7th Grade CIVICS - CHAPTER 6

If both the president and the vice president die or leave office, the Twentieth Amendment gives Congress the power to set the order of______

Presidential succession.

The president serves a ___________year term


The____________becomes president in the event both the president and vice president die or are removed from power.

Speaker of the House

The Twenty-second Amendment limited the number of terms a president can serve to ____________


Initially, the vice president's primary job was to preside over the________. In recent years, presidents have given their vice presidents more responsibilities.


As the legislative leader the president_________

recommends laws to Congress.

In 1973 Congress passed the War Powers Resolution to limit_________

the president's military power.

One of the major purpose of foreign policy is to__________

secure friendly relations with other countries.

The president is responsible for ____________

commanding the U.S. armed forces.

All treaties must be made with the advice and consent of the________


The art of interacting with foreign government is called_________


The president appoints________

Supreme Court justices and federal judges.

Presidential judicial appointments must be approved by________

a majority vote in the Senate.

One of the president's judicial power is to________

grant reprieves

A pardon forgives a person of his or her crime and_________

eliminates the punishment.

The_____________advises the president on matters concerning defense and security.

National Security Council

The___________of the president includes the president's closest personal and political advisers, a press secretary, researchers, clerical staff, secretaries, and other assistants.

executive office

The title of most cabinet members is___


The head of the Department of Justice is called the__________

attorney general.

The Department of State issues______and visas to keep track of people traveling to and from the United States.


The highest-ranking military officers of the army, navy and air force form the________

Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The Department of_____ can send U.S. armed forces to carry out relief efforts in foreign countries that have suffered a natural disaster


The primary mission of the Department of______ is to protect the nation against terrorist attacks.

Homeland Security

One of the responsibilities of the Department of the______ is to collect taxes, duties, and monies paid to the government.


An important responsibility of the Department of________ is to work to prevent and control crime.


The__________runs the U.S. space program

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The_________collects information on discrimination.

U.S. Commission of Civil Rights

The________gives tests to people who want to apply for jobs with the federal government.

Office of Personnel Management

The_________buys supplies for the federal government

General Services Administration

The_________enforces election laws.

Federal Election Commission

The _______enforces laws regulating the buying and selling of stocks and bonds

Securities and Exchange Commission

The___________conducts product safety research

Consumer Product Safety Commission.

The_________works to prevent unfair labor practices

National Labor Relations Board

The ____________ are independent agencies with the powers to make rules and punish violators.

regulatory commissions

Written agreements between nations are called_____


The congressional limitation on the president's militarypowers is the________

War Powers Resolution

The presidential action forgiving a person convicted of a crime is called a_________


The president influences legislation with the____power


The Department of________issues passports and visas.


The heads of the executive departments are all members of the president's______________


A(n)__________is a document that allows a person from another nation to enter the United States.


To be elected president of the United States, a person must______

have been a U.S resident for 14 years.

The president suggests new programs and policies in an annual__________

State of the Union Address

A candidate believes that an opponent violated federal election laws in a recent election. If he wants a federal investigation to be conducted, he should contact the_______

Federal Election Commission.

Under the Constitution only__________ can declare war


When the president appoints federal judges, approval must be given by________

a majority of vote from the Senate.

In the executive branch today, there are_______

15 departments.

The Executive Office of the President includes_______

the president's closest political advisors.

Executive departments______________

can be established, reorganized, or eliminated by Congress.

Foreign policy is the special responsibility of_______

the Department of State

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is an example of a(n)________

independent agency.

The most recently established executive deprtment is the Department of ____________

Homeland Security.