Chapter 11 Test Review

In his Farewell Address, Washington urged Americans...

To be worried about the "spirit of Party" Political parties could tear country apart.

The president's cabinet is made up of...

The War Department, dept of State and Treasury Department

Why did Washington call up an army to crush the Whiskey Rebellion?

He had to show that the country could handle threats to its Power.

According to the Federalists, the best form of government was one in which decisions were made by...

Wealthy, educated, public spirited men

The major issues dividing the Federalist and Republican parties was..

Strong central vs Strong state controlled government
People or Greedy vs People are basically good
Economy based on Business, manufacturing and trade vs econ based on farming
Support France vs Support Britian

The Alien and Sedition Acts were...

Acts put in placed by the federalists to make it harder to become a citizen and to not speak out against the government

The states' rights theory states...

States have the right to get rid of a federal law (nullify)

The election of 1800 showed that?

We could elect a new president and address serious differences without violence

Explain why Federalists disagree with the principles expressed by Thomas Jefferson.

Government needs to be lead by the people who owned the country not the mob! Business vs Agricultural

Explain why Federalists believe Jefferson was wrong to oppose sending troops to stop the Whiskey Rebellion.

Because it might make the country look incompetent and that it could not defend itself against a few non payer

Explain why Federalists believe that the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, written by Jefferson and Madison, might weaken the nation.

They thought that the federal government and law superseded state laws and resolutions

What is an excise Tax?

A tax on the sale or production of an item

The Republicans favored the French and the Federalists favored the British, why?

The Republicans favored the French because they were trying to overthrow their government and create a democracy. The Federalist favored Britain because they did business with them.

Explain why the Republicans disagree with the way President Washington handled
the Whiskey Rebellion.

They thought it was foolish to send troops after a few outlaws, and it might violate peoples liberties.

Explain why the Republicans believe President Adams was unwise to support
the Alien and Sedition Acts.

It was an attack on Free Speech and new citizens.

Why was the 12th Amendment added and what event caused it to be Created?

The 12th Amendment was added to break ties during the election of the president and vice-president, It was created because of a tie in the elections of 1800.

What was the National Bank and why was it needed?

The National bank was a bank created by Hamilton (federal government) and it was created to provide loans to business people