hss 303 ch 16 adulthood

which of the following are lifestyle choices that have a direct impact on the aging process


which of the following are physical symptoms related to withdrawal from alcohol? select all that apply

- insomnia
- nausea and vomiting
- seizures

successful aging

describes physical and psychological function declines that occur only because one grows older

what are some effects of low vitamin E intake

- cataracts
- accelerated aging
- decline in physical abilities


is the longest stage of the life cycle. it begins when an adolescent completes his or her physical growth

migraine headache

a severe intense and recurring throbbing pain affecting one or both sides of the head

match the physiological change seen with aging with a recommendation for maintaining good nutritional health

decreased appetite - use supplemental nutritional drinks such as boost and ensure plus
decreased sense of taste and smell - vary colors and textures of foods
decreased sense of thirst - be alert for signs of dehydration
decreased stomach acidity - include

foods to avoid in older adults with poor dentition include

- meat
- crunchy fruits and vegetables

for women heavy drinking refers to consuming more than 3 drinks in one day or more than 7 drinks in one week

3; 7

an alcohol use disorder is

a psychiatric disorder with mental and physical effects

to preserve bone mass, older adults should

- consume adequate calcium and vitamin D
- avoid smoking
- limit alcohol intake to 1 drink per day

life expectancy

is the average length of life for a given group of people born in a specific year

which of the following are characteristics of Alzheimer's disease?

- changes in mood or behavior
- decreased ability to remember, reason, and comprehend
- irreversible disease process

match the chronic disease with its most likely effect on nutritional status

obesity, heart disease, and osteoporosis = impair physical mobility to the extent that a person cannot shop or prepare food
hypertension = may indicate a need for lower sodium
diabetes = alters the body's ability to utilize glucose

high ___ intake can lead to obesity, heart disease, and certain cancers


decreases in stomach acid production can affect ____ status

vitamin b12

usual aging

typical changes include increasing body fat, decreasing lean mass, rising blood pressure, declining bone mass, development of chronic diseases - these do not have to be the norm!

match the disease with the correct description

Parkinson's disease = a motor system disorder that results from a loss of dopamine-producing brain cells
Creutzfeldt-Jaccob disease = a rare, degenerative, invariably fatal brain disorder
Multiple sclerosis = caused by disruption between the brain and oth

match the recommended response to its corresponding physiological change

use meal replacement products = appetite decreases with age
seek non-dairy calcium = lactase production decreases with age
wear sunglasses in sunny conditions = sense of vision declines with age
perform regular physical activity = lean body mass decreases

match the physiological sign of aging with the best way to prevent its effect on nutrition

decreased bowel function - meet fluid needs
decreased liver function - consume alcohol in moderation
decreased lung function - perform regular physical activity
decreased bone mass - meet requirements for protein, vitamin D, and calcium