Vocab/Questions for "The Destructors


wheels on a truck






type of eyeglass that corrects vision in one eye






not prepared or planned in advance


missiles containing highly flammable substances that will cause a fire on impact


to disturb and trouble someone


a meeting arranged for an agreed time and place


an interesting or daring action or achievement




change from what is usual


distribute over a wide area


deliberately copying another work in comic or satiric way


feel intimidated or discouraged


impossible to pacify or calm


not concerned about upsetting or offending people


unselfish concern for the welfare of others




the face of a building


doubt about the meaning, something can be understood in more than one way


offend someone


rheumatoid arthritis


behave in a nervous and indecisive way


criticize sharply

When does the balance of power in the gang shift from Blackie to Trevor? Why does Blackie allow Trevor to take over? When does the power shift again?

The balance of power in the gang shifts from Blackie to Trevor. After agreeing that the gang should destroy Old Misery's 'beautiful' house, Summer asks Blackie "How do we start?" and Blackie responds by saying "He'll tell you," referencing to Trevor. The

Why does Trevor burn Old Misery's money instead of keeping it?

Trevor burns Old Misery's money instead of keeping it because he doesn't want to be a thief. Trevor says to Blackie, "We aren't thieves nobody's going to steal anything from this house." (Greene 9) Throughout the story, Trevor made it evident that they wo

Why is Trevor insistent on finishing the job of completely destroying the house even after Old Misery returns early?

Trevor is insistent on finishing the job of completely destroying the house even after Old Misery returns early because he thinks it isn't fair that Old Misery's house is the only one to remain standing and looking beautiful. Trevor states, "Oh, no, we ha

What is an allegory? How can the story be an allegory for the larger context of the war?

An allegory is a story or poem in which characters, settings, and events stand for abstract qualities. The story is an allegory for the larger context of the war because the destruction of the house represents the destruction of London that is caused by t

What does it require for the gang to destroy Old Misery's house? Does it require intelligence and skill? Explain.

A requirements for the gang to destroy Old Misery's house is they need tools. Some tools they gang would need is a saw, a hacksaw, and a sledgehammer. Trevor said to Mike and then the rest of the gang, "bring some big nails, the biggest you can find, and

Why does Trevor want to destroy Old Misery's house completely?

- he wants to get get fame for the gang
- the destruction is a work of art
- house was so beautiful and irreplaceable, a Christaphor wren house

Why does it take two leaders-Trevor and Blackie- to complete the destruction of the house

- Trevor has creativity
- blackie has the respect of the gang

why does the author present the destruction of old misery's house as both vandalism and a work of creation?

- took skill to sneak in and demolish the house successfully
- took skill to create a plan
- the purpose isn't to steal
- the creation is the total destruction

how are themes used in "The Destructors

- the destruction is a creation
- senselessness of war

how are allegory used in "The Destructors

represents hitler and the germans bombing London. House=the destruction of London

how are irony used in "The Destructors

- the house is beautiful but that only makes Trevor want to destroy it more
- destruction----creation

do you think destroying the house is a creative act? Why or why not

- to the boys it is an act of creation
- to mr. thomas it is destruction

how does trevor have potential and how is trevor hopeless

- hopeless: cracks under pressure
- potential: could be something if he wasn't in that gang

how is the destruction of old misery's house senseless?

do it because they can, an act of creation

how is the destruction brought about by the war not senseless?

had a reason