Chapter 7: Executive Branch VOCAB

electoral college

A group of people named by each state legislature to select the president and vice president.


Person appointed to vote in presidential elections for the major candidates.

executive order

A rule or command that has the force of law


A declaration of forgiveness and freedom from punishment


An order to delay a person's punishment until a higher court can hear the case


A pardon to a group of people

foreign policy

A nation's overall plan for dealing with other nations.

national security

The ability to keep the country safe from attack or harm.


A formal agreement between the governments of two or more countries.

executive agreement

An agreement between the president and the leader of another country.


An official representative of a country's government.

trade sanction

An effort to punish another nation by imposing trade barriers.


An agreement among a group of nations that prohibits them all from trading with a target nation.


A group of advisers to the president that includes the heads of 15 top-level executive departments.

federal bureaucracy

Agencies and the employees of the executive branch of government.

independent agency

Federal board or commission that is not part of any cabinet department.

government corporation

A business owned and operated by the federal government.

political appointee

A person appointed to a federal position by the president.

civil service worker

Person hired into a government position.

civil service system

The practice of hiring government workers on the basis of open, competitive examinations and merit`

spoils system

Rewarding people with government jobs on the basis of their political support.

merit system

Hiring people into government jobs on the basis of their qualifications.