MG 361 - Principles of Organization and Management Theory Chapter 8 - Groups, Teams and Teamwork

Do you know the difference between "groups" and "teams" - and how they are alike and how they are different?

Groups have individually work products, team all share work products
Their alike by holding people accountable

Do you know the two major factors that determine "team effectiveness

Size and team roles

What are the impact of team size and diversity on team performance?

Depnds on task
Time bound task

Do you know the major types of teams that are used in organizations?

formal teams
self directed teams
Virtual Teams
global teams
informal teams

formal teams

functional teams that are cross functional and level temporary

Self-Directed teams

members decide who what and how is gonna do what

virtual teams

members are connected through techology

informal teams

employee work on projects by themselves, weren't assigned to it

Do you know what are team roles - and the two major categories of roles?

i. "Task Specialists" -
ii. "Socio-Emotional Specialists" -
iii. Combinations
High High

Do you know what are "norms

i. Performance Norms
ii. Status Norms
iii. Appearance Norms - going along to get along

what is "cohesiveness" in regard to teams?

i. High-High" - High Cohesiveness & Perf. Norms - "Best"
ii. "Low- Low" - Low on both - "Worst"
iii. "High - Low" - High Cohesiveness & Low Perf Norms - "Lower Perf."
iv. "Low - High" - Low Cohesiveness & High Perf. Norms - "Lower Perf.

What is groupthink and what is its impact on team effectiveness?

is a phenomenon that occurs when a group of individuals reaches a consensus without critical reasoning or evaluation of the consequences or alternatives.

What is the impact of team conflict on team performance?

a. Task related (e.g., differing goals, standards of performance, methods, timeframes, access to resources, etc.)
b. Interpersonal related (e.g., communication breakdown, lack of trust, deviant behavior, etc.)

Do you know the five, team conflict-handling styles?


What are some of the methods for resolving conflict in organizations?

a. Negotiation (or Bargaining)
i. "Integrative negotiation"
ii. "Distributive negotiation"
b. Mediation

Why don't we always use teams?

a. Benefits -
b. Costs -
c. What to do?

What are some of the methods for resolving conflict in organizations?
