Civics Unit 5 Vocab

political party

an association of voters with broad common interests who want to influence or control decision making in government by electing the party's candidates to public office

two party system

a system of government in which two parties compete for power

third party

a party that challenges the two major parties


each individualist part of a political party's platform

national committee

representatives from the 50 state party organizations who run a political party


a meeting of political party members to conduct party business


geographic area that contains a specific number of voters


representative to a meeting

political machine

strong party organization that can control political appointments and deliver votes

direct primary

an election in which voters choose candidates to represent each party in a general election

closed primary

an election in which only the declared members of a party are allowed to vote for a party's nominee

open primary

an election in which voters need not declare their party preference

run off primary

second primary election between the two candidates who receive the most votes in the first primary election


process by which political parties ties or bias


most voters among all those running for a political office


free from party ties or bias


list of candidates o which you cast vote

absentee ballot

one that allows a person to vote without going to the polls of election day


ballots and results of an election

exit poll

survey taken at polling places of how people voted


all the people who are eligible to vote


lack of interest


procedure by which citizens can propose new laws to create state constitutional amendments

electoral college

group of people named by each state legislature to select president and vice president


person appointed to vote in presidential elections for the major candidates

winner take all system

system in which the candidate who wins the popular vote in a state usually receives all the states's electoral votes


certain ideas that may involve misleading mesages, designed to manipulate people

political action committee

political organization established by a corporation, labor union, or other contributing money


politician who has already been elected into office

public opinion

ideas and attitudes that most people hold about elected officials, candidates, governments and political issues

interest groups

group of people who share a point of view about an issue and unite to promote their beliefs


representative of an interest group who contacts law makers or other government officials directly to influence their policy making

public policy

course of action government takes in response to an issue or problem