

Setting of the story


protagonist of the story


antagonist of the story

Delia works doing


Has Sykes hit Delia before?


The following quote: "Oh well, whatever goes over the Devil's back, is got to come under his belly. Sometime or ruther, Sykes, like everybody else is gointer reap his sowing," means what?

Sykes will eventually pay for what he has done

What does Delia pull out on Sykes in order to get him to leave her alone when they first start arguing?


What does the following quote refer to: "Too much knocking' will ruin any 'oman. He done beat huh 'nough tuh kill three women...

Moseley's comment on Sykes beating his wife up

Based on the following quote people probably view Sykes as how: "Taint no law on earth dat kin make a man be decent if it aint in 'im.

Indecent and unable to change


Sykes's mistress

Does Sykes work?


What gift does Sykes give Delia?

a rattlesnake

Where does Sykes place the snake?

in the kitchen

Delia threatens to go where?


Towards the end of the story, Sykes takes the snake out of the box and places it where?

In the hamper

Who gets bitten by the snake?


The end of the story indicates what: " ... she waited in the growing heat while inside she knew the cold river was creeping up and up to extinguish that eye which must know by now that she knew.

That Sykes would be dead soon.

Where does Delia hide from the snake?

in the hay barn