Genetics chapter 12

Most gene regulation takes place when?


most important different because prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA?

EUkaryotes have nucleosomes that form chromatin
-many nucleosomes are positioned to block the promoter
-chromatin structure usually has to be changed inorder to allow transcription - depends on the binding of regulatory proteins

Ground state of Euk and PRok

-Prokaryotes genes are generally "on"
-Euk genes are generally "off

General transcriptional differences between prok and euk

1. In bacteria, all genes are transcribed by the same RNA polymerases. There are three involved with euks. RNA polymerase II does mRNA
2. RNA transcripts are extensively processed in euks and introns spliced
3. RNA pol II is much larger and more complex t

eukaryotic gene regulation must be able to

1. ensure that the expression of most genes is in the genome is off at any one time while activating a subset of genes
2. generate thousands of patterns of gene expression

Divide regulatory proteins into two sets:

1. large RNA polymerase II complex and the general transcription factors. to initiate transcription, these proteins interact with DNA sequences called promoter proximal elements near the promoter
2. transcription factors that bind cis acting regulatory se

promoter proximal elements

DNA sequences that proteins must interact with to initiate transcription


may be located a considerable distance away from the promoter. they are bound by transcription factors that control the regulation of smaller subsets of genes. will usually only act in one or a few cell types in a euk.

Much of the strategy of eukaryotic transcriptional control hinges on how specific transcription factors control the

access of general transcription factors and RNA polymerase II

If sequence elements are mutated,

transcription is generally reduced

regulatory proteins posess one or more of these functional domains

1. A domain that recognizes a DNA regulatory sequence (the protein's DNA binding site)
2. A domain that interacts with one or more proteins of the transcriptional apparatus (RNA polymerase or a protein associated with RNA polymerase)
3. A domain that inte

yeast imports sugar and converts it into

glucose that can be metabolized.


encode enzymes that catalyze steps in the biochemical pathway that converts galactose into glucose


encode proteins that regulate the expression of the enzyme genes.

In yeast cells growing in media lacking galactose, the GAL genes

are silent

in the presence of galactose, GAL genes are


Key regulator of GAL gene is

GAL 4 protein. best studied transcriptional regulatory protein in eukaryotes.

GAL4 regulates multiple genes through

upstream activation sequences

In the presence of galactose, the expression of GAL1, GAL2, GAL7, and GAL10 are

1000 fold or more higher than in absence

In GAL4 mutants, GAL1,2,7,10

are silent

Each of GAL1,2,7,10 have two or more GAL4 binding sites locted

upstream of its promoter

Between GAL1 and GAL10 transcription start sites, there is

118 bp region that contains four GAL4 binding sites. Each GAL4 binding site is 17 bp and is bound by one GAL 4 protein dimer.

GAL4 binding sites

necessary for gene activation in vivo. if they are deleted, the genes are silent even in the presence of galactose.

upstream activation sequences( UAS)

because GAL4 enhancers are located upstream of the genes they regulate

activation domain

a distinct domain of the GAL4 protein that is required for regulatory activity.

GAL4 has two domains

1. for DNA binding
2. activating transcription

In order to find the organization of the gal4 protein

-series of elegant experiments
-test the DNA binding and gene activation of mutant forms of the protein in which parts had been either deleted or fused.
-investigators could deterimine whether a part of the protein was necessary for a particular function

reporter gene

monitors the expression of gal genes and other transcription factors. a reporter gene's level of expression is easily measured.
-linked to the regulatory sequences that govern the expression of the gene being investigated
-the expression of the reporter g

To investigate the control of GAL gene expression,

the coding region of one of thse reporter genes and a promoter are placed downstream of a UAS element from a gal gene. Reporter gene expression then becomes a readout of gal4 activity in cells

when a form of gal4 lacking the activation domain is expressed in yeast

the binding sites of UAS are occupied but no transcription is stimulated
the same is true when other regulatory proteins lacking activation domains are expressed in cells bearing reporter genes with their binding sites

when a form of gal4 lcking the DNA binding domain is grafted to the DNA binding domain

the hybrid protein now activates transcription from lexA binding sites. "Domain swap

domain swap

show that transcriptional activation function of the gal4 protein resides in two small regions about 50 to 100 amino acids in length. these two regions form a separable activation domain that help recruit the transcriptional machinery to the promoter

Many eukaryotic transcriptional, regulatory proteins are modular proteins having separable domains for

DNA binding, activation or repression, and interaction with other proteins

Gal4 activity is physiologically


How does gal4 become active in presence of galactose?

key clues came from analyzing mutations in the gal80 and gal3 genes.

in gal80 mutations

gal structural genes are active even in the absence of galactose. suggests that the normal function of the gal80 protein is to somehow inhibit gal gene expression
gal80 binds to gal4 protein with high affinity and directly inhibits gal4 acitvity. binds to

in gal3 mutations

the gal structural genes are not active in the presence of galactose; suggesting that gal3 normally promotes expression of gal genes
the role of the gal3 is to release gal structural genes from their repression by gal80 when galactose is present
both a se

gal3 gal80 gal4

all part of a switch whose state is determined by presence or absence of galactose.

gal4 can also affect transcription in insects, humans, etc.

suggests that biochemical machinery and mechanisms of gene activation are common to a braod array of euks and that features revealed in yeast are generally present in other euks

in euks, activators work


euk activators recruit rna polymerase through two mechanisms

1. activators can interact with subunits of the protein complexes having roles in transcirption initation
2. activators can recruit proteins that modifty chromatin structure allowing rna pol II and other proteins access to the dna
gal4 has both activities

gal4 binds TBP to a site in its activation domain. through this binding interaction, it recruits the

TFIID complex and in turn RNA polymerase II to the promoter.

mediator complex

another way that gal works to activate gene expression
it is a large multiprotein compelx that in turn directly interacts with RNA pol II to recruit it to gene promoters. the mediator complex is an example of a coactivator


a term applied to aprotein or protein compex that facilitates gene activation by a transcription factor but that itself is neither part of the transcriptional machinery nor a dna binding protein

eukaryotic transcriptional activators often work by recruiting parts of the transcriptional machinery to

gene promoters

A second mechanism for influencing gene transcription in eukaryotes modifies the local chromatin structure around regulatory sequences

review chromatin structure and then consider how it can change and how these changes affect gene expression

prok DNA is relatively naked compared to

euk DNA. makes it very easy for RNA polymerase to attach. euk chromosomes are packaged in chromatin which is composed of DNA and proteins.

prok genes are generally accessible adn "on" unless repressed,

euk genes are inaccessible and "off" unless activated.

epigenetic inheritance

chromatin structure must be inherited. defined operationally as the inheritance of chromatin states from one cell generation to the next.

nucleosome positions can change on the DNA from cell to cell over the life cycle of an organism

transcription is repressed when the promoter and flanking sequences are wound up in the nucleosome, preventing the intiation of transcription by RNA pol II.

activation would require nudging the nucleosome away from


chromatin remodeling

the changing of nucleosome positioning. an integral part of euk gene expression.