1?

True; chromosomes are duplicated after interphase; at synapsis of prophase 1, one chromosome in a tetrad is paternally inherited while the other is maternally inherited

When do sister chromatids separate during meiosis?


What does the law of independent assortment state?

During gamete formation, segregating pairs of unit factors assort independently of each other; the law says nothing about dominance

Independent assortment explains

Why a collection of meiotic products that includes gametes of genotype Ab will also include gametes of genotype AB in roughly the same proportion

Which term describes the individual in a pedigree whose phenotype was first brought to the attention of a medical researcher?


Which of the following statements about autosomal recessive traits is true?

If neither parents expresses the trait, but the offspring does, both parents must be heterozygous for the trait

What is the most likely mode of transmission for a trait that is not expressed in parents but is expressed by one half of the sons?

Rare X-linked recessive (mother must have been heterozygous)

How many different types are possible in a one gene/three allele system that displays co-dominance to each other?


Which of the following is the most likely example of co-dominance?

A pure-breeding plant with red flowers is crossed to a pure-breeding plant with white flowers. All there progeny have flowers with some red patches and some white patches. Heterozygotes express BOTH alleles

The color dilution gene in horses is an example of incomplete dominance. True of false?


Which of the following is an example of a meristic trait?

Number of bristles on a fruit fly

Which term is defined as "a measure of variation in phenotypes due to genetic factors"?

Broad-sense heritability

Which of the following statements about twins and twin studies is FALSE?

Fraternal twins are as close genetically to each other as are monozygotic twins

Of the human traits, which are likely to be under the control of a polygenic mode of inheritance?

Skin color
(all can change due to environmental factors)

What is transduction?

Exchange of genetic material using a bacteriophage

What is conjugation?

Dependent on the F factor, which, by a variety of mechanisms, can direct genetic exchange between two bacterial cells

What is transformation?

Uptake of exogeneous DNA by cells

What is true about barr bodies?

They ensure that males and females have equal "doses" of the genes on the X chromosome

What are pseudoautosomal regions on the sex chromosomes?

Homologous regions of the X and Y chromosomes

What is true about XYY males?

They are generally taller than average

Which of the following statements about co-transformation is true?

A bacterial cell receives two adjacent genes on a single piece of DNA from the medium

What is virus-mediated bacterial recombination?


Why is it easier to identify spontaneous mutations in bacteria than in most eukaryotes?

They are expressed directly in descendent cells because bacteria are haploid