Civics - Law

4th amendment

protects against unreasonable search and seizure (4 syllables)

5th amendment

due process of law, double jeopardy, self-incrimination (i plead the fifth)

6th amendment

lawyer, fair and speedy trial (race car)

7th amendment

sue of $20

8th amendment

bail, cruel and unusual punishment

party filing a lawsuit


the individual or group being accused of a crime


a previous case of legal decision that may be followed in similar cases


the law of relationships between individuals and the government

public law

violating a federal law


reasonable grounds

probable cause

question in a court of law to discredit the testimony already given

cross examine

defendant files a written answer admitting or denying plaintiff's claims

pleadings (complaint + answer)

restrains a person from beginning or continuing an action threatening the legal right of another


being disobedient to court

contempt of court

a collection of 282 laws; set a specific punishment for each offense

code of hammurabi

a young person


committing criminal acts or offenses by a young person

juvenile delinquent

re-integration into society of a convicted person


negotiated agreement between the defendant and a prosecutor where the defendant pleads "guilty" and is given a lesser charge

plea bargain

act that singles out an individual or group for punishment without a trial

bill of attainder

court order to a person or agency holding someone in custody to show a valid reason as to why their holding them

writ of habeas corpus

names defendant, gives reasons for lawsuit, and asks the court to award damages or take another action


document listing charges

summons (shows complaint)

attorneys exchange information about the case and take depositions


to make a decision based on what is fair, decision is final


hear the evidence and suggest a decision, suggestion doesn't have to be accepted


what judge decides, can be appealed, must be unanimous

verdict (judgement)

both sides present what their case is

opening statement (introduction)

at the end of the case, summary of their case

closing arguments

all 12 judges have to say guilty; only for criminal cases

unanimous decision

less serious offense, such as vandalism or stealing expensive items


serious crimes, such as murder, rape, and robbery


hears evidence of the case and determines if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a trail

grand jury

hears all evidence in the case and deliberates to determine the verdict

jury or petit jury

the highest judicial court in the country

supreme court

highest appellate court in NC

NC supreme court

federal trial court

district courts

a court that reviews decisions made in lower district courts

appeals court

operate at city or town level, enforce city or town laws


operate in a county, run the jail for the county, and enforce county laws


police at the state level that enforce state laws

state troopers

federal police who investigate crimes against America

FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)

protect president and other elected officials

secret service

judge who sets bail and explains charges against defendant


represents the people of the city where the crime was committed, prosecutes the defendant

district attorney

on plaintiff, lies with the prosecution, must prove innocent until proven guilty

burden of proof

Who appoints federal judges?


who approves the presidents federal judges appointments


what are the 3 levels of federal courts

supreme - appeals - district

which federal court has original jurisdiction


what are the 4 levels of state courts

supreme - superior - appeals - district

what is the goal for all prisoners - juvenile and adult


what are the reasons for filing a civil suit

contract, money, negligent, pain/suffering

what must police have to make an arrest

probable cause or a search warrant

state laws are explained in their

penal code

the virginia house of burgesses set up what form of government

representative democracy which lead to the development of our legal system

what is the original document that limited power of rulers

magna carta

administrative law deals with what branch of government


what type of law is it where you tell lies

libel - civil law