The Things they Carry 162-End

After reporting the MIA for Kiowa, Lt Cross was ready to give up on searching and call it a day. True or False.

False, "There was no way Lieutenant Cross would allow such a good man to be lost under the slime of a sh*t field.

As they looked for Kiowa's body, it was pouring. True or False


Who's idea was it to camp in the sh*t fields?

-the order came from higher, but he still felt guilty because he knows he should of defended his doubtfulness of the place

what was the item Kiowa carried every where with him? (present from his father)

his New testament bible

Who kept making jokes about Kiowa's death during his search?


Who was blaming Lt Cross for Kiowa's death? Who was defending Lt Cross?

-Mitchell Sanders
-Norman Bowker

when the three men found Kiowa's backpack, how did they know it was his?

It contained his mocassins and his New Testament Bible

During the search, Jimmy Cross kept imagining what he would write to Kiowa's father. However, he kept wishing he was doing something, what did he wish to be doing?

Playing golf in his hometown of New Jersey

How did Jimmy Cross end up becoming a Lieutenant if he hates the responsibility of leading his men?

-When he was college sophmore at Mount Sebastian College, he signed up for the Reserve Officer Training Corps without much thought because all his friends were doing it

Does Lt Cross feel guilty for Kiowa's death?

Yes, even though he was following orders, he felt like he could of been a better leader

Why did the unknown young soldier feel so responsible for Kiowa's death?

-when setting up camp, he showed Kiowa a picture of his gf, at the same time he flashed his flashlight and a few moments later the VC began shelling them.

Why was the unknown soldier so desperate to find Kiowa?

-Kiowa died with the unknown soldier's picture of his (ex)gf

what was the name of the unknown soldier's gf?


Who found Kiowa's body?

Norman Bowker

What was Azar's response to finding Kiowa's body?

-Azar was stunned, didn't make a single joke
- he even apologized to Norman for the jokes, telling him he felt responsible for his death

What were the two things Jimmy was debating on doing after the war?

-Writing a letter to Kiowa's father or go play golf

When Tim's daughter Kathleen asked, " Did you ever kill anybody?" what was his response?

And i can say, honestly, 'Of Course not.' Or I can say, honestly, 'Yes.'

Years after the war, Tim goes with his daughter back to Vietnam and he goes where?

to the place where Kiowa died

Kathleen kept complaing about what during their trip to Vietnam?

the smell

When Tim arrived to the site, what strange thing did he do?

-He stripped down to his underwear, and waded into a pool into the exact place where Sanders found Kiowa's rucksack

what did Tim do with the present he brought from the states? what was the present?

-They were Kiowa's mocassins
-He decided to release them into the place where they found his body
-he was disappointed because he wished he had something great to say but he was silent

after getting out of the water, what did Tim tell his daughter not to do?

to not tell her mother about the lake incident :b

How many times was Tim shot?


What were the circumstances for the first time Tim got shot?

-in Tri Binh,He was shot against the wall, in his belly and Rat Kiley, the medic, just so happened to be there and save his life

What happen to Rat Kiley? who replaced him?

-He got wounded and was shipped off to Japan
-replaced by a man named Bobby Jorgenson

what were the circumstances for the second time Tim got shot?

-in Song Tra Bong, he got shot in the butt
-he was angry because Bobby Jorgenson was too scared to help him for about 10 minutes
-even after he helped Tim, he did a horrible job because Tim almost died of shock, and ended up with gangrene

how did Tim describe Bobby's face during his attempt to help him?

-Scared white face, buggy eyes, lip twitching, horrible mustache

what did the nurses call Tim's wound?

a diaper rash

after being shot twice, where did Tim get stationed?

a battalion supply station, it was cushy duty

what did Tim complain about while being stationed in "cushy duty

- he missed the thrill of the jungle, he missed feeling "alive

what would Tim keep thinking about?

how to get Bobby Jorgenson back

when Tim's crew came back, they mentioned a story of a soldier's death, what was the story

-Morty Philips wasted all his luck
- They were humping on a hot day, when all of a sudden he disappears
- Lt Cross almost reports him MIA when he suddenly appears
-appararently Morty decided to go skinny dipping
-Morty gets sick and dies
-appararently it

why was Tim so envious during the story? what made him even angrier afterwards?

-He felt left out, he felt like he wasn't a comrade anymore
-he asked where Bobby Jorgenson was, and Sanders tells him to drop the subject
-Tim begins to trash on him, and Sanders defends him and tells Tim that Jorgenson is "with us now." and that Tim isn

what happens when Tim and Bobby Jorgenson finally meet again?

-Bobby attempts to apologize to Tim about how bad he screwed up. He attempted to explain how it was his first firefight and he felt paralyzed.
-Bobby attempted to shake his hand, but Tim walked away

Why was Tim still mad at Bobby after his apology?

-He hated him for making him stop hating him

who did Tim asked for help for revenge against Jorgenson?

-first he asked Sanders, but sanders said no
- he then asked Azar, he still said yes

what was the nickname for enemy?


what is "to get spook" lingo for?

-to get scared and die

What was the final straw? what finally cinched Tim to get revenge for sure?

When he saw Jorgenson again, Jorgenson was already thinking that everything was okay, and that made Tim mad

As Tim waited for the night to come, he kept Azar busy by?

-watching the movie Barbarella
-Azar was obsessed with Jane Fonda

what was the set up Tim and Azar did?

ten flares and eight ropes hooked to a homemade noisemaker

As Tim fingered the ropes, he compared himself to what?

the VC, he felt so powerful, like a puppeteer, making the wooden soldier dance

Who was Tim crushing on while scaring Jorgenson?

Mary Hopkins

When did Tim feel satifised with his revenge?

after firing a couple of trip flares, and seeing how scared Jorgenson was

What was the problem with Azar and Tim?

Azar did not want to stop after Tim was satisfied

why did Azar continue to scared Jorgenson?

it wasn't personal, he just thought it was fun

what was Azar telling Tim as Azar kept firing the flares?

He called Tim a hasbeen for not being able to enjoy the little backyard war

What flashback did Tim have during the scare?

how scared he was when he got shot, how he felt hollow, and how jorgenson took forever, how he wanted to scream that it was shock, how he felt like he was out of his body and there was a genie with him

after shooting tear gas and flares, what was the last surprise Tim had set up that Azar used?

a sandbag with a pulley system, Jorgenson began firing at it, this amused Azar

what was Tim's observation of Jorgenson while he shot the sandbag?

-he was relaxed, unafraid

what happened after the sandbag?

Jorgenson screams , "O'Brien!

what was Azar last remark to Tim?

-Disgusting, Sorriest f*ckin' case i ever seen
then he kicked him in the head

Jorgenson and Tim met up after being discovered, what was their converstation?

-Jorgenson said it was no big deal, and said Tim should go into the movie business as another "Hitchcock"
-They felt Human closeness, and Jorgenson fixed up his forehead
-then they joke that they should scare Azar to death

What happen to Rat Kiley in the chapter the night life?

-Rat Kiley could not handle the adjustment of sleeping during the day and walking at night

How did the other men cope with the night life?

-Lt Cross used NoDoz
-Dave Jensen popped special vitamins high in carotene
-Henry Dobbins and Norman Bowker tied a safety line between themselves

what odd habits was Rat Kiley developing?

-clawing at his bug bites
-making huge scabs
-he began hallucinating about wanting to see organs

How did Rat Kiley get shot?

-He doped himself up and shot himself in the foot because he could no longer take it

in the chapter "the lives of the dead", Tim begins the story with the first time he saw a dead body. Whats the story?

One day while marching, Jimmy Cross called for an air strike at on a village due to sniper fire
-as they walked through the village ,there were no casualities except for one old men, whos right arm was gone, and he was covered in gnats and flies

why was Tim so stunned by the body?

-The men were being humorous with the body and making jokes such as "high five" and greeting him
-Sanders even layed some oranges on his lap, saying health is best thing in the world
-when they asked Tim to do it, he couldn't cope with what just happened

who was glad that Tim refused to "greet" the old man

-Kiowa was happy because he thought Tim didnt do it out of respect, but in reality he was just too scared to.

what did the old man remind Tim of?

-his first date with Linda

describe Linda

- nine years old, brown eyes, brown hair
- slender, fragile looking, quiet

what was Tim's first date like?

-It was a double date with him, Linda, and his mother and father
-they would both pretend the date wasnt special but Tim was so happy

What was one accessory that Linda seemed to always wear?

-a red cap

During the explanation of his first date, Tim jumps into another story in the war? what was the story?

-the story about Ted Lavender
- a man who would pop a lot of tranquilizers and say the war is mellow
-even after his death, Sanders asked Ted how is he and one of the men went its mellow

what was one feature that stuck out of Ted's body?

his dreamy blue eyes

what movie did Linda and Tim watch? what was it about?

-The man who never was
-it was a WWII film about how the Allies tried the Germans with a fake body about where they were invading
-Tim was scared because of all the dead bodies but was confused because Linda seemed very entertained

Describe how the date ended

-Tim walked her to her fierce yellow door, wet grass, they were in love
-alone on those front steps, they finally looked at each other and they said bye

What began to happen after the date?

-Linda began to always wear her red cap every where and never taking it off
-A boy named Nick Veenhof would tease her about it

Describe the incident in which Linda's hat fell off

-Nick got up to sharpen his pencil, and he snuck behind Linda and took off her cap
-he revealed her balding scalp
-she started at Tim and it seemed like she was saying well? and he was saying sure,okay.

how did Tim describe his life in three phases?

-a little kid
- 23 year old army sergeant
- middle age writer with guilt and sorrow

when did Linda die?

in September

How did Tim find out she was dead?

-Nick told him she kicked the bucket

what was timmy hoping for?

that it was all a game, and Linda would come out laughing

what stuck out about the Linda Tim kept seeing his mind?

Her eyes showed a bright ongoing everness

how did the men keep the dead alive?

with stories

what man did Tim talk about?

he talked about curt lemon's and his trick or treating

what did timmy do the day after linda died?

He went to her funeral to view the body

how would you describe timmy's experience seeing Linda in the casket?

-he was anxious because he wanted to impress her
-he still hoped it was all a game

Describe Linda's body

- the body was swollen and fat
-bloated face and arms
-skin on her cheeks were stretched out tight
-puffy fingers
-she looked dead, not asleep

When Tim and Sanders were picking bodies, what realization did Sanders come up with?

-Death sucks

how would Tim keep Linda "alive"?

-he would imagine elaborate stories like being at a big birthday, and she would appear but they be really shy at first
-then he would walk her home and just stare at the dark and be together

Name some stories Timmy came up with to keep Linda alive

-he went ice skating with her
-they stood by a stove to keep warmth
-she would ask him if she looked dead, and he would say she looked terrific

How did Linda describe being dead?

-She said she wasn't dead, she was like a book that nobody's reading, that's on the top shelf

in the end of the story, Tim imagines the frozen ponding, who does he see skating?

-everyone he know that has ever died
-Curt Lemon, Ted Lavender, Kiowa, Linda, and himself as a boy

How did Tim finish the story?

by realizing that it is Tim who is trying to save timmy's life