Civics Chapter 3 US Constitution

popular sovereignty

Government by consent of the governed; power of the government comes from the people


The beginning fo the US Constitution which describes the 6 main purposes of our government

majority rule

A system in which the decision of more than half the people is accepted by all

delegated power

A power given to the federal government by the Constitution

reserved power

A power set aside by the Constitution for the states or for the people

concurrent power

A power shared by the federal government and the states

limited government

A system in which government powers are carefully spelled out to prevent government from becoming too powerful

separation of powers

The three-way division of power among the branches of the federal government

legislative branch

The lawmaking branch of government

executive branch

The branch of government that carries out the laws

judicial branch

The branch of government that interprets the laws and punishes lawbreakers

checks and balances

A system in which the powers of government are balanced among different branches so that each branch can check, or limit, the power of the other branches


A refusal of the president or of a governor to sign a bill


A written change to the Constitution. Thousands have been proposed but only 27 are part of the Constitution today


To cancel or revoke


The leaders of the executive departments who also act as advisers to the president

6 Goals of the American government

ensure domestic tranquility
create a more perfect union
establish justice
provide for the common defense
ensure the general welfare
secure the blessing of liberty for ourselve and our posterity

Direct Democracy

every citizen takes part in making government decisions

Representative Democracy

citizens elect represenatives to do the work of government for them.

Three ways the constitution can be changed?

Amendment, custom/tradition, and interpretation

Supremacy Clause

In article VI. States that the Consitution is the highest law of the land