Unit 8 Vocabulary - Kindred

Beckon (verb)

to call or signal by motion

Brackish (adj)

describes salty water

Coherently (adv)

describes when something is done in a logical and consistent way

Forerunner (noun)

identifies a person or thing that precedes the coming or development of someone or something else

Incidentally (adv)

used to introduce a statement that provides additional informational (2) used when a person has something more to say, or is about to add a remark unconnected to the current subject ( by the way)

Inflict (verb)

to cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something

Leisurely (adj)

describes something that is unhurried or relaxed
describes an action done without hurry

Neutral (adj)

describes someone or that is not helping or supporting either side in a conflict or disagreement (impartial)

Prone (adj)

describes when someone or something is likely to be or act a certain way

Tentative (adj)

describes when someone or something shows caution or hesitation