Vocabulary 16 - 19

county clerk

a senior official of county government

home rule

in state government it allows an area or county to govern itself without much interference from the state government


to make a company, city, or other organization a legal corporation.

metropolitan area

a densely populated area or city and its surrounding area


a law or regulation especially of a city or town


an official of a county who is in charge of enforcing the law


a person who directs or manages something such as a school system


a unit of local government in some northeastern and north central states

District Attorney

the head prosecuting officer of a town


an official elected to act as head of a city or borough

Florida Constitution

Florida's plan for state government including 12 articles and a declaration of rights and amendments. Much longer than the US Constitution

Florida Declaration of Rights

Florida's bill of rights, 27 rights are listed including free speech, religion, bear arms


A written law enacted by the legislative branch of a state or federal government.

Supreme law of the land (Supremacy Clause)

The U.S. Constitution provides that no one is above the law.


the chief officer of a government, state or political division.


a system of government where power is divided between the federal and state governments.

concurrent powers

powers shared by the State and Federal governments.

enumerated powers

aka delegated powers, powers given to the federal government by the Constitution.

reserved powers

powers which are given to the states and are not listed in the U.S. Constitution

implied powers

are not listed in the Constitution but can be based on it. The president, as commander in chief, may send troops in response to a serious crisis.

delegated powers

aka enumerated powers, powers given to the federal government by the Constitution.

emergency powers

broad powers exercised by the president during times of national crisis

Preamble to the Florida Constitution

We the People of Florida . . . . do ordain . . . . Very similar to the Preamble of the US Constitution


human needs such as water and electricity

Absolute monarchy

a monarchy that is not limited or restrained by laws or a constitution


a state of lawlessness, confusion, or disorder


government in which one person has unlimited power (Not monarchy or dictatorship).


a system of government in which a single party controls state-owned farms and factories with the aim of establishing a classless society

confederal system

the federal government and the state governments share powers and the states keep most of the power

direct democracy

citizens vote on everything that needs to be done in society, usually works in small areas

federal system

the federal and state governments share power and the federal government maintains supreme power

constitutional monarchy

rule by a king or queen whose power is limited by a constitution

Parliamentary system

system of government where the lawmaking body selects the prime minister who is the head of government but not the head of state

Prime Minister

the head of the government in the parliamentary system


a government in which a small group exercises control

representative democracy

government where the people rule and they elect people to represent them


a social system that tries to eliminate classes with shared ownership, the government is less controlling than a communist government

Unitary system

a system of political organization in which most or all of the governing power resides in a centralized government


rule, control, or leadership by one person with total power (not a monarchy or autocracy)


of or relating to a political system in which the government has complete control over the people

International Red Cross (NGO)

An international organization, founded to care for those who were wounded, sick, or homeless in wartime. Today, it also attends to victims of natural disasters.

North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

a trade agreement between the United States, Mexico and Canada in 1993.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

an organization formed in 1949, including Democratic countries as a defense against communist aggression.

Warsaw Pact

military alliance of communist nations in eastern Europe. Organized in 1955 in response to NATO.

United Nations (UN)

intergovernmental organization established in 1945, to promote international co-operation after World War 2, (peacekeepers)

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)

a division of the UN dedicated to protecting the children of the world.

World Court aka International Court of Justice (UN)

A division of the United Nations that settles legal disputes submitted to it by member nations

World Trade Organization (WTO)

is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations


a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially between countries or organizations.


an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country.


living or occurring at the same time.

domestic affairs

events or affairs that happen within the country.


having to do with money or wealth


the official residence or offices of an ambassador.


a part of a government that manages projects in a certain area


a sum of money for a special purpose


a point of debate or controversy


a public officer whose chief duty is to discover the causes of any death possibly not due to natural causes


a division of a state or of a country for local government

city council

the legislative body that governs a city

human rights

rights that are believed to belong justifiably to every person.

trade ban

is the partial or complete prohibition of trade with a particular country or a group of countries a.k.a. an embargo.

foreign affairs

matters that do not involve the homeland

foreign policy

Plan of action adopted by one nation in regards to its diplomatic dealings with other countries

military operation

activity by a military or naval force .

Secretary of State

one of the ranking positions in the president's cabinet, the secretary of state is the president's principal foreign policy adviser.

State Department

is part of the Executive Branch of government and is principally responsible for foreign affairs and foreign trade.

international relations

study of the relations among states and other political and economic units in the international system


someone, such as an ambassador, who has been appointed to represent a government in its relations with other governments.


The act of relating something or someone we like or respect with a product. Symbols are constantly used in this form.


The use of well known, respected people to endorse a product or service.

Glittering Generalities

The act of referring to words or ideas that evoke a positive emotional response from an audience. Virtue words are often used.

Plain Folks

The use of everyday people to sell a product or service. Speakers in ads appear to make the person to be one of the people.


Attempts to persuade the target audience to take a course of action, "Everyone else is taking." "Join the crowd." This technique reinforces peoples natural desire to be on the winning side.

Name Calling

The use of names that evoke fear or hatred in the viewer. This technique links a person or idea to a negative symbol.

Card Stacking

Strategy of showing the product's best features. Telling half-truths and emitting or lying about it's potential problems.


Cartoonists use simple objects, or symbols, to stand for larger concepts or ideas. After you identify the symbols in a cartoon, think about what the cartoonist means each symbol to stand for.

Bay of Pigs

Failed CIA operation in April 1961 to overthrow Castro and take over Cuba using Cuban exiles.

Cuban Missile Crisis

A confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1962 over the presence of nuclear missile sites in Cuba.

Gulf War

1991 Iraq's Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait & is ousted by a US-led force under Bush

Iran Hostage Crisis

a group of Iranians overran the American embassy in Iran and took 52 hostages
for 444 days; US hostages finally released

Korean War

(1950 - 53) was a war between South Korea, supported by the USA (stopping the spread of communism), and North Korea, at one time supported by China and the Soviet Union.


is the systematic use of extreme fear, often violent, especially as a means of coercion.

Vietnam War

1965 - 1974 War fought in Vietnam; US helped South Vietnam vs. communist North Vietnam. Vietnam is now communist.

World War I

(1914 to 1918) between the Allies,led by Britain and France and the Central Powers led by Germany. US entered the war after German U-boats sunk the Lusitania and the allies won.

World War II

A war fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Axis powers � Germany, Italy, and Japan � and the Allies, including France and Britain, and later the Soviet Union and the United States. Entered due to Pearl Harbor.

The Cold War

An all-out political, economic and social struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union

September 11, 2001

The date of major terrorist attacks on the United States (NY, PA, and VA). The attack was planned by Osama Bin Laden and Al Quaeda.

Department of Homeland Security

US federal agency created in 2002 to coordinate national efforts against terrorism

Patriot Act

2001 law that gave federal agents new authority to stop terrorism, greatly limits citizens privacy.