
The phrase in the Preamble that states "insure domestic tranquility" most likely refers to

the prevention of rebellion.

Which phrase from the preamble to the Constitution suggests the most specific purpose for the creation of a court system?

establish Justice

The preamble to the U.S. Constitution states that one purpose of the national government is to "provide for the common defense." The government achieves this purpose most directly by

maintaining a national military.

Which action taken by the U.S. government is the best example of promoting the general welfare of U.S. citizens?

creating the Food and Drug Administration in 1930

Which is the least effective way for Americans to "secure the blessings of liberty to (themselves) and (their) posterity"?

visiting Washington, D.C.

One of the key principles of U.S. constitutional democracy is popular sovereignty, which means that

government derives its power from the people.

The constitutional guarantee of freedom of speech is important for a democratic society because it

enables people to challenge authority.

The British parliament most closely corresponds to which part of the U.S. government?

the House of Representatives

Under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, the government of the Soviet Union used censorship to control the information available to its citizens. Which feature of American government prevents similar censorship?

freedom of speech

The Magna Carta's declaration that "no freeman shall be . . . imprisoned . . . except by the lawful judgment of his peers" reflects the U.S.

Constitutional right to a jury trial.

The English Bill of Rights of 1689 states that "suspending laws . . . by regal authority without consent of Parliament is illegal." This reflects which aspect of the U.S. Constitution?

the limits on executive power

Which aspect of the American government system was influenced by the Magna Carta

limited authority

The Declaration of Independence suggests that the primary purpose of government is to

serve and protect its citizens.

John Locke once said, "Every man has a property in hisown person. This nobody has a right to, but himself."
Which democratic idea best relates to this quote?

People have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property.