oceangeography Flashcards

you may use which type of marine sediment to season your food?
a) biogenous
b) hydrogenous
c) terrigenous
d) volcanogenous

answear B

if the CCD is at 4.5 km depth, on which features the seafloor would
you expect to find lots of calcareous ooze?
a) in deepest portions of the ocean
b) inside ocean trenches
c) on deep abyssal plains
d) peaks of mid ocean range

answer D

which one of the following is a microscopic organism that produces
CaCo3 shells?
a) foraminifera
b) diatom
c) coral reef
d) clams

answer a

which one of the following is a reason biogenous sediments might be
plentiful on the sea floor?
a) high biological productivity in overlying water
b) salts precipitate out and deposit on seafloor
c) desert sands are blowing into ocean
d) high amount of meteorites hitting ocean

answer a

nowadays we use this type of marine sediments to write blackboards?
a) biogenous
b) hydrogenous
c) terrigenous
d) volcanogenous

answer b

which type of marine sediment would you most likely enconter on the
abyssal plains, following a turbidity current event?
a) biogenous
b) hydrogenous
c) pelagic terrigenous
neritic terrigenous

answer c

which type of marine sidement would you most likely encounter
folllowing the perseid meteor shower?
b) hydrogenous
c) cosmogenous
d) pelagic terrigenous
e) neritic terrigenous

answer c

which type of quartz containing marine sediment would you most likely
encounter on the continental shelf?
a) pelagic biogenous ooze
b) neritic biogenous
c) pelagic biogenous
d) pelagic terrigenous
e) neritic terrigenous

answer e

which type of marine sediment would you most likely encounter only
nearby island arcs in the pacific ocean?
a) biogenous
b) hydrogenous
c) cosmogenous
d) terrigenous
e) volcanogenous

answer e

if the ocean is currently moving at 10 cm/s,
what sediment type would you expect to find deposited on the seafloor?
a) clay
b) silt
c) sand
d) gravel
e) a mixture of all

answer D

if an ocean current is initially moving at 1 cm/s increased to 10
cm/s sediment in what size interval will become nearly suspended and transportant?

answer 0.1 to 1mm

neritic deposits are found in/on the while pelagic deposits are found
in/on the ?
a) the mid ocean range, deep ocean floor
vb) shelf and slope
c) deep ocean floor and self
d) shelf and deep ocean floor
e) beaches and shelf

answer D

what type of terrigenous sediments are you NOT likely to found in the
deep sea?
a) silt
b) clay
c) coarse sand
d) wind blow
e) iron containing dust

answer c

which one of these following is a microscopic organism that produce
CaCo3 shells?
a) foraminifera
c) \coral reef
d) radiolaran
e) clams

answer A

what type of particles compose most marine sediments?

answer silt, clay, sand, and clay

what are 4 main type of sediment ?

answer terrigenous sediments, hydrogenous seiments, biogenous
sediment, cosmogenous sediments.

whichtype of the sediment is most abundant?

answer terrrigenous and biogenous sediments

what are the the 3 type of sediment that is least aboundant?

answer hydrogenous, volcangenous, cosmogenous sedimenys

worldwide, the dominate means by which terrigenous sediment
transported to the ocean

answer rivers

which of these following types of particles or microorganism contain
calcium carbonate CaCo3 ?

answer foraminiferans

high energy seafloor environments with strong ocean current are most
likely to be dominated by which of these following sediments type?

grvel, boulder, and cobbles.

which of the following particles types or microorganism contain
silica (SIO2) ?


sediments produced by plants and animals in the sea are called?


sediments produced as a result of chemical reactions in the seawater
are called?

answer hydrogenous

sediments with an extraterrestrial origin are called?

answer cosmogenous

are of the following are example terrigenous sediment except of ?

diatom ooze

manganese nodules are an example of?

answer hydrogenous sediment

sediments found in the continental shelves are called?


Name The Oceans + Define

1) Pacific Ocean - Largest/Deepest
2) Atlantic Ocean - Seperates Old World from New World (Second Largest/Deepest)
3) Indian Ocean - Same average depth as Atlantic, slightly
smaller, located in the southern hemisphere

name The 4th Ocean

Southern Ocean or Antarctic Ocean

Define: Sea

) Composed of Salt Water2) Somewhat Inclosed by land3)
Directly connected to the world ocean.

The ocean covers this much of the Earth's surface

answer 70.8

Of all the water on the earth, this percent is freshwater

answer 3 percent

The Ocean contains what % of all the water on earth?


the oceans formed about?

4 billion years ago.

Name the deepest spot in the ocean

Mariana Trench

Based on the scientific method, science supports the explanation of
the natural world that

best explains all available observations.

Chemical Composition of the Earth name them.

) Crust2) Mantle3) Core

Physical Properties name the 5 layers

1) Lithosphere2) Asthenosphere3) Mesosphere4) Outer
Core5) Inner Core

what does CTD stand for?

conductivity temper depth

who is james cook?

the first man to cross the antarctic circle to find "Terra Australis"
discover many pacafic island
search but did not found north westpassage

C. Wyville Thomson

British expedition
H.M.S challenger
Azoic Hypothesis

who is fridtjof Nanson?

establish absence of polor continent

who is LT. Charles Wikes

America's first great Voyage of discovery

what are the two crust?

Granite e= 2.6g
Basalt e=2.9g