Elise - Geography/Map Skills

Prime Meridian

is the meridian located at 0 degree longitude


is the parallel located at 0 degree latitude


are lines on the map which circle the earth from east to west.


are lines on the map which run from North Pole to the South Pole

Geographic terms

are words which describe any bodies of water and landforms such as gulf, valley, or mountain.

Physical features

are the actual names of bodies of water and landforms such as the Appalachian Mountains, or Mississippi River.


is the study of our natural surroundings and how humans interact with their surroundings. It is the study of the land and how people adapt and live there.


is the most accurate model or map of the Earth.

Cardinal points

are the four main points on a compass.

Compass rose

is the symbol on a map which shows directions.


helps you measure distances on a map.


is a large area with common physical features, climate, and resources.


is a map key with a list of symbols on a map or chart.


is half of a sphere or globe.

A Symbol

is something that stands for something else.