chapter 18 mgmt

According to MANAGER'S SHOPTALK in Chapter 18, ways in which leaders contribute to team success include all of the following EXCEPT:

discourage a clash of ideas.

Sylvia is a member of a team that uses e-mail, instant messaging, and blogging to communicate. Although she sees members of her team on breaks and at lunch, Sylvia does not interact with them face-to-face in a professional setting. Sylvia's team can best

virtual team.

During which stage of team development does team unity emerge?


Which of the following behaviors is consistent with the socioemotional role?

Reduce tension

Josh is a manager at On-The-Go Cars. He recently has read quite a bit of literature on the benefits of work teams. He is particularly interested in forming a vertical team. There are twenty-eight employees in his department. Josh should:

divide the group into four teams of seven employees each.

Team _____ occurs when individuals and departments rely on other individuals and departments for information or resources to accomplish their work.


_____ refers to the tendency for the presence of others to enhance one's motivation and performance.

Social facilitation

Fred, a software engineer, is in charge of scrutinizing electronic communication patterns as part of his role within a virtual team at work. Fred's role fulfills which virtual team practice?

Monitoring progress and rewards

Which of the following is a formal team composed of a manager and his or her subordinates?

Functional team

Which of the five stages of team development is marked by conflict and disagreement?


Kristen, in her role as team leader, has recently switched her style from one of clarifying team roles to one of emphasizing task accomplishment. Her change was driven by a desire to keep pace with her team, which has evolved from the _____ stage to the _

norming, performing

Carmen's group found itself unable to handle a conflict. The group decides to bring in an outside consultant to discuss the conflict with both sides and work toward a resolution. The group is using:


Stage of development, cohesiveness, norms, and conflict resolution are all part of which component of the work team effectiveness model?

Team processes

The tendency for people to be so committed to a cohesive team that they are reluctant to express contrary opinions refers to _____.


Which of the following brings norms into the team from outside?

Carryover behaviors

All of these behaviors are consistent with the role of a task specialist EXCEPT:


The forming stage of team development is characterized by:


Work team effectiveness is based on three outcomes: productive output, capacity to adapt and learn, and _____.


Once a month, the top managers at George's Greenhouse make a point of meeting with the work teams in their respective divisions in order to communicate to them the organization's priorities, goals, and needs. This is an example of top management attemptin

explicit statements.

Nancy belongs to a horizontal team in her organization. She was selected on the basis of her title, not her expertise. The type of horizontal team she belongs to is likely a(n):


Sally is a member of a work team at Beauty-R-Us Corporation. She often proposes new solutions to team problems. This is an example of which task specialist role?


Jessica has just been appointed leader of a new work team in her organization. She is wondering what to do at her first meeting with the group. Which of the following would you suggest?

She should allow time for team members to become acquainted with one another; allow for informal social interaction.

Randy is a team leader at His team is made up of fifteen co-workers. Recently, he has noticed a tendency for some team members to participate much less than others. They seem uninterested and content to let others do the work. This is ca

free riding.