MIT 201 Spine HW

The gray matter of the spinal cord is arranged into regions called


The white matter the spinal cord is arranged into regions called


The ____ matter of the spinal cord consists of primarily nerve cell bodies and unmyelinated axons and dendrites of association and motor neurons.


The nerve plexus that gives rise to the sciatic nerve is the

sacral plexus

The structure of the vertebrae in the cervical region that surrounds the spinal cord is the

vertebral foramen

The __________ are extensions of the Pia mater; they attach laterally to the dura mater to prevent movement of the spinal cord within the spinal canal.

denticulate ligaments

The 2 _____ project from the vertebral body to meet with 2 ____, which continue posterior and medial to form a _______

pedicles, lamina, spinous process

The ______ plexus arises from the ventral rami of C5-C7 and T1.


The ventral horns contain the nerve cell bodies of the _____ neurons.


The conus medullaris is located at approximately the level of


The _____ nerve is the largest nerve in the body


The ______ ligament extends across the ring of C1 to form a sling over the posterior surface of the odontoid process


There are ___ pairs of spinal nerves that exit the spinal cord.


The nerve roots that contains the sensory fibers are the

dorsal nerve roots

The component of the bony vertebra that extends most laterally is the

transverse process

The structures of the vertebral column through which the spinal nerves emerge are the

intervertebral foramina

The canal in the middle of the gray commissure of the spinal cord that is continuous with the 4th ventricle of the brain is termed

central canal

The nervous tissue inferior to the spina cord is called the

cauda equina