The Things They Carried Review

In The Things They Carried, who carried love letters from Martha?

Lt. Jimmy Cross

What does "to hump" something mean? :)

to carry

In the picture of Martha, what sport was she playing?


What "good luck charm" of his girlfriend's does Henry Dobbins carry?

her pantyhose

Who is the narrator of The Things They Carried?

Tim O'Brien

After Lavender's death, what does Cross do to Martha's letters and photos?

burns them

Who "wore a new red cap, which seemed...very stylish and very sophisticated" to Timmy?


Who is "a Lutheran missionary now. A trained nurse...she had done service in Ethiopia and Guatemala and Mexico. She had never married...and probably never would"?


What did Mitchell Sanders deposit in a blue USO envelope and send to the draft board in Ohio?


Who "went too heavy on tranquilizers" and when asked how the war was going, replied, "Mellow, man. We got ourselves a nice mellow war today"?

Ted Lavender

What did Azar do to Ted Lavender's puppy?

tied it to a mine and blew it up

Before being drafted, who had a full-ride scholarship to Harvard?


Before being drafted, what kind of "not pleasant work" did Tim have?

removing blood clots from pigs

Who is Elroy Bendahl, and how does he save Tim?

man at the fishing lodge who shows him the option of Canada

After fighting with Lee Strunk and breaking his nose, what does Dave Jensen do with a pistol?

breaks his own nose

After Curt Lemon dies, whom does Rat Kiley write?

Curt's sister

With whom does Tim see the movie The Man Who Never Was?


When Tim is shot the first time, who is the medic?

Rat Kiley

On their "field trip," where do Tim and his daughter go?


Who shoots himself in the foot?

Rat Kiley

Who was "playing catch with Rat Kiley, laughing, and then he was dead"?

Curt Lemon

What does Mark Fossie manage to have shipped to Vietnam?

his girlfriend, Mary Anne Bell

Who hanged himself with jump rope in the locker room of the YMCA?

Norman Bowker

Who always carried a copy of the New Testament?


Who said, "That night when Kiowa got wasted, I sort of sank down into the sewage with him...Feels like I'm still in deep sh*t.

Norman Bowker