Indoor Air Quality Unit 34

Humidification generally relates to the process of causing water to ____ into the air.

The correct answer is: evaporate

The steps to aggressively controlling the contamination of indoor air would involve ____.

The correct answer is: all of the above
a. locating and eliminating the source of contamination
b. providing adequate ventilation
c. providing methods for cleaning the air

The controller for a humidifier, a humidistat, has a power element that is ____ sensitive.

The correct answer is: moisture

Electronic air cleaners generally have ____.

The correct answer is: all of the above
a. ionizing sections
b. charcoal filters
c. pre-filters

What are the relative humidity limits recommended for residences?

The correct answer is: 40% to 60%

If reservoir-type humidifiers are not properly maintained, which of the following can be discharged into the air?

The correct answer is: all of the above
a. fungi
b. bacteria
c. algae

Atomizing humidifiers discharge ____ into the air.

The correct answer is: tiny water droplets

A house is built on property whose soil is rich in uranium. The occupants of the house may ____.

The correct answer is: both a and b
a. be exposed to radon gas
b. be more susceptible to lung cancer

A humidifier should cycle with the blower in the heating unit.

The correct answer is 'True'.

The air conditioning system is responsible for controlling the humidity inside a structure.

The correct answer is 'True'.

Caution must be used with changing from one filter type to another. If a technician installs a high density filter in this application, it is very likely that the air flow will be reduced because the same filter area is used with a more dense filter.

The correct answer is 'True'.

A high density fiberglass filter media air filter will catch and retain ____% of the particles in the air.

The correct answer is: 70

What is the recommended maximum number of grains per pound of material in the water supplied to an atomizing humidifier?

The correct answer is: 10

An extended surface filter (pleated type) ____.

The correct answer is: both a and b
a. does not clog up as quickly as a standard filter
b. is able to remove more dirt since the surface area is larger

People who are active and spend a great deal of time outdoors are more likely to experience the effects of pollution.

The correct answer is 'False'.

One of the most common substances that is used as an absorber is ____.

The correct answer is: charcoal

The main purpose of adding a humidifier to a heating system is to replace the moisture that is removed by the heating equipment.

The correct answer is 'True'.