Adding and Subtracting Fractions- Word Problems


You give 1/3 of a pan of brownies to Susan and 1/6 of the pan of brownies to Patrick. How much of the brownies did you give away?

1 and 1/8

You go out for a long walk. You walk 3/4 mile and then sit down to take a rest. Then you walk 3/8 of a mile. How far do you walk altogether?


Pam walks 12/8 of a mile to school. Paul walks 1/2 of a mile to school. How much farther does Pam walk than Paul?


A school wants to make a new playground by cleaning up an abandoned lot that is shaped like a rectangle. They give the job of planning the playground to a group of students. The students decide to use 2/4 of the playground for a basketball court and 3/8 o


Marty made two types of cookies. He used 2/3 cups of sugar for one recipe and 3/12 cups of sugar for the other. How much sugar did he use in all.


The Greenfield family has 4/5 of a cake, if they eat 3/20 of the cake how much cake is left?


Mr. Leasure has 21/24 of leftover pizza. If he eats 2/6 of the pizza how much would he have left to eat?


If Simon had 4/8 of a bag of candy and gave 1/4 to Landon how much would Simon have left?

1 and 3/8

1 and 3/4 of a pound of chicken wings are being fed to kids at Forestville road elementary. If 3/8 of a pound of chicken is eaten how much is left to eat the next day?


If there were 5/9 of a pound of sandwiches for the students on a field trip to the zoo they ate 9/18 of a pound of sandwiches, how much of a pound of sandwiches are left?


The fifth grade teachers at Forestville Road Elementary are having a ice cream party if they have 4/6 of a tub of ice cream and they ate 2/3 of the tub how much ice cream is left


Jamon is having a party, if they have 9/12 of a gallon of pop and they drank 2/3 of a gallon how much is left?

3 and 5/8

On Saturday, the town of Springfield received 1 and 3/16 inches of rain. On Sunday, Springfield received 2 and 7/16 inches of rain. What is the total amount of rain Springfield received during these two days?

1 and 3/4

Beth had 3 and 1/2 cups of milk. She used 1 and 3/4 cups of the milk to bake a cake. How many cups of milk does Beth have left?


Jackie walked 3/10 of a mile on Monday. She walked 2/5 of a mile on Tuesday. How much farther did she walk on Monday than on Tuesday?


Before going to work, Martin vacuumed 1/5 of the carpet in his house. After work, he vacuumed an additional 4/10 of the carpet. How much of the carpet has he vacuumed?


Christopher washed 3/12 of the dishes and his sister washed 1/4 of the dishes. What fraction of the dishes did they wash?