study skills thing

As early as 334 BC

When the idea of accounting for individual learning styles began

Each child possessed specific talents and skills

Aristotle said this

On the relationship between memory and visual or oral instructions.

What was the focus on in the early 1900s

Due to the emphasis on the student's IQ and academic achievement

Why did research about learning styles decline

A set of factors, behaviors, and attitudes that facilitate learning for an individual in a given situation

Learning styles also be described as this

perception, organization, and retention

Each learner distinct and consistent preferred ways of...

perception avenues

It has been shown that different hemispheres of the brain contain different


A child's brain is continually __________


The way a child learns ___________ over time


A child's strengths and weaknesses are / aren't carved in stone

Rief (1993)

Who said the percents of what students retain


Students retain what percent of what they read


Students retain what percent of what they hear


Students retain what percent of what they see


Students retain what percent of what they see and hear


Students retain what percent of what they say


Students retain what percent of what they say and do

accommodating, converging, diverging, assimilating

David Kolb's Model

activist, pragmatist, reflector, theorist

Honey and Mumford's Learning Styles

concrete and abstract; sequential and random ordering

Anthony Gregorc's Mind Styles

visual, auditory, kinesthetic



what was VAK extended to

visual, reading/writing, auditory, kinesthetic


cognitive, affective, and physiological

task force

david kolb's model, honey and mumford's learning styles, anthony gregorc's mind styles, VAK, task force

6 Influential Models and Theories