Pride and Prejudice Quotes

It is a truth universally acknowledged

Chapter 1, Narrator, novel's satirical voice, roles of men and women, women and men as property, foreshadowing?

She is tolerable; but not handsome enough to tempt me

Chapter 3, Darcy, Darcy's pride, parallel with Elizabeth

Pride..... Is a very common failing I believe..

Chapter 5, Mary, differences between bennet daughters, verbal characteristics, mary's lack of common sense, foil for elizabeth

Happiness in marriage is entirely a matter of chance

Chapter 6, Charlotte, different views of love and marriage of female characters, patriarchy, Charlotte and Elizabeth as foils.

I rather wonder at your knowing any

Chapter 8, Elizabeth, banter between Elizabeth and Darcy, parallelism, elizabeth's feminism.

He really believed........he should be in some danger.

Chapter 10, narrator speaking Darcy's thoughts, Darcy's vulnerability, growing affinity for elizabeth, social code preventing his feelings

May I ask whether these pleasing attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment or are the result of previous study?

Chapter 14, Mr. Bennet, mr Collins ridiculous verbal mannerisms, Mr. bennets seeing through pretense, poking holes in the novels social code

Collins Proposal

Chapter 19, lack of language of love, social influences, business arrangement, his property rights

Your mother will never see you again if you do not marry mr Collins, and I will never see you again if you do.

Chapter 20, Mr bennet, Mr bennets refusal to invest himself fully in patriarchy, differences between mr and mrs bennet, kinship with elizabeth

I am not romantic you know. I never was...

Chapter 22, Charlotte Lucas, different approaches, to patriarchy, elizabeth's flaws

You wish to think all the world respectable..

Chapter 24, elizabeth, differences between Jane and Elizabeth, elizabeth's flaws

No Governess! How was that possible?

Chapter 29, lady catherine, spectrum of femininity, lady Catharines role as negative female power, novels view of female power

...he congratulated himself on having lately saved a friend from the inconveniences of marriage...

Chapter 33, colonel fitzwilliam, themes of misreading and misunderstanding, Darcy's character, elizabeth's judgement

In vein have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed...

Chapter 34, Darcy, Darcy's emotional side, equal footing of men and women, going against gender roles,

The total want of propriety so frequently, so almost uniform ally betrayed by herself, by your three younger sisters, and occasionally even by your father....

Chapter 35, Darcy, Elizabeth's realizations about her family, Darcy's sharp eye, beginning of turnaround

Til this moment, I never knew myself

Chapter 36, Elizabeth, elizBeths admission of wrong, her correct reading, self-realization

It was a large, handsome, stone building, to mistress of pemberley might be something!

Chapter 43, narrator speaking elizabeth's thoughts, change in Elizabeth, symbolism of the landscape--similar to Darcy himself, elizabeth's value system- authority

And now here's mr bennet gone away, and I know he will fight wickham, wherever he meets him, and then he will be killed, and what is to become of us all?

Chapter 47, mrs. Bennet, mrs bennets hysteria, female stereotypes

Unhappy as the event might be for Lydia, we may draw from it this useful lesson; that loss of virtue in a female is irretrievable.

Chapter 47, Mary bennet, novel feminism vs. Bourgeois values

The death of your daughter would have been a blessing in comparison to this

Chapter 48, Mr Collins, collins's absurdity, standards and mores for women

I hope and trust that they will yet be happy. His consenting to marry her is proof, I will believe, that he is come to a right way of thinking.

Chapter 49, Jane, Janes na�vet�, limited resources and possibilities for women, contrast to Elizabeth

She was convinced that she could have ben happy with him; when it was no longer likely they should meet

Chapter 50, narrator speaking elizabeth's thoughts, elizabeth's conflict, realizations about link with darcy( protecting their sisters and friends)

Mrs. bennet, do you know who I am?

Chapter 56, Lady Catherine, feminism vs. Stereotypes, lady catherine as foil to Elizabeth

By you, I was properly humbled.

Chapter 58, Darcy, elizabeth's powers, transformation of each character

We all know him to be a proud, unpleasant sort of man; but this would be nothing if you really liked him

Chapter 59, Mr. bennet, patriarchy, necessity of fathers consent, mr bennets open mindedness, theme of misreading and first impressions