Descubre I Lecci�n 4.1 Ir + A + articulo+ lugar

yo voy al museo

I go to the museum

t� vas al centro

you informal go downtown

�l va al parque

he goes to the parque

ella va al restaurante

she goes to the restuarante

usted va al gimnasio

you formal go to the gym

nosotros vamos al baile

we go to the dance

vosotros vais a la piscina

you guys go to the pool

ellos van al centro comercial

they go to the mall

ellas van a la plaza

they (group of girls) go to the plaza

nosotros vamos a casa

we go home

�Ad�nde vas?

To Where are you going?

�Ad�nde van ustedes?

To Where are youall formal going?

�Ad�nde va �l?

To Where is he going?