popular sovereignty

legislative branch

make the laws

executive branch

execute(carry out laws)

judicial branch

interperate laws


having two law making parts


a proposed law


to reject a proposed law


to formally accuse an official of a crime that is work related


a change to the constitution

bill of rights

a formal listing of the basic rights of a citizen


constitutional system that shares power between the national and state governments.

political party

organized political group

interest group

An organization that promotes some part of the public specific reason


formally approve a plan or an agreement


an order that gives police the right to search someone, or go through private property

self incrimination

Testifying against oneself.

double jeopardy

a person may not be tried for the same crime

miranda warning

warnings police must give persons detained or arrested as criminal suspects


an accused person who is put on trial for crime

grand jury

a group of citizens that decides whether there is sufficient evidence to accuse someone of a crime


to take something

due process

means that the government must follow the same fair rules in all cases brought to trial

free expression

The right to speak without censorship or limitations.


an example that may be used later

marketplace of ideas

the public forum in which beliefs and ideas are exchanged and compete

elastic clause

a clause that allows Congress to stretch the use of its powers


challenge (a decision)

full faith and credit

Constitution's requirement that each State accept the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other State

judicial review

the power of the courts to declare laws unconstitutional