civics chapter 5

In what way are the President's roles as chief economist and chief diplomat related?

Both roles can have an effect on the United States' relationship with other countries.

Why have several Presidents and other critics called for the repeal of the 22nd Amendment?

The amendment limits who can be elected President.

One major purpose of the 25th Amendment is to...

legally establish that the Vice President will succeed to the presidency should that office become vacant.

Identify the steps that would be taken by a Vice President to remove a President from office if he or she felt the President was unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.

The Vice President and a majority of Cabinet members inform Congress in writing that the President is incapable of handling the job.

Which of the following BEST summarizes how the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 differs from the 25th Amendment?

The Presidential Succession Act fixes the order of succession following the Vice President, whereas the 25th Amendment legally identifies the Vice President as the immediate successor to the President.

Which of the following are listed as formal duties of the Vice President in the Constitution?

preside over the Senate and help decide presidential disability

Which of the following BEST supports the practice of "balancing the ticket"?

The practice helps broaden a campaign's appeal by attracting voters from a particular region.

Which of the following BEST describes how the role of the Vice President has changed over time?

Following World War II, the Vice President began to take a more active role in the administration.

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower said this about his Vice President: "Even if [Vice President] Nixon and I were not good friends, I would still have him in every important conference of government, so that if the Grim Reaper [death] would find it time t

George W. Bush

How did Abigail Adams' interpretation of her role as First Lady differ from that of recent First Ladies?

Unlike Abigail Adams, the First Ladies of today often promote particular social causes.

In which of the following situations might the President find the power to issue executive orders to be particularly useful?

when an opposing party controls Congress

Which of the following is an example of the "message power"?

The President outlining for Congress the specific items and amounts contained in the budget.

Read the following quotation from President Theodore Roosevelt about the nation's acquisition of the Canal Zone prior to the building of the Panama Canal. Then decide which theory of presidential power it illustrates. "If I had followed traditional, conse

the Stewardship theory

In vetoing a bill, the President does which of the following?

rejects all sections of the bill

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the "unwritten rule of senatorial courtesy"?

The practice can blur the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches.

The President has just negotiated the terms of a treaty with the leader of Argentina and has left that country to return to the United States to inform Congress of his actions. Argentinian newspapers celebrate the event with headlines such as "Treaty with

The headline is inaccurate, because the President cannot ratify a treaty until the Senate has given its consent.

What is the difference between a joint resolution of Congress and a Senate vote on a treaty?

Both chambers of Congress can approve a joint resolution by a simple majority, but a treaty requires a two-thirds majority of the Senate for approval.

Which of the following actions by a President can be used to issue a warning to another nation?

withdrawing the United States' recognition of that country

Which statement BEST explains the reason that Congress enacted the War Powers Resolution during the conflict in Vietnam?

Congress sought to limit the President's ability to send troops into combat in an undeclared war.

Which of the following actions illustrates the presidential power of commander in chief?

Barack Obama escalates the number of American troops in Afghanistan.

In what way are the President's roles as chief economist and chief diplomat related?

Both roles can have an effect on the United States' relationship with other countries.

Why have several Presidents and other critics called for the repeal of the 22nd Amendment?

The amendment limits who can be elected President.

One major purpose of the 25th Amendment is to...

legally establish that the Vice President will succeed to the presidency should that office become vacant.

Identify the steps that would be taken by a Vice President to remove a President from office if he or she felt the President was unable to discharge the powers and duties of the office.

The Vice President and a majority of Cabinet members inform Congress in writing that the President is incapable of handling the job.

Which of the following BEST summarizes how the Presidential Succession Act of 1947 differs from the 25th Amendment?

The Presidential Succession Act fixes the order of succession following the Vice President, whereas the 25th Amendment legally identifies the Vice President as the immediate successor to the President.

Which of the following are listed as formal duties of the Vice President in the Constitution?

preside over the Senate and help decide presidential disability

Which of the following BEST supports the practice of "balancing the ticket"?

The practice helps broaden a campaign's appeal by attracting voters from a particular region.

Which of the following BEST describes how the role of the Vice President has changed over time?

Following World War II, the Vice President began to take a more active role in the administration.

In the 1950s, President Eisenhower said this about his Vice President: "Even if [Vice President] Nixon and I were not good friends, I would still have him in every important conference of government, so that if the Grim Reaper [death] would find it time t

George W. Bush

How did Abigail Adams' interpretation of her role as First Lady differ from that of recent First Ladies?

Unlike Abigail Adams, the First Ladies of today often promote particular social causes.

In which of the following situations might the President find the power to issue executive orders to be particularly useful?

when an opposing party controls Congress

Which of the following is an example of the "message power"?

The President outlining for Congress the specific items and amounts contained in the budget.

Read the following quotation from President Theodore Roosevelt about the nation's acquisition of the Canal Zone prior to the building of the Panama Canal. Then decide which theory of presidential power it illustrates. "If I had followed traditional, conse

the Stewardship theory

In vetoing a bill, the President does which of the following?

rejects all sections of the bill

Which of the following is a TRUE statement about the "unwritten rule of senatorial courtesy"?

The practice can blur the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches.

The President has just negotiated the terms of a treaty with the leader of Argentina and has left that country to return to the United States to inform Congress of his actions. Argentinian newspapers celebrate the event with headlines such as "Treaty with

The headline is inaccurate, because the President cannot ratify a treaty until the Senate has given its consent.

What is the difference between a joint resolution of Congress and a Senate vote on a treaty?

Both chambers of Congress can approve a joint resolution by a simple majority, but a treaty requires a two-thirds majority of the Senate for approval.

Which of the following actions by a President can be used to issue a warning to another nation?

withdrawing the United States' recognition of that country

Which statement BEST explains the reason that Congress enacted the War Powers Resolution during the conflict in Vietnam?

Congress sought to limit the President's ability to send troops into combat in an undeclared war.

Which of the following actions illustrates the presidential power of commander in chief?

Barack Obama escalates the number of American troops in Afghanistan.