7th Grade Civics EOC Florida - General Questions

Reason American colonists protested British taxes on tea

Taxation without representation. They didn't have representatives in England to consent to taxes.

Checks and Balances

Each branch prevents other branches from abusing power

Separation of Powers

Each branch has only one part of government's power to keep anyone from becoming too powerful

Branches of Government and Functions

LEJ - Legislative (make laws), Executive (carry out laws), Judicial (interpret laws)


member of a community


where candidates explain how they feel about issues

Levels of Government


Articles of Confederation

First constitution. States were united loosely, like friends. Didn't allow government to collect taxes, there was no president to enforce laws or judicial branch.

Power shared by states and federal government

Collect taxes

Levels of Federal Courts

U.S. Supreme Court
Court of Appeals
District court

Purpose of Government

Protect rights

Foreign policy

Plan for dealing with other countries

United Nations

Organization which tries to promote world peace

Rule of law

Everyone, even the president, must follow rules.

Purpose of Bill of Rights

Protect rights.

Difference between Republicans and Democrats

Democrats want more responsibilities to be shared by entire country. Republicans want more responsibilities for individuals.

Mayflower Compact's main idea


Common Sense's main idea

English King is taking Americans' rights so they should rebel.


Colonists against the Constitution. Thought it made national government too power, made the states too weak, and didn't protect rights.


When the government doesn't have any limits. It doesn't have to follow laws or constitution.

Naturalized citizen requirements

1. Read and write English
2. Have a good character
3. Pass Civics and US History exam.

Importance of freedom of the press

The government is not the only source of information about what the government is doing

John Locke

Gave us idea of "the right to life, liberty, and property." In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson changed it to "the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Boston Tea Party

American colonists protested taxes by throwing British tea in Boston Harbor. British responded by passing "Intolerable Acts," which took freedoms away from colonists.

Preamble Goal - "form a more perfect union

Make our country stronger and more unified

Preamble Goal - "establish justice

To make sure everyone is treated equally

Preamble Goal - "ensure domestic tranquility

To make sure the homeland is peaceful

Preamble Goal - "provide for the common defense

To make sure the country is safe

Preamble Goal - "promote the general welfare

To encourage what's best for everyone

Preamble Goal - "secure the benefits of liberty to ourselves and our posterity

To keep freedom for ourselves and everyone that will live after us.


SSSSSspoken lies about a person or group.


Written lies about a person or group.