Genetics exam 3


regulatory DNA sequence, usually at the upstream (5') region of the gene

Coding sequence

stipulates the amino acid sequence

Consensus sequences

conserved in nature
- critical role in biological processes

Termination sequence

marks the end of a gene

The synthesis of proteins requires what?

transcription and translation

What type of genes only get transcribed?

various types of RNA
-rRNA, tRNA, snRNA, etc

What is the Central Dogma of Genetics?

information contained in genes is decoded to produce other molecules that determine the phenotypic traits of organisms

What are the processes of the Central Dogma of Genetics?

DNA Replication:DNA to DNA
Transcription: DNA to mRNA
Translation: mRNA to protein

promoter region

A regulatory region a short distance upstream from the 5' end of a transcription start site that acts as the binding site for RNA polymerase. A region of DNA to which RNA polymerase binds in order to initiate transcription.

start codon


What do promoters do?

show DNA polymerase exactly where to begin making RNA (they are signals), there are also signals to show when to stop

Important prokaryotic promoters

TATAAT -(10 region) 'Pribnow box'
TTGACA - (-35 region)

Important eukaryotic promoters

TATAAAA - (-30 region) - 'TATA box'
GGCCAATCT - (-80 region) - 'CAAT box'
typical promoter is 2kb long

Purpose of the coding region

to spell out the sequences of amino acids

What is the coding region based on?

a codon triplet which is
3 nucleotides = amino acid
4^3 (=64) triplets, 20 amino acids

Degenerate code

More codons than are necessary, exemplified by the amount of triplets that can be created (4^3=64)

What other sequence is the coding sequence a part of?

the transcribed sequence

What are the typical stop codons?


What does the transcribed region contain?

The coding sequence, but it is broader than just this and includes:
-transcription start site, coding sequence, start of the termination site
-full termination site expands further

all known proteins start with what letter?


out of the 64 codons ___ code for amino acids while the other three are...

61 code for amino acid (one of these, AUG is an amino acid and a start codon) , 3 encode stop codons

Exceptions to the genetic code

There are changes in meaning for certain codons which depend on different types of species, many are changes with stop codons

What is the wobble hypothesis?

When multiple codons specify the same amino acids, most of the codons will have the same first two letters and there is flexible base pairing at the third position

Proline and the wobble hypothesis example

all have a different 3rd position but still code for proline

exons vs. introns

exons are coding segments
introns are non-coding segments that are transcribed but then spliced out
(INtrons stay IN the nucleus, whereas EXons EXit and are EXpressed)

do prokaryotic mRNA molecules have introns?

not typically, they can be polycistronic which means multiple genes are represented in one mRNA and transcribed from one promoter, they are then quickly translated because there is no need for transport out of a nucleus (lacking)

Does transcription end immediately after the STOP codon?

no, ends beyond it, genetic code ends here

What is a UTR?

untranslated region of the mature mRNA that will not be translated into proteins but have other functions such as attachment during translation.

Eukaryotic vs prokaryotic genomes

Eukaryotic genomes are larger, encode SINGLE proteins or mRNA while prokaryotes can have multiple genes on one promoter

Prokaryotic genes

Genes are in tandem.
Functions are related.
Genes are expressed together.


group of genes operating together and linked in a single unit

Viral gene structure

efficient, some viral DNA sera can encode multiple genes

DNA serves as a template for____

RNA transcription

which 4 ribonucleotides is RNA synthesized from

A, U, G and C

why is primer not required for RNA polymerase?

RNA polymerase enzymes are large


Make up ribosomes (along with ribosomal protein subunits).
Site of protein assembly


-CARRY (messenger) coding instructions from DNA to ribosomes.
Specifies the sequence of amino acids.
mRNA is derived from pre-mRNA after extensive processing


Brings in an amino acid to match the coding triplet in the mRNA to elongate the polypeptide chain


Combine with small nuclear protein subunits to form small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs - known as "snurps")
Process pre-mRNA into mRNA

miRNA and siRNA

act on mature mRNAs in the cytoplasm to block translation and mediate turnover of selected mRNAs


RNA molecules that function as enzymes

which region of DNA coding for RNA determines the transcription start site?

the promoter which also determines which strands to transcribe

RNA-coding region

DNA sequence copied into RNA


DNA sequence that signals for transcription to end, occurs after the terminator sequence has been copied.

On how many DNA strands does transcription take place?

only one

On how many DNA strands does replication take place?


Template strand

DNA strand used for transcription, but all genes do not necessarily reside on one strand

Nontemplate Strand

not transcribed

RNA molecule formed in transcription is____ to the template DNA strand

complementary, has the same sequence as the non-template strand except U instead of T

In which direction does transcription proceed?

5' to 3'

in prokaryotes, is a primer required for transcription?


without the sigma factor, what happens?

RNA polymerase cannot transcribe

sigma factor

controls the binding of RNA polymerase to the promoter

rho factor

facilitate transcription termination

How many subunits of RNA poly are there and what are they?

5 subunits that catalyze elongation
Alpha-? (2), beta-?, beta prime-?', and omega-?

transcription in bacterial RNA

all transcription steps are carried out by RNA polymerase unlike in replication


enzyme and a coenzyme

Prokaryotic promoters

TATAAT - located 10 bases upstream of the transcription start site (-10 region, 'Pribnow box').
TTGACA - (-35 region)

elongation in prokaryotes

? subunit dissociates, RNA poly moves downstream, unwinding, supercoiling occurs

Topoisomerase enzymes

relieve tension due to supercoiling

Termination in prokaryotes

occurs when a sequence is encountered (like a stop codon) that indicates termination, either rho dependent or independent

Rho dependent termination

Able to cause termination only in the presence of rho factor protein

Rho independent termination

intrinsic termination, able to terminate without rho factor

two components of rho independent termination

1. Inverted repeats that, when transcribed into RNA, form a hairpin loop
2. Six adenine nucleotides

Main differences in transcription between pro/euks

Multiple RNA polymerases in euks
Nucleosome structure
Promoter binding and initiation differs

How many types of RNA poly are there and what are they?

RNA poly 1,2 and 3
1. rRNA
2. pre-mRNAs, snoRNAs, and snRNAs (messenger rnas)
3. tRNA

Is chromatin remodeling necessary in pro or euks?

eukaryotes, this is needed to access the DNA

Acetyltransferase protein

adds acetyl groups to amino acid ends of histone proteins, destabilizes the nucleosome structure

Accessory proteins in eukaryotic transcription

General transcription factors and Transcriptional activator proteins

General transcription factors

Form basal transcription apparatus with RNA polymerase

What does Basal refer to?

enabling a low level of transcription

Transcriptional activator proteins

bind to specific recognition sequences

RNA poly 2 promoters

the promoter, the core promoter and the regulatory promoter

Core promoter

Immediately upstream of coding sequence
TATA box: -30 bp
TFIIB recognition element: -35 bp

Regulatory promoter

Immediately upstream of core promoter
Specific recognition sequences: CAAT box, GC box, OCT box


Further away from transcription start site (>2kb), sequences that increase rate of transcription, required for full level transcription

Initiation in eukaryotes

begins at consensus sequence upstream of the AUG start codon, Kozak in euks

Elongation in eukaryotes

same as in bacteria, RNA Polymerase leaves the promoter & transcription factors then moves downstream. RNA is elongated 5'-3'

Termination in eukaryotes

Not as well understood, mainly involving RNA poly 2

Sites of transcription/ translation in prokaryotes

Transcription and translation can occur almost simultaneously in the cytoplasm

Sites of transcription/ translation in eukaryotes

Transcription and mRNA processing occurs in the nucleus, translation occurs in the cytoplasm (ribosomes).

5' cap is only on transcripts generated by...

RNA polymerase II

5' cap consists of an additional (blank) at 5' end


When is the 5' cap added?

shortly after transcription initiation

What does the 5' cap do?

inhibits degradation by nucleases, promotes translation, and is necessary for export of mRNA

How does the poly(A) tail affect stability?

The poly(A) tail stabilizes the 5' cap, which must be removed before the mRNA molecule can be degraded from the 5' end.

are introns common in eukaryotic or prokaryotic genomes?

eukaryotic, found in nuclear, mitochondrial and chloroplast DNA

can functional RNA be obtained with introns included?

no, they need to be removed

what is needed for splicing in nuclear-derived pre-mRNA?

3 consensus sequences, 5' splice site (GU), 3' splice site (AG) and the branch point (adenine)

Alternative Splicing of mRNA

The same pre-mRNA is processed in diff ways, multiple 3' cleavage sites creates pre-mRNA of different lengths and the order of introns is maintained


synthesis of a protein with a specific sequence of amino acids based on the nucleotide sequence of an mRNA molecule

four major components of a translation system:

mRNA, ribosomes, tRNA and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases

tRNA does what?

brings in amino acid as dictated by mRNA, smallest RNA molecules

aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases

An enzyme that joins each amino acid to the appropriate tRNA, can read language of both nucleic acids and proteins

What are the steps for translation?

1. binding of amino acids to tRNAs, initiation, elongation, and termination

What is needed for initiation to occur?

mRNA, small/large subunits of ribosome, three protein IFs (IF3,2 and 1), initiator tRNA with f-met attached and guanosine triphosphate for energy

What happens during initiation?

mRNA molecules bond to small unit of ribosome, initiator tRNA binds to mRNA and large ribosome joins

Where does initiation begin?

the consensus sequence upstream of the AUG start codon

Prokaryotes consensus sequence

shine delgarno, start codon downstream

eukaryotes consensus sequence

kozak sequence, start codon included

what recognizes consensus sequences?

small ribosomal subunits, place ribosome in the correct position

prokaryotic vs eukaryotic ribosomes

Eukaryotes - 80S (60s,40s)
Prokaryotes - 70S (50s,30s)

at the end of initiation...

the ribosome is assembled on the mRNA and the first tRNA is attached to the initiation codon


the increase of the polypeptide chain by one amino acid

what dictates the type of tRNA molecules that will bind to the polypeptide chain?

the sequence of the next codon in the mRNA

what are the two binding sites in the ribosome?

P-site (P = peptide) and the A-site (amino acid); mRNA binds to the ribosome so that the first codon is in the P-site and the second codon is in the A-site

P site of ribosome

first site, bound to f-met

A site of ribosome

second site, receives second amino acid

once both P and A sites have bound tRNA the amino acids are linked by what?

a peptide bond (pepitidyl transferase)

P site releases its tRNA molecule which allows for what?

allows ribosome to move down the mRNA molecule, tRNA that was bound to the A site gets moved to the open P site which opens a site for the next tRNA molecule


elongation continues till the A binding site reaches a stop codon

why does a stop codon start termination?

stop codons do not specify an amino acid so tRNA does not bind at a stop codon which causes the finishes polypeptide chain to be released from the P site

what happens when the finished polypeptide chain/ protein is released from the P site?

the ribosome releases from the mRNA molecule

why is is good that mRNA is degraded within a few minutes or hours?

if they remained stable then the cell would not be able to quickly turn off the expression of a gene

operon organization

promoter and regulator gene which binds to operator


part of an operon; DNA sequence between (at the border of) the promoter and structural genes


controls expression of structural genes

regulator gene

encodes the regulator protein, influences transcription

negative transcriptional control

Regulation of transcription by a repressor protein. When bound to the repressor-binding site, transcription is inhibited.

positive transcriptional control

Control of transcription by an activator protein. When the activator is bound to the activator-binding site, the level of transcription increases.

Inducible vs. Repressible operons

transcription is normally off with inducible and on with repressible

(-) inducible operons

transcription is normally off, repressor is normally bound to operator/promoter, turn on by changing shape of repressor with regulatory protein

(-) repressible operons

normally transcribing, repressor normally not bound to operator/promoter and must be turned off by activating repressor

(+) inducible operons

transcription normally off, activator is normally not bound to operator/promoter and substrate must activate

(+) repressible operons

normally transcribing, activator is normally bound to operator/promoter and the product of transcription de activates

The Lac Operon is an example of what kind of control?

Negative inducible meaning the repressor's shape must be changed by a regulator protein

When no lactose is present

repressor gene product binds to the lac operator, blocks RNA polymerase so there is no transcription

When lactose is present

allolactose binds to the repressor gene, preventing it from binding to the operator, RNA polymerase binds and there is transcription

Is glucose or lactose preferred by cells?

glucose, more efficient because no need to metabolize lactose


Encodes B-galactosidase, which converts lactose into glucose and galactose for use in glycolysis

when glucose is present, what happens to the lac operon?

it is not induced by lactose and the CAP mechanism controls repression

CAP mechanism

Catabolite activating protein, example of positive control, must bind to promoter region

CAP with no glucose

binds to cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), low glucose=high cAMP which alters the structure of CAP and binds to the promoter

CAP in presence of glucose

cAMP levels not sufficient, high glucose=low cAMP, so the complex is not formed, promoter binding does not occur and lac operon is not transcribed

What type of control is exhibited by the Trp operon?

Negative repressible control meaning transcription is normally active and must be turned off by activating a repressor

low tryptophan levels

repressor can't bind to DNA operator allowing RNA polymerase to bind and transcription occurs, tryptophan results

Tryptophan present

tryptophan serves as a co-repressor and binds to the repressor which then binds to the DNA operator. RNA polymerase cannot bind therefore no transcription occurs

Other method of regulation for the Trp operon?

attenuation- to reduce in strength or weaken; 1+2 and 3+4 terminates transcription and 2+3 is antitermination

excess tryptophan and attenuation

regions 3+4 pair, a hairpin forms and stops transcription, known as a terminator structure

limited tryptophan and attenuation

regions 2+3 pair, an alternative hairpin is formed, transcription occurs and this is known as an antiterminator structure

eukaryotic vs prokaryotic gene regulation

regulation is more complex in eukaryotes due to more genetic information packaged as chromatin, site of transcription (nucleus) is separate from translation (cytoplasm), different genes used

mRNA half-life in prokaryotes vs eukaryotes

prokaryotes decay in minutes, eukaryotes take much longer


Clusters of DNA, RNA, and proteins in the nucleus of a cell

what makes up the majority of chromatin proteins?

histone proteins which are many positively charged amino acids (lysine and arginine) that bond to (-) charged nucleotide phosphate groups

beads on a string" refer to what?


chromatin remodeling

occurs prior to transcription, chromatin relaxes and opens in order to allow transcription to happen. Promoters are exposed when opened allowing enhancers and transcription factors to regulate transcription

transcriptional activator proteins

bind to specific DNA sequences and bring about higher levels of transcription by stimulating the assembly of the basal transcription apparatus at the start site

how do enhancers stimulate transcription at a distance?

they are time and tissue specific, can be bound by proteins (activators) to increase the likelihood that transcription of a particular gene will occur

what happens when a repressor binds near an activator site?

this prevents the activator from contacting the basal transcription apparatus resulting in no transcription

how do exonucleases degrade?

from the 5' or 3' end

how do endonucleases degrade?

by making an internal cut

process of ribonuclease degradation

3' end is degraded gradually till polyA binding proteins can no longer bind, the 5' cap becomes exposed and is removed

What is the basis of evolution?

genetic variation


refer to specific changes in DNA sequence, major source of genetic variation and can be bad or good

somatic mutation

cannot be transmitted to next generation, occurs in nonreproductive cells and goes through mitosis creating cloned mutant cells

gametic mutation

mutations passed to 1/2 of offspring, all cells of offspring will carry mutation, meiosis and sexual reproduction allow for this

is classification of mutations based on genotypes of phenotypes?


base substitution

changes the base of a single DNA nucleotide/ codon; two types, transitions and transversions

base insertion

mutation which results in the addition of nucleotide pairs in a gene; can have a major effect on the resulting protein and can change many codons

base deletion

mutation which results in the loss of nucleotide pairs in a gene; can have a major effect on the resulting protein

transition vs transversion mutation

Transition- a purine is converted into a purine or pyrimidine is converted into a pyrimidine.
Transversion: a purine is converted into a pyrimidine (or vice versa)

frame shifts

Insertion or deletion of base-pair. Results are missense, nonsense and silent mutations

missense mutation

new codon codes for a different amino acid and there is a change in amino acid sequence

nonsense mutation

new codon is a stop codon and there is premature termination of translation

silent mutation

new codon encodes the same amino acid and there is no sequence change

forward vs reverse mutation

forward- changes the wild type into a mutant phenotype
reverse- restores the wild type gene and the phenotype

supressor mutation

genetic change that hides or surpasses the effect of another mutation, do not confuse with reverse mutation

consequences of mutations at the transcriptional level

disruption of TATA box and binding of transcriptional activator protein, mRNA processing disrupted at all steps

consequences of mutations at the translational level

creation of a stop codon (UGG to UGA) and interruption of ribosome binding

consequences of mutations during post-translational protein processing

the recognition site for modification may have been changed

How do mutations occur?

spontaneous or induced

spontaneous vs induced mutations

spontaneous: random change in the DNA arising from errors in replication
induced: results from exposure to known mutagens (happens more often)

wobble pairing

thymine on O.G template strand base-pairs with guanine through wobble which leads to an incorporated error, at the next round of replication the guanine nucleotide pairs with cytosine which leads to a transition mutation

strand slippage

either the newly synthesized (5'-3') strand loops out resulting in the addition of one nucleotide on the new strand or the template (3'-5')strand loops out resulting in the omission of one nucleotide on the new strand

unequal crossing over

If homologous chromosomes misalign during crossing over, one crossover product contains an insertion and the other has a deletion

base analog mutagen

induced mutation, can sub for purines or pyrimidines and leads to tautomeric shifts and transitions

alykylating agents

induced mutation, donates alkyl group to nucleotides forming analogs which cause transition mutations

intercalating agents

induced, cause frameshift mutations

ionizing radiation

highly reactive molecules cause single and double stranded breaks, singles are repairable but double can lead to chromosome rearrangements

UV radiation

primarily affects bacteria, causes pyrimidine-dimers that block replication and are lethal

Purpose of Ames test

use specific bacteria to evaluate the mutagenic properties of potential carcinogens utilizing 4 strains of salmonella which identify reverse mutations (his- to his+)

specific sensitivities of salmonella strains in an Ames test

one detects base pair deletions and three detect frameshift mutations

DNA repair mechanisms

Any of several processes by which enzymes repair DNA damage and avoid the accumulation of mutations


a function of certain DNA polymerases, 3' to 5' exonuclease activity provides ability to "back up", recognizes improper hydrogen bonding and is specific for unpaired bases

mismatch repair

errors that remain after proofreading activate this process; removal of distorted segments and re synthesis with new bases.
template strand is methylated, daughter strand is not and the repair enzyme recognizes this mismatch, binds to unmethylated strand

base excision repair

recognizes/ replaces modified or incorrect bases, has minor effects and does not block DNA replication or transcription

5 steps of base excision repair

1. modified base is identified and excised by DNA glycosylase
2. AP endonuclease cuts the phosphodiester bond
3. deoxyribose removed
4. DNA polymerase fills gap (DNA poly 1 in prokaryotes and DNA poly beta in eukaryotes)
5. DNA ligase seals nick

direct DNA repair

does not replace like in a mismatch repair, returns damaged bases to their original state through enzymatic reactions

photoreactivation repair

Enzymes called photolyases use light energy to break the extra bonds in a pyrimidine dimer
Enables UV-damaged fungi to recover from exposure to sunlight
Humans do not have this type of repair

nucleotide excision repair

repairs lesions that distort the double helix, found in all organisms


the ability of some DNA elements to excise themselves and move to another position within the genome

Transposons (transposable elements)

mobile genetic elements that result in mutations, identified in all organisms, we will probably be tested on transposons in Maize

two forms most maize transposons exist in

autonomous elements and nonautonomous elements

autonomous elements

capable of transposition by themselves, known as an activator (Ac)

nonautonomous elements

only transposed if an autonomous element is also present, known as a dissociation element (Ds)

What type of element is the Ac-Ds system in maize?

autonomous element, controls activity of Ds elements which cannot transpose without an Ac element present

Ac-Ds system in maize

Activator (Ac)--> transposable element
Dissociation (Ds) --> no functional transposase.. requires AC to move around

goal of recombinant DNA technology

to combine DNA from two sources

restriction enzymes, types of cuts

endonucleases that are used to cut DNA strands at specific sites (usually palindromic sequences read the same forward and back); cuts can be staggered or blunt

staggered ends

produces single stranded cohesive sticky ends, ex: Hind III

blunt ends

(4/20 blaze it) produces blunt ends, ex: Pvu II

DNA molecules with the same recognition sites are cut with the same...have complimentary sticky strands

restriction enzyme, pair if fragments are mixed together

What is gel electrophoresis used for?

separate DNA fragments by size after splicing

Charge of DNA

Negative due to phosphate groups

during gel electrophoresis, (blank) fragments move quicker than (blank) fragments

small move quicker than larger

gene cloning

placing a fragment of DNA in a bacterial cell and allowing the cells to replicate producing identical copies of the DNA

What is the use of a vector?

origin of replication ensures replication inside host cell, selectable markers enable cells with the vector to be identified, and unique restriction sites allow it to be easily inserted into the host cell

vectors can be:

plasmid, cosmos, or artificial chromosomes

once a gene is placed inside a plasmid, it must be introduced into host usually by...?


LacZ gene as a plasmid

contains many restriction sites which allow for easy insertion, if foreign DNA is inserted, B-galac. is not produced and you can plate the bacteria to see if it contains a plasmid or not

what do white colonies mean?

they contain foreign DNA, the lacZ gene is not being expressed

what do blue colonies mean?

lacZ is functioning


polymerase chain reaction, most widely used tool in molecular biology

PCR uses...

heat stable DNA polymerases, like Tac polymerase

known primers that PCR requires

dNTPs, Mg2+,buffer and salt

PCR steps

1. Denaturation
2. Annealing
3. Extension


melting of two DNA strands by heating to 94 C, double to single stranded DNA

primer annealing

cool reaction to 50-70 C, mark region that is going to be amplified; the primers have a known sequence designed by the researcher

primer extension

heat up to 72 C using taq, new nucleotides are brought in

amplification is...


gene library

A collection of cloned DNA fragments, many clones are needed to cover an organisms genome

genomic library

contains all the DNA sequences found in the genome

cDNA library

A limited gene library using complementary DNA. The library includes only the genes that were transcribed into mRNA

Agrobacterium tumefaciens

a tumor-inducing (crown gall) bacteria in plants that has been altered by scientists to transfer traits (genes) from one plant to another; plant tumor makes compounds the bacterium needs

how to make the Ti plasmid easier to handle

genes needed for T-DNA can be moved onto a second plasmid which reduces the size of the Ti plasmid

how many plasmids are involved in agrobac. tume. transformation?

two, the helper Ti plasmid and the plasmid vector

Alt splicing vs multiple 3' splicing

Alt= same pre-mRNA processed in different ways
Multiple 3'= two or more possible 3' splice sites exist creating pre-mRNA of diff lengths
both just different versions of the same gene

What are the 3 consensus sequences needed for splicing?

5' splice site (GU), 3' splice site (AG) and the branch point

GAL4 in the absence of galactose

GAL80 blocks GAL4 from activating transcription

GAL4 in the presence of galactose

Galactose binds with GAL3 which changes GAL80's conformation, freeing up GAL4 to interact with the basal transcription and stimulate transcription