PSYC 260 Test 3 Review (Aggression)

Aggression: ______________ behavior aimed at doing harm or causing ___________ to another person
-pain can be physical or ____________________

intentional, harm, psychological


anger, pain, goal


testosterone, violence, decrease

Gender and Aggression:
-males are more ____________ aggressive than females
-females show more _____________ aggression (gossip, backbiting, false rumors) than males
-with provocation (frustration, taunting, etc.) gender differences become much __________

physically, relational, smaller

Negative effects of bullying:
-victims of bullying show more depression, loneliness, peer ____________, and anxiety in comparison to other children
-about ______ in 5 kids experience bullying
-girls who are victims of _____________ aggression have been fo

rejection, 1, nonphysical, harmful, social

Regional Differences in Aggression:
-Homicide rates of white ____________ males > homicide rates of white ____________ males, especially in _________ areas
-but ONLY in "argument-related" homicides, in response to ____________

Southern, Northern, rural, insults

Experiment with White Southern and Northern Males:
-each participant was bumped by a ___________, called a name (insult)
-spit test after insult revealed that out of those who received the ____________, Southern males had _________ levels than Northern ma

confederate, insult, higher

-more likely to think "masculinity" was ____________
-higher rise in __________ (stress hormone) and _________________ levels
-more likely to engage in aggressive and dominant behavior __________________

threatened, cortisol, testosterone, afterwards


antisocial, imitating

TV as Social Influence:
-increases _____________, angry, and hostile thoughts
-less reactivity to _________-life aggression
-reduced _____________ to the needs of others
-increased __________ of victimhood
-impairs ___________ and cognitive function

aggression, real, sensitivity, fear, memory, stronger, aggression

Weapon Accessibility & Violence:
-aggressive stimulus: an object that is associated with aggressive ____________ whose mere presence can increase the ______________ of aggression

responses, probability

Alcohol & Aggression:
-alcohol reduces our social inhibitions, making us less ____________
-can disrupt the way we usually process information- drunk people often respond to the earliest and most ____________ aspects of social situation; tend to miss the

cautious, obvious, provocations, aggression

Alcohol myopia: when people are intoxicated, they become more _________-focused and less aware of the __________ situation
-we might normally be aware of the presence of a police officer or others, which would remind us that being ____________ is not appr

self, social, aggressive, negative

_____________ temperatures lead to ___________ levels of violence
-positive correlation between _____________ and number of batters hit by ___________

hotter, higher, temperature, pitches

Catharsis: notation that by performing an _____________ act (such as watching others engage in aggressive behavior or engaging in a fantasy of aggression) relieves built-up aggressive energies and hence reduces the _______________ of further aggressive be

aggressive, likelihood

-many DO report feeling _________ angry after blowing off steam by yelling, hitting, cursing, etc.
-however, it does NOT generally reduce the need for ___________ aggression
-aggressive displays often make participants and observers _________ a

less, further, more, increased

-further, aggression affects ____________
-measured the hostility of ___________ at an especially violent hockey game
-as game progressed, spectators became increasingly _____________
-toward the end of final period, their level of hostility wa

observers, spectators, belligerent, high, hours