Mid Term Civics Chapter 5 The Constitutional Convention

most delegates agreed that a national government was needed, not just an alliance of states.

On what issues did most delegates to the convention agree?

It was feared that if their debates were reported in the newspapers, delegates would not feel to change their minds. They might also fail to consider the good of all the states.

What decision did the delegates make about secrecy at the convention?

The legislative branch would have two parts: a House of Representatives and a Senate. The people would elect members of the House directly. Members of the House would choose the senators. The number of seats in the House and the Senate would be based on e

How did Madison want the legislative branch to work under the Virginia Plan?

The delegates agreed that the national government could regulate trade in general. It could not, however, interfere with the slave trade until 1808.

What compromise was reached over slavery?

Virginia Plan

Two-house legislature; representation based on each state's population

Compromise of the Virginia and New Jersey Plan

Two-house legislature; House of Representatives elected on basis of state population; two Senators for each state, regardless of population

New Jersey Plan

One-house legislature; representation equal for all states


two house legislature

Great Compromise

a plan where each side gave up part of what it wanted in order to benefit all

Three-Fifths Compromise

counted each slave as three fifths of a person when a state's population was calculated

Government Under Articles of Confederation

1. A loose alliance of independent states
2. A one house legislature
3. No executive or judicial branches
4. Only states can tax
5. States may coin money
6. No regulation of trade between states
7. Most power held by states

Government Under the Constitution

1. A national government representing all citizens
2. A two house legislature
3. Executive and judicial branches established
4. Congress also given the power to tax
5. Only the national government may coin money
6. National government regulates trade betw

Some people argued for direct election because it would take into account the opinions of a wide variety of people. Others distrusted the people's judgment saying that the average citizens "will never be sufficiently informed

What arguments were used against direct election of the President?

The basic plan of the government is still the same today

How is our government today similar to the one outlined by the Framers of the Constitution




The supporters of the Constitution were known as ___________ because they supported a strong federal, or national, government.

Protect the states, maintain order, regulate trade, and guarantee rights of citizens.

What position did Federalists take on the Constitution?


The opponents of the Constitution were called _______________

Because they wanted to be sure that the citizen's rights were respected and people's liberties were protected

Why did Anti-Federalists favor a bill of rights?

The purpose of the Federalist was to create a strong national government

What was the purpose of the The Federalist?

The government would not last long without the support of the states with large populations

Why was it important that all 13 states ratify the Constitution?

To Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity

Which goal of government pledges to protect our basic freedoms?

1. To Form a More Perfect Union.
2. To Establish Justice
3. To Insure Domestic Tranquility
4. To Provide for the Common Defense
5. To Promote the General Welfare
6. To Secure the Blessings of Liberty to Ourselves and Our Posterity

The Goals of Our Government (6)



The legislative branch is to make laws, the executive branch is to carry out the laws, and the judicial branch of government is to settle disputes between states and has the final say in all cases involving the Constitution.

Summarize the duties of the legislative, the executive, and judicial branches of government


the division of power between the states and federal, or national, government

concurrent powers

are powers shared by the federal and state governments

reserved powers

are powers that the Constitution neither gives to Congress nor denies to the states

checks and balances

system that gives each branch of government ways to limit the powers of the other two



This is how the Constitution protects against abuse of power in the federal government

Why are checks and balances important to the American system of government