Civics Unit 2

Limited government

What principle of government inspired the creation of the three branches of government?

Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, and "Two Treatise of Government" by Locke.

What documents enhanced the principle of rule of law?

Preamble of the United States Constitution and Article 1.

Where in the constitution did the founding fathers include the principle of self-government?

Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, "Two Treatise of Government", the Spirit of Laws, Social Contract and the Cato Letters.

What documents furthered the principle of limited government?

Every person is subject to the law, no matter their status.

Rule of law definition

People are born with unalienable rights of life, liberty, and property which cannot be taken away.

Natural rights definition

Controlling a body's power is confined within the predefined limits established by a constitution or other authority.

Limited government definition

Citizens in a country or state rule themselves and control their own affairs.

Self government definition

Fairness in all legal matters, both civil and criminal, especially in court

Due process definition

Power is divided between national and state government.

Federalism definition

A system that allows each branch of government to limit the powers of the other branches to prevent abuse of power

Checks and balances definition

A division of powers among the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Separation of powers definition

Article I (1)

The name of the new confederacy is "The United States of America

Article II (2)

Every state retains sovereignty, freedom, independence, and every power unassigned to Congress.

Article III (3)

His confederacy is a "league of friendship" among the states for common defense, security of liberty, shared welfare, and protecting each other from attack.

Article IV (4)

All free inhabitants of the different states are entitled to the same privileges and immunities that the inhabitants of each state have. People who flee the state because of a crime have to return to the state the crime took place. Each state must respect

Article V (5)

Each state will send 2-7 delegates to meet in Congress to manage shared interests. Members of Congress also have free speech and aren't subject to arrest unless they commit treason, a felony, or a breach of peace.

Article VI (6)

Limits on states powers such as can't make a treaty with other countries, can't receive presents, offices, or titles from other governments, states and Congress cannot grant titles of nobility, and no two or more states may make a treaty without consultin

Article VII (7)

When a state raises an army for national defense, all officers ranked colonel or below are appointed by the state legislature.

Limited Government

what principle of government did Montesquieu's writing support?

Self government, natural rights, limited government, due process, and rule of law.

What principles are present in the Declaration of Independence?

Unicameral (one house) Congress, no executive branch, congress couldn't regulate trade, Congress couldn't print paper money, Congress is not allowed to establish armed forces.

What were the weaknesses of the Article of Confederation?

All thirteen

How many states were required to ratify the Articles of Confederation?

Locke believed that the people hold the power in the government.

What did Locke believe about the government?

Britain altered our form of government and abolished most valuable laws, made judges dependent on his will alone if they wanted a salary, dissolved representative houses for opposing his invasions, sent soldiers to harass the colonists, transported them o

What grievances against Great Britain did the Declaration of Independence list?